What It Takes To Reach Our Goal
The road to reaching our goal is filled with bumps, pitfalls and unexpected turns. We encounter challenges that keep us on the right track. When we finally arrive at our destination, if we have prepared appropriately and if we had the determination to see our goal through, we will see that reaching our goal was not as hard as we thought. As John reminded me, "If you believe you can and you want to do it, then you will overcome obstacles, just as you expect them. If you don't want to do it, you will fail."
So how do we know what it takes to reach our goal? There is no one answer that will apply to every situation. The best way I find to think about it is this: What are the questions we ask of ourselves and of others? What do we ask of God, of self, of other people and of our obstacles?
For many people, reaching their goal means more time. Maybe you've had a lot of setbacks and injuries and you keep wondering, when will this stop? If that's the case, you're setting yourself up for failure. The Bible says, "Keep asking in faith, and you shall receive." You can't ask anything more from yourself than to be consistent and keep trying. It may take a lot longer than you expect, but the reward will be worth it.
For other people, they know what it takes to reach their goal. They've done the work to prepare and to grow. They know what God is saying and how He wants things to happen. If you've put the time in and you're determined, there is no stopping you.
"If you keep doing these things, it will not be easy for you. But if you want it all to come true, then you must do this." If you keep doing the work and you're determined, you will reach your goal. Keep asking and keeping God in your background. If you can't keep that God in your background, you might as well try to push Him out. You'll never get motivated unless you get His presence and believe that He is right there watching you and helping you.
We all know what it takes to reach our goal, so why not just go for it and make it happen. Sometimes we need to be pushed. Sometimes we need to be reminded. If you keep putting that God in your background, you'll reach your goal no matter what.