Common Dream Symbols: Water, Flying, Being Chased [Part 1]

in #life7 years ago

I was pleasantly surprised when I googled some common dream symbols recently. They were not all leagues off mark like they were a few years ago but there was still much debate as to which psychologist had the better interpretation. Many symbols were still inaccurate, though, and I thought I'd add to the database of what's available online so that more people had access to accurate tools for understanding their dreams. As a disclaimer, and for those who are interested, I have studied dream analysis through the life-changing, online courses offered by Michael Sheridan and will be sharing universal symbols from his method of dream interpretation.



"Water can symbolize your spiritual side or life itself. It can assume the shape of anything into which it is placed. How the water is depicted in the dream says something about your spiritual side. Our spiritual side is quite often the most neglected aspect of our nature. Spirituality is expression of the soul and not to be confused with religion. Expression of the soul connects you with life and is your true essence. What gives you expression? Is it writing, poetry, playing musical instruments, dancing, teaching, helping others, etc? Do you know what it is and if you do, have you created space for it in your life?

Rain is about letting life in, and being caught in the rain in a dream is very positive. What the rain is hitting can be significant. For example, rain falling onto a car engine asks you to let life into your heart.

A river has a natural flow and has carved out its own path over time. This dream is asking you to be like a river and allow your spirituality to flow freely in the direction it must take.

A lake is a large body of water with no outlet. You are being asked to create an outlet for your spirituality. It is deeper than you think.

A canal is a flow of water whose path is controlled by manmade structures. This indicates that your spirituality is limited by conventional or manmade ideals.

The sea is the ultimate body of water. This dream can be about life or your spiritual life. Other symbols in the dream will refine the subject matter.

Shallow water indicates that despite what you may think, you still have room to deepen your spiritual side.

Watching others jump into water is a request to jump into life or develop your spiritual gifts.

A swimming pool is a body of water contained by four sides. This indicates that you limit your spiritual expression or flow of life.

Polluted water symbolizes toxins in your blood stream. These dreams will usually indicate what foods or drinks are causing the toxins to get there. You are being asked to cut them down or cut them out altogether.

Water running down the walls or leaking from the ceiling of a house or building is indicative of your body being dehydrated. This is common, particularly if you were drinking alcohol the night before.

Soapy water asks you to cleanse something. For example, washing red meat in the sink asks you to cleanse red meat from your diet.

Soapy water hitting your back is a request to cleanse something from your past. Deal with it and let it go." - Michael Sheridan



"Since you cannot physically fly, to dream of flying symbolizes that you have a strong intellect which you can use to mentally rise above a problem. In the dream, when flying, you are looking at things from a higher perspective. This is a very practical ability and you are most likely aware you have it. When you have had enough of a particular problem you can step back and consciously decide to see the bigger picture. You will almost always feel exhilarated upon waking from a flying dream. This is because all your problems have become smaller through your dream.

Flying is symbolic of projecting your mind and this means three abilities are part of your nature. The first is absent healing – which is healing from afar. This is what Jesus performs on the centurion’s servant in the bible.

The second is that you have the ability to project your mind onto others. You can use this to good and bad effect. It is very useful in marketing, sales and teaching. Be careful not to think badly of others, as your negative thoughts can have a negative effect on them. Whether you believe in karma or not you will bring it on yourself for doing this.

The third is the ability to hypnotize others. Hypnosis is achieved by the practitioner projecting their mind onto their subject. This is regardless of other tools the hypnotist may use or believe is doing the hypnosis for them. It is their mental projection onto the mind of the subject that makes it work.

Flying with a guide in a dream indicates you are a channel. You can travel to the spirit world to communicate with spirits and bring back the messages you receive. A guide is anyone with a title, anyone who speaks with authority or anyone who offers you a gift in a dream.

Flying down and landing symbolizes your birth (arrival onto the planet). " - Michael Sheridan


Being chased

"If someone behind you is chasing you, it means something from the past still has a power over you today. While you may feel you are past it, the dream shows that you are still expending energy trying to get distance between you and it. The feeling that comes up in dreams like this is the key. The dream is attempting to show you that there is a link between the past trauma and that feeling today. If a parent is chasing you, it means that you still have issues with that parent today." Michael Sheridan

-- I hope you enjoyed these interpretations as much as I do. Stay tuned for part 2....


Lucid dreaming is one of my favourite things to do! I obsessed with dreams =] thanks for sharing =]

Lucky you if you can do it often! It's not an experience I've much of. If I could do it at-will I'd do so many cool, healing things!

I will definitely follow you im in love with your posts now dear friend

Oh nice!! Thanks! :)

Good day to come upon your dream posting as it was an interesting night of dreams. Thank you. I enjoyed the read.

Thank you!

the post is very amazing and very amazing

Thank you @pujaisma!

Beautiful! I like your post too!

Thank you!

Wow, amazing inputs on the scenarios of the dreams, and yes, all these points are important but the most important part is, everyone have to remember their dream, and try to do a self analysis, because our dreams are great treasures of solutions, but we need right channels of understanding. Thanks for sharing this informative post, awaiting for the part 2.

Have a great day and stay blessed.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Dreams are great treasures, agreed. Sometimes it takes extra work to remember a dream (like making yourself write it down when it wakes you up at 2:30am because you know you'll forget it by the time you have to get up), but it's so valuable if you take the time and follow the guidance.

Good psychology should include all the methodological techniques, without having loyalty to one method, one idea, or one person.

I agree, when it comes to healing psychological issues, there are many good tools available that work. As far as the tool of dream analysis goes though, this method of dream interpretation has the framework and metaphorical understanding/explanation of symbols in the bag.

Cognitive psychology tells us that the unaided human mind is vulnerable to many fallacies and illusions because of its reliance on its memory for vivid anecdotes rather than systematic statistics.

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