Who controls who? Conscious Mind Vs Sub-Conscious Mind (Original) Part 3 in Self Help Series

in #life8 years ago

When you feel like the world is against you, who is really behind it? In this article we look closer at the impact our thoughts have on us.

The third in my Self Help series written just for the Steemit Community. If you missed the first article on Negative Programs, you can find it



The unconscious mind does not differentiate between good or bad information that it receives from the conscious mind. Think of it as a receiver and recorder. It absorbs every moment, every thought and every particle of energy that is transferred via the conscious mind like a magnet.

It takes all instructions from the conscious mind and draws in every piece of information to make your thoughts come to fruition.

The unconscious mind holds all of our memories in minute detail. When information is received through the senses, it then has to find a way through our internal dialogue (often negative) before entering the filters, programs and beliefs, which then runs the incoming information through our memory filters, for example, has this happened before? how did I react? is this situation new to me?

This information is processed at a faster speed than even the fastest super-computer on Earth could process! Imagine what we can achieve with all this processing speed if we first ‘clean out’ our false programs.

It suppresses negative memories (coping mechanism) until a time when are in a state of mind to cope with resolving them. Often these memories are later ‘triggered’ by an event that will re-present the same emotions within us ready for resolution.

We suppress bad memories or events (natural coping mechanism). It can be days or years later, that we are presented with a trigger that reminds us to relive or resolve the issue.

It all sounds so messed up. Self evaluation is the only way to change our stagnant thoughts. How do we get to point in the first place?


Think about what type of world have you created? How do you react to people around you? Is there someone at work that always gets to you, but you don’t know why?

A person full of negative feelings will only see negativity in the world. A person full of admiration and love will only see those things.


No one likes to be told they have issues and this is more often than not apparent when the ego pops its head up to inhibit our progress. We are resistant to change because we do not understand ourselves or our nature of being.

Often when confronted with issues, people simply shut down and refuse to believe what they are hearing. This is where close self analysis is the ultimate tool in your toolbox of life. I have only ever met one person out of many that does not run on programs.

Ben's story:

I met Ben when his mother came to see me about her own past. Ben viewed his world with unconditional love. I’ve not met anyone like him before. He had a special energy about him. He did however have one fear, of water, but I shouldn’t even call it a fear, it was more like a block and he had no idea why. He just couldn’t go near water or be around it. He often went to the river or lake with his friends, but never ventured near the water. He had his life all worked out and performed daily meditations and contemplations on the world. He was a seeker.

We worked together on his water issue. It was a deep memory from his childhood that his unconscious mind had blocked from coming forth into his conscious mind. It’s called self preservation. The unconscious mind will protect our ‘reality’ the conscious mind, from major trauma. The memory will arise later if and when we are ready for it. Benjamin had almost drowned. He was saved by his older brother but the block had preserved his reality.

Once he knew the origin of the block or program, he felt free. He called me later that day very excited because he had been swimming with his friends, with no fear.

Do you have fears that are holding you back?

I'll have to post the second part of this series in another post... I've been told my posts are too long and take too long to read!

Stay tuned for more in this Self Help series, original work written just for the Steemit community.


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Thank you :) Much appreciated. I sometimes wonder if anyone actually reads my posts!

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