I say goodbye but I still love you
Hello my dear friend maybe you wonder why you call me friend and not drink or bear? Well, the reason is this! For some time I've been feeling that this is not the same as always that your faults I'm the one who has to forgive or seek to fix things, I feel that you no longer value me and want as you used to do, I know that this relationship did not begin as normal mind Comienz An relations always told you that ours was something relaxed without commitment, but over the years that was changing that day after day I wanted more and more to the point of doing for you what you asked or want. But dear friend all that I did for fear of losing you.

Today I decided to be honest with you I write these words you dare this because I know that in person I can not bear the pain to let go because I was the only one that I love you, you understood, you met, you felt, I kissed you, smiled, I believed you , I support you, I hear you, I hope, comforted you, I opened your mind, I trusted you what no one knew, I advise you, I made details. And my only answer to all that was that you left me for another.
But in spite of all that I will continue appreciating you like a friend more.
Life is not a crap shit are people