Current Status - Broken Will

in #life7 years ago

I Must Say that It ain't Easy to Have One Leg Less

I always remain very positive in front of adversity, but this time, for some reason, I just can't that much.

Let's have some shitty talking: I believe it is because of my leg regeneration that makes that all my other hormones just work wrong with my emotions.

Any reason that it can be, honestly I feel like a big pile of worthless crap. But to be honest, it is still worthy experience.

This is also pretty unfortunate because I was in the middle of a mass plan, getting very good gains (I earned almost 14kg of mass relatively clean). Most of those gains were to my legs, and now I won't be able to train them for a reasonable amount of time. Which means that I will lose them.

Luckily enough my girl agreed to go with me to the gym in my current conditions, so we are going tomorrow and see how I will do. By training upper body. Mainly tomorrow some chest, and I hope it won't be anything else than a little bit slower training.

Today my lovely lady will bring me some medicine I will have to put straight on my belly as injections (to avoid some necro-weird thing in my leg) and some crutches for my arms, so I can walk more easily and faster.

I honestly didn't have idea that having one less leg would be so challenging. Mostly for those easy tasks such as using the toilet, taking shower and going to the kitchen for a "fast coffee". Tasks like this take most of the time of your day.
So now I understand why people have sick leave when such things happen.

Anyway, it is not my case since i work freelance. So I gotta keep working, which is fine, but exhausting...

At the half of the day, i already want to go to sleep, or have some spare time to not think about work or anything else. I just feel the need of disconnecting. But this thing ain't gonna paint by itself!

In a nutshell, my respect to all those fellows who have a trouble or are handicap. It is way harder than I could ever thought.

Thanks a lot for your support and I see you in the next one.

(All the images are my own creation and therefore I own their rights)


I always try to listen to the ideas of my fellow followers to improve my posts and to give something back to the community... therefor: What would you like the next posts to be about? What should I talk about? What kind of painting? Would you like some tutorials about arts, about cooking? Maybe some fresh gaming broadcast? I would love to know!

I apologize if I don't reply to your message. Sometimes I can't find enough time for it. But you can be sure that I will read it!



Nice .. Great post
Be strong .. Beautiful painting done well
Thanks for sharing this with us

This is the time you will be able to spend more time with you and know yourself much better than before. There is always something positive in the bad situations if we just shift our focus from the negative to positive.

Have missed what happened to your leg but sending you positive vibes and energy from Sweden 🙏🏼

Can relate; broke my leg when I was a teenager and had to go full-leg-plaster for 2 months and then half-leg for 2 months, definitely not funny.

As you say, you can't be strong every day and that's another fact to accept, just remember that "this too shall pass" and as the philosopher Seneca said:

What rises from the ashes reaches more exalted heights than what was burnt.


Guess I missed the latest, not sure what happened to your leg, but definitely understand getting around on one leg, tore my knee up recently and damn what a pain in the ass just getting around for sure, you just don’t know what it’s like to be haddicapped, just what they go through till the day you HAVE to try and walk in their shoes....

I wish you the best for you @anritco, hopefully your feet get well soon and get back to normal as before.

interesting blog keep up

It is so human to have those periods in life when things get to you. But I think you will be fine, you wrote about it yourself, you have somebody close to your heart and a generally positive attitude. Otherwise mindfulness and meditation are things that have given me a more positive and stable platform in life. But everybody needs to find their own way...

i can relate to some extent. I hadn’t huge plans to relocate and start a new life when my back suddenly had all kind stuff of problems that prevented me from going and kept me in bed for almost two years. It’s always good to find a lesson though, make sure the difficulty serves a purpose to help you move forward.

Everything will be fine! Try to find a positive side in this)

woo must be many people who are interested in your writing

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