What is ADHD?

in #life6 years ago (edited)

ADHD is the abbreviation for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. In the modern time it is a frequently used word – especially for the abnormal behaviour of kids. Kids with ADHD are usually called


  • anxiously
  • noisy
  • aggressive
  • displaying social behavioural problems
  • disturbing
  • provocative
  • lacking in concentration
    and so on.

These are people, which are don‘t fit in our society. In worst case these kid‘s must change the schools during school career and are under permanent psychological care. The amount of kids with mental health problems is still rising. But what is the reason for this development?

For a long time I was busy with the problem called ADHD. I read that ADHD is a problem of modern time. Moreover, there are statements, that ADHD doesn’t exist. But nevertheless, the problems exist and many schools are not able to handle the uncontrolled behaviour of the school children….


But why are the kid’s of your generation so difficulty to handle?

In search of a solution I found an article in a book about traditional Chinese medicine. I was surprised. The statement of the author was: in China is the problem of ADHD spacious unknown. I don’t want to exclude ADHD in China, but it is much not the same problem as in western countries. So why? What are the reasons for this difference in our population? Are western parents not able to educate their children? Or should we look for other factors reacting on our population?

I’ m not a scientist and my opinion is only an assumption – not more, but I considered about following factor’s which could influence our development…

  • antibiotics
  • vaccinations
  • medical care
  • understanding of human being
  • foods
  • environmental pollution
  • bad habits based on new technology like mobile phones...
  • education-system
  • culture and moral values


Can we find in these fields differences? All these are only assumptions – I don’t know, why it is possible, that eastern countries have other problems in their population as western ones. But we should think about the reasons, that could support negative developments in our populations. Our children are our future – and I think we should not therapy the symptoms – instead of that we should look for the reasons why we are talking about ADHD.

Source pictures: pixabay.com


ADHD is not really a disease. The children of the new age bring only other paradigms. Have you ever heard of the "indigo children"? If you already know me, you know that through Lee Carroll (Channeler of "Kryon") I can give you some interesting answers. See the following examples:

ADHS ist nicht wirklich eine Krankheit. Die Kinder der neuen Zeit bringen nur andere Paradigmen mit. Hast du schon mal von den "Indigo-Kindern" gehört. Wenn du mich bereits kennst, weisst du, dass ich dir durch Lee Carroll (Channeler von "Kryon") auch dazu interessante Antworten geben kann. Siehe folgende Beispiele:

ja, ich habe schon einiges über Indigo Kinder erfahren... Kinder von heute sind anders als Kinder von vor 10 oder 20 Jahren. Die Gesellschaft ändert sich! Leider gibt es viele Psychologen, die das nicht wahr haben wollen und die Kinder in ein Muster pressen möchten, weil es ihnen bequem erscheint. Ich glaube, es gibt natürlich Verhaltensstörungen, aber man kann nicht alles auf ADHS schieben.... das ist für mich reine Bequemlichkeit, die Gründe liegen wo anders begraben...

Liebe Grüße ;-)

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