Do you have questions about the meaning of your DREAMS? I'll answer/interpret in the comments section! [Week 4]

in #life7 years ago


It's been two weeks since my last invitation to submit dreams and dream questions. I'm at an interesting transitional point in my life and I appreciate the patience and understanding with these posts. I'm working on breaking through an important career block and it's challenging to say the least. That being said, I welcome any and all questions and dreams you would like to submit or have interpreted. Some dreams take longer than others to work out but I do always make sure to get you the interpretation in the end.

Why is dream interpretation valuable?

All dreams are trying to tell us how we can be living life to the fullest, whatever that means for each of us. Dreams focus on health, career, relationships, life purpose, spiritual gifts and will non-judgmentally point out what we might be doing to block ourselves in these areas. I use Michael Sheridan's Method of Dream Interpretation and after years of getting vague and lame dream dictionary symbols from google, can promise that this is the method and formula that all dream-interpretation enthusiasts should be using. It's a bold statement but I do not shy away from making it.

I look forward to answering your questions and interpreting your dreams!


Hi @aprilangel! I've had these kinds of dreams multiple times. Never always the same but similar. It involves my SO being unfaithful to me or me being unfaithful to him. One of the more milder ones that I can remember was him giving some random girl a back rub while I was sitting right there. Is this common? Does this mean anything?

Hi @cabernet! Seeing the dream in full detail would allow me to give you the most guidance but these are dreams that are trying to get you to examine your feelings in the relationship. For example, the back rub one is saying that something in YOUR past (back) rubbed YOU the wrong way (to use this dreams pun) and you are now projecting stories from those experiences onto your current relationship (SO giving the rub). These experiences could be abandonment or betrayal experienced in other relationships and this even usually has far less obvious roots in childhood from when we first felt abandoned by a parent. I use these examples to give you food for thought, without seeing your dream I can't give you much more than general examples.

Sleeping with someone who isn't our current partner in a dream is fine to do because it's representing us getting intimately in touch with some aspect of our selves. Confidence and self esteem if it's a man; Emotional expression, compassion and intuition if it's a female.

If you were cheating on your SO with the intent to cheat like "ha this is what you get" then I'd really need to see the whole dream to give you a real interpretation.

From what you've said however, I can tell you that this dream is working to get you explore more of the buried feelings you have in this relationship which may not have so much to do with your SO as much as it has to do with how you've been hurt in the past.

Wow. This is excellent. Thank you for taking the time to answer this with the minimal information I gave you. I wish I remembered more of it.

I can tell you that this dream is working to get you explore more of the buried feelings you have in this relationship which may not have so much to do with your SO as much as it has to do with how you've been hurt in the past.

Without getting into details, this was eerily accurate... You know, I always thought this whole dream interpretation thing was similar to something like palm reading but you've definitely changed my view on this with the little interaction we've had. I'm super glad I found your page! Looking forward to learning from you :)

I'm happy to hear that! It's for sure the real deal. ;) Looking forward to helping with more dreams. :)

I tried what you have told me and it worked .. thank you very much

Great! :)

Hello my dear it's been a long time
Everything is alright with you ?

Dreams that everyone sees But in my knowledge, there are three types of dreams. One type that Satan shows up The second type is what you think about. And the third is a good dream that can not be true. But I do not know why interpretation of dreams.

I thought when my dreams will be compleate

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