Why is community so important?

in #life8 years ago

Ubuntu is an african term for,” I am human, because I belong.”

I believe we have been living in community long before recorded history. We lived under tribal principles and ethics. Our sense of community was strong back then. The whole tribe took care of each other. The elderly and the youth were all supported collectively by the community.

Since then, it is my perspective that we have severely declined in our community way of life.

This is due to many reasons in my opinion.

One of the more modern reasons is that we live in a hyper individualized culture today. This comes with the convenience of isolation but has a drawback of helplessness. We live in a world today where one of the most prevalent mental illnesses is LONELINESS(at least in the U.S.).

OKAY, I am done talking about all the problems we have today.

NOW, I am going to direct this tooo….


Why are we here? What is our primary objective in life?

For me, it is to be HAPPY!

I believe one of the most important things in life, are the PEOPLE I live life with.

I want to make sure that I have quality interactions with everyone I surround myself with, because I believe that it will greatly influence my happiness.

How do I define “Quality Interactions”?

I believe that one must experience vulnerability, transparency, honesty, comfortability with someone for it to be considered a quality interaction. When a interaction is mutually beneficial and positive, you two both walk away from a dialog feeling supported and uplifted, not irritated or angry.

These Quality Interactions are essential to my happiness.

So how do we form a lifestyle around these awesome connections with people?

That my Friends is COMMUNITY!!

Community is everywhere. It is your relations with your coworkers, it is your daily meals with your family, your nights out with your friends.

I feel in that sense of community, a majority of the time, is not of quality content.

How do we upgrade our average community today to the next step in the community evolution?

I believe the next step is INTENTIONAL COMMUNITY!

These two words have many definitions by many people that are doing it.

A simple definition is: A group of people that coexist with each other and have collectively establish a common goal or values that they live and strive for together.


We can now multiply our impact for a purpose we serve by banding together with a intentional community.

WE CAN GET SHIT DONE when we come together for a common dream.

What is the next step in this evolutionary process of community?

That would be ECOVILLAGES!

I am sure we are all well aware of the environmental crisis we have in this day and age. Our natural resources are being depleted everywhere, and these ecovillages are the solution!

Ecovillages are sustainable intentional communities. They are ecologically based and designed, which means that every decision this village makes, takes the natural environment into consideration, on all levels.


I have one more community upgrade for you all.


Yup, thats right!
Combining the ethical design science that is permaculture, with the concept of ecovillages, and you have yourself a delicious concoction for an abundant future.


With this comes self reliance, a local economy, you gain independance with all the things you need to survive. All while living in a supporting community.

I don't know about you, but this sounds like paradise to me.

This is definitely no easy task. If it was easy everyone would be doing it.

That is why I empower you to step outside your comfort zone and support your local ecovillage, intentional community, permaculture demonstration site/education institute.

There are many pioneers like me all over the world that are dedicating their lives to see this change come to fruition!

SO PLEASE get out and show the world how glorious our future can be for our children!




I hope you all enjoy this video I made about community(it is one of my first videos ever to the public).

Here is a little blooper from my filming.


Yeaaaa Apollo! Great video man, I see the fire

Gratitude brother. Yes the fire! I know you have the fire in your eyes too bro!

Excellent work Apollo - the school room is a perfect studio for you!

Gratitude @regenesis ! Yes I completely agree. It is a lovely space to be creative in!

A great post from you, thank you for it. It is great to see what passion is there for you. Thanks for that.

Thank you for taking the time to hear my passion!!

Yes, you do have a very INTENSE passion when discussing community and how it should and can be! I think that is great and will keep sharing the posts. So many people are unhappy with their lives, but they don't know why and they don't know there are better ways to actually LIVE. Thank you for sharing this. Enjoy your wonderful day!

Thank you so much for your words and support. It is up to people like you who understand the value of community that will shift this world for the better.

Awesome! Thank you so much for the info! I just submitted my video!

YEAH! Great. One of my favorits is there!

Great post! I love witnessing you fulfilling your life's purpose 😀

Gratitude love!

You are an inspiration. Thank you my brother for just being you

Thank you so much!

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