When one becomes pretty much officially elderly, one does do ones own life's reviews.
It's actually become so much more fun in my later years as I have truly learned to toss out most of the personal bad, my own and others, and to remember the good stuff and the funnies much more!
I did try LSD a couple of times, back in the days, enticed to try with some friends, back when I think I was ready to try a lot of new things.
First time, with my roommate and her boyfriend, when we danced around to music and candle light all night, free as naked jay birds. As the dawn was approaching, my roommate and her boyfriend sojourned to her bedroom.
I found myself naked on the front steps of our apartment building in downtown San Jose, just watching the sun come up, and totally engrossed in all the beautiful purple and pink clouds, completely in awe of the beauty of our world, when suddenly a car slowed down in front of me, a family of aghast faces staring at me, possibly on their way to early church services by observing their attire.
At the time, I was like, holy shit, and got up and ran back inside! What a weird epiphany. Thinking about that tonight is making me laugh out loud!