Eureka! I Have A Great Idea for You!

in #life7 years ago


"I have a great idea for you. Remember It is my idea. I should have registered it as my intellectual property. Maybe I will do that later. No! Wait! I Will Not Do That "
To be honest, I admit "It is not really mine. It came to me by its own free will. I did not buy it or inherit it. I did not mine it from its source, which I even don't know where it could be. All I know is: Some other ideas came into my mind and mixed together to produce it."

By the way, the same idea might have gone also to other people in remote locations, probably at the same time, despite the difference in local times of the locations. Or maybe it went to them much earlier than it came to me. Mybe years before, it went to someone who just passed it to his limited number of acquaintances. (Steemit was not available at that time smiley1.jpg).

The Truth vs. False Alegation:

Why do people allege ownership of an idea that came to them by its own free will?

The truth is Ideas arefree.png. They possess and rule mankind, not the other way round, as has always been alleged and said.

      They travel much faster than man.
      Healthy ones of them can live much longer than the healthiest man ever lived.
      Evil ones can destroy mankind, if not opposed by Good ones to stop them.

Who is the Owner of whom/what?


Who is the real Owner in the Man/Idea (or woman/idea) relationship, and who/what is the Owned/Possessed?

One may argue that with the same reasoning: ideas did not buy you or inherit you. So how can they claim to be the owners then?

Good question. let us make a reverse reasoning by asking two questions:

  1. Who rules whom? Does the Owner rule his property, or is it the property that rules the owner?
  2. Do we rule ideas or do they rule us?
Do we drive Ideas to do something or do they drive us?
Many ideas come to you. Some own/posses you for seconds and then leave and you become free of them. Others possess you for longer periods that can top the limit of a lifetime.
Why do we elect someone to rule, while it is Ideas that really do?
We should stop this nonsense now that we have blockchain. All we need is a certain number of confirmations, to be agreed in advance, as in cryptos, in order to activate a decision, to allocate funds for the benifit of society.


Do I mean that writers should not claim rights of their articles? Or musicians have no rights in their pieces.?
No!. Do not get me wrong. Ideas have no physical entity. Shaping an idea in an audible or visible form such as in words, sounds, and colors is a man made process. It is essential for ideas to be shaped in a transportable form. One single idea can have many forms that transport it. You may - if you wish - claim copyright of the 'form' you produced, but not the ' idea' whatsoever.


Wars may occur between Ideas, and their conrarian ones. These wars will, initially, take place within the space of your mind, and the winning idea will get possession of you till the time comes when a stronger idea could remove its precedent or have a connection with it to produce a new one that will then rule.
Once you are ruled by an idea, and another person happen to be ruled by its contrarian idea, the chances of conflict arise. Either borders between you be placed then, or the ideas may start another kind of wars using available physical means that you both own.


Basic and Compound Ideas

Life is not that simple to look at ideas as good or evil. Some can be good in certain circumstances and bad in other circumstances. Moreover, there is a 'Good' idea and a 'Better' one. The mixing of ideas produce new ones, same as mixing colors in different proportions produce new colors. But the basic ones remain, in an expert eye, the ingredients. So there must be basic ideas from which the more complex ones derrive.



Look at it this way: Ideas rule mankind and mankind is just a space for them to move in. They belong to their own and we belong to them at different degrees at certain times. Sometimes we constitute carriers for them, to open the way for them to enter other territories (minds). Sometimes they use our physical properties. They do not have tongues, arms, or any physical means. They use ours when they need. On the other hand, they do not suffer the limitations we have in respect of time, space, emotions, etc.

Do we have any choice?


In this relationship, do we have any choice? Are we just an idle territory for ideas to move in?
Do we have any choice? Well, I think yes. At least many of us have the choice.

On an extreme end you can choose to shut down your mind, such that nothing may enter or exit. Doing so, you would have probably chosen the way of drugs or similar. Plus or minus that is a choice. In this case you will just live with your physical desires and needs and try to satisfy them.

On the other extreme end you can contribute in the formation of forms to transport ideas. You can (feel) the good and bad ones and choose not to allow the bad ones to rule you as this may end up destructing your life and probably life of mankind or at least corrupting it.
Remember: "The Form is yours, but the Idea is not yours."


Ok, this is my first post at steemit and I hope I could pass to you the great idea that came to me by its own free will, and help it conquer the conrarian idea that might be there.

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