In God's Arms - Till we meet again Evelyn, run free now.

in #life7 years ago


I cried for my friend today.

I lost her exactly a day after my birthday.

Just when I thought it’s a painful news for me, I cannot imagine the pain of her loved ones. Her beloved husband, parents, siblings and even her pets.

I feel numb and helpless. I was unable to visit her at the hospital in the last couple of months as the hospital limits visitors for medical reasons. Only close family are allowed and not all can go in at one time. She was recuperating but still at risk.

I was hoping to see her the moment she opens up her eyes. I wanted to bring her flowers and a cuddly dog pillow. I even texted another friend and we agreed to go together and visit her when she regains consciousness.

She never fail to wish me on my birthday EVERY year on my Facebook wall. I still keep her messages on recommendations, tips. I still have a copy of the Animal book project that I did in 2006 where she contributed a story about her and her beloved pet, Shalom. She even bought the limited edition T-shirts that I was selling at that time to raise fund for the publication. She even got her friends to chip in. We became friends due to our love for animals.

She was hit by a car while participating in a marathon on Dec 10 last year (2017). Story of that fateful day HERE. She suffered a skull fracture with bleeding in her brain and has undergone 11 surgeries in the process of recovery.

The guy that hit her has pleaded not guilty (story HERE ). Case is still ongoing.

She is always cheerful, positive and opinionated. We connect because we both can be outspoken for matters that means a lot to us. We love food, travel and animals.

Her passing reminded me of another dear friend’s passing (due to Leukimia) years back. Both women have pretty similar personalities, strong willed and both loved animals dearly.

I wrote this on Steemit because I know it will be part of the Blockchain forever. And I wanted others that stumble upon this piece to know this:

Treasure your loved ones, and that includes your family and friends. Near or far. Do not be consumed with the world’s material and gains that you forget to appreciate little and simple things around you. Reciprocate and show them how much you care every day. Don’t just wait for birthdays, Valentine’s Day to show how much you appreciate their love and friendships. Life is so fragile and unpredictable. You will never know when will be your turn to leave and never return.

I recalled many years back when I was in the UK, I didn’t see a bus coming towards my way when I was crossing the road. A man pushed me to the side as I stood froze, literally not knowing what to do. It came too fast for me to put my thoughts into action and move my legs. I tried looking for the man that pushed me, but couldn’t find him. I wonder if he is an Angel.

I recalled many years back when I was in secondary school, I took part in an art competition when I was approached by a man that advised me to get a box of candle to wax the finished drawing. I didn’t look up to see him, continued my coloring and told him that I can’t stop whatever I am doing just to go out and get those candles because I have a limited time frame to complete.

Few minutes later, he returned and handed me a box. I took it and followed his advise. I waxed the finished drawing and submitted it to the judges. The next thing I knew, I was announced as the first runner up and won RM150 prize money which was a lot for teens at that time. I tried to look for him amidst the crowd when I was on stage receiving my prize, I wanted to thank him and pay him back. But I couldn’t recognise his face and nobody approach me after that. Is he an Angel?

There were many things in life where we encountered miracles upon miracles. Sometimes we didn’t notice or remember them. Be grateful when your life is better than the others or when you were given chance to live and appreciate beautiful things in life. Be grateful that your loved ones are still around you and that you get to spend time with them.

Angels are sent to look out for us at the very least we expected. They can be in a form of our friends or strangers that we hardly know.

I am no exception, I encountered many situations in life where I always thought it could be the end for me. But it is NOT my time yet. I need to serve my purpose and complete my mission, whatever it is my heart sets to do.

Dear friends, life is too fragile and unpredictable. Our souls came with expiry dates, and when the time comes, we too have to go and return to our creator. Let us leave good memories behind and to those departed ones, let us pray for them always – just like how we hope others would pray for us when we are no longer around.

Dear Evelyn, run free now. You have fought hard to survive in the last couple of months to be reunited with your loved ones – but God loves you more. Thank you for the friendships and I will cherish it. Till we meet again when my time comes and I will make sure to share funny stories with you. Rest now babe and do watch over your loved ones from time to time as they may not be able to stay strong sometimes - especially in this time of need. Love & Hugs!

Evelyn & Shalom

In loving memory of Evelyn Ang, 13041973 – 01032018.

To all those that know her or have crossed path with her before - appreciate if you can send her your prayers so she can continue her journey in peace.

Thank you & God Bless.

Thank you.


So sad Angie. Esp to know that she is also your good friend. I have been following news about her. May she rest in peace.

Yes we shared few things in common - our dont give up attitude and love for animals. She's an endearing person.

@angiechin28 May she rests in peace and may perpetual shine upon her. Be strong for your friend is looking down on you from heaven.

She will have to look out for many of us and she knows she leaves behind many good friends. Physically she wont be able to respond. But I am sure she knows this. Her husband is always by her side to update her things. We will all pray for her to have a peaceful journey back to the lord.

Thank you babe.

Your story touched my heart deeply. It is precisely such wonders of Life such as mysterious help given by the All during times of need. Bless you Angie. Sometimes, we don't know why things happen in Life, but for all you know, there is a bigger purpose in play,.. for You.
Hang in there my friend.

Thanks for the comforting word @jassicania, agreed sometimes we dont understand why things happened. But I guess we have to trust God's work on this for he knows what's our fate going to be like. I know we all carry that expiry date, and only God can call us back home. While we are still here, we have to make the best of what we plan to do and our purpose.

I feel your loss. It is not easy to have people in our that we cherish. There will always be those bumps in the road that we so hate. But a rose wouldn't be so 'dangerously' pretty if the thorns don't prick.

They will always be angels in our lives and I have encountered a few of them and perhaps life's goal is to be an angel to someone else.

My deepest condolence to your friend. Rest in Peace Evelyn Ang.

Thank you bro @perennial. Evelyn runs another race now, she is running to God at her own pace. Her body is no longer in pain, but knowing her I know she hates to leave people (and her pets) that she loves behind.

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Oh my goodness on how she got hit cos I did read about her news from a fellow marathon runner friend, @angiechin28. So sorry for your loss. My deepest condolences and the peace of God to surpass beyond understanding with His comfort too! hugs

Thank you @happycrazycon, it feels weird to see your own friend got hit and went into that state for a few months. It seems like only yesterday we were laughing, joking and teasing one another. It felt too surreal.

Would love to dedicate this to all those that left us to be with God, our creator. They have completed their journey on earth and now its time for us to complete ours.

so sorry to know the passing of your friend....
Life is short, let's cherish everyday with happiness and forgiveness.

Agree @tracyt. She's in a better place now.

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