For all the people out there that battle to drag themselves out of bed in the morning to go to work, I feel for you, really I do.
I have worked for many, many years, and I can truly say that for the first time in my life I want to go to work.
I have worked for my boss now 3 years and some change. I call him "BASIE", endearing Afrikaans term for "boss". He is the most compassionate, understanding, funny (dry sense of humour), makes me laugh on a daily basis, sometimes make me cry tears of laughter.
He is a great family man, whom adores his wife and kids. He is good to all his staff and our customers love him.
So today I want to pay tribute to the best boss in the world @thecryptodrive . He's also running great initiatives on Steemit, such as @steemdrive billboard campaign and @steemsports which I am now starting to play and participate in daily. Thanks to "BASIE" for being the brilliant man he is, and just for being this great, humble and wonderful person.
Loool, thanks @annieb you are making me blush now! Thanks for being a great assistant and for the daily laughs!
Pleasure Basie!