Death is much better than living dead

in #life8 years ago

It is true that we fear death, but is more painful when you are living like the dead.

Moving corpse with no soul inside.

I am trying referred the situation with “Dying before we’re dead.”

Source : Google

Unfortunately every day, every minute many people dying little deaths inside them.
Without any doubt, experiencing this tiny death is not only extremely painful but also make much harder to live life in full before finally reach the grave for good. This pain also takes away the spirit bit by bit within.

Believe it or not, these tiny deaths could also take any one to grave much sooner than necessary too.

This post is dedicated to them who experienced the sickening feeling when a tiny piece of soul dies by not fully honoring themselves, this post is for them.

I have researched and found some of the very common and interesting fact that will kill your spirit and make you feel the eternal pain and forward you to the near death experience.

The man/woman staring back at you in your bathroom mirror will thank you immensely for it.

******Venomous people near you*******

Relative or Friends near you are the very influential person in your life. When that close person gets toxic, poisonous and silently killing you from behind, causes havoc wreck in our life. Also, it could not easily be stopped and could make damage very quickly and ruthless precision.

Toxic peoples are like a disease, it might sound wired or harsh but it is true.
Seriously, there’s no need to sugar-coat this for a minute longer. If there has ever been a topic in this world’s history that needs realness, it’s this one.

You can compare it like – no responsible people can’t allow any decrease to grow in them. If allowed or untreated then it proliferates entire body and harm other organs too. Like cancer, if anyone kept it untreated, then it spread to other parts of the body and push the victim in severe pain till death.

If you are lucky enough and can identify the people who get toxic and killing your spirit from inside and deeply harming your life, you have to accept it and need to abolish them from your life, irrespective of whoever it is.

This can be anyone in your life – your close friends, spouse, your boss, your childhood friend, or anyone else—they need to be removed from your life without apologies or disinclination.

Someone’s opinion of you does not have to be your reality

It is easier to fight with haters, a simple process to dealing with. But it is more challenging when naysayer is your close or loved one.

You need to look into this matter more deeply than other issues.
What if you could leave your hectic job that causing mental stress, make you a couple of sleepless nights, but you don’t leave the job as someone very close to you advised that for some financial crisis you wouldn’t get a good opportunity.

What if you could have reclaimed your health and fitness, but you believed your well-meaning family members who reminded you of your many past failures losing weight, so you quit before you even started?

Believe me, if you heard your own words then you could do something better, but you have considered your loved once words.

there is nothing to justify your life’s dream to anyone. It only matters to you.
Trying to silence that persistent voice inside of all of us that is nudging us to go after our best lives, will not work.

Source : Google

******Personal responsibility, worrying about*******

No one can say that their life is flawless. At any point in time, every one of us faced some issues which are common.

I can bet to differ that within 5 min, we could all list at least 20 issues which we can make perfect to improve our self.

But is that enough for us?

And here comes the most insane part for killing ourselves inside out, from a spiritual level that, we can’t take responsibility for our own sin. We are searching for someone where I can blame.

Doing so is basically stating that those things and/or other people have power over the quality of our lives.

Only a few among us surprisingly accept their responsibility. That’s why we called them a superhero.

We can’t always control the events in our life. But may come take responsibility

******Time is Value and passes through is like a river*******

We all agree that time is money so it is very important part if our daily life.

Time is unlike any other resource. You cannot preserve it, when it passes it passes. You can not borrow, beg or recovered after you loose it.

Unfortunately, I am also the same kind of girl who believed that everything could be done later.

We predicted that if we do all of the things later than everything will be fine. Likewise, you tell him later how much I cared about him, I could always go to the Gym and eat healthier later.

It was the insane and misguided idea of “later” that kept me broke, out of shape, unhealthy (emotionally, mentally, and physically), and totally unhappy.
In other words, all that “later” did for me was keep me miserable now and slowly dying inside.

******Live in fear*******

This is the most powerful reason in the world of death. No force in Universe is powerful it is. It caused thousand and thousands of people die every day and millions of people dying from these cause. A small part of their soul dying every minute.

When I say “fear” it is not talking about the healthy fear of jumping into the pool of flame or eat lighten firecracker. This is solely unhealthy fear that aroused intense selfless feeling, instance doubt on an own character.

Do you know when we feel these fears in our life?

When we lose self-confidence, we are starting doubt on ourselves.

Let think about the example

You are giving the presentation in front of all in Staff and somehow you lose your confidence, you are started thinking that if you fail then will look like a complete idiot in front of the entire company. Don’t do it.

You liked and girl but feared to proposed her. Because last time you felt into a very embarrassing situation when proposed another girl. Don’t do it.

I wish that I could tell you that I could make the voices go away. I wish that I could tell you that it’s possible to eradicate fear from your life forever.

Unfortunately, fear isn’t going anywhere, and that’s okay. Being “fearless” is a hot, steaming pile of B.S. There is not one person walking the face of this earth who is fearless. As I’ve said many times before, courage is not the absence of fear, it’s about feeling the fear and doing the damn thing anyway.

******Complain, Complain and Complain.*******

Believe me, this is most dangerous in all. It will ruin your life. Make you feel you are less confident, dumb. It not only affects our life it also affects brain and maybe worst of all, it is also damaging to the health of the people who are stuck listening to our complaints on a daily basis
If you are addicted to the life-stealing habit of chronically complaining, there may be no better gift that you can give yourself (and to the poor folks who are stuck listening to your complaining) right now than the gift of “Complaining Detox.”
Seriously, try it.

Source : Google

Challenge yourself after you’re done reading this to go 24-hours, a full weekend, or even an entire week without complaining.
Trust me, you’ll be shocked by the results if you commit to it.

As a former chronic complainer myself, I can say with confidence that not only can a “Complaining Detox” completely change your life, but it could even save it too.

Thank you

And all who supports me and motivate me for expressing myself to all.

Thank you again for for giving such a great platform for all of us.


"Relative or Friends near you are the very influential person in your life. When that close person gets toxic, poisonous and silently killing you from behind, causes havoc wreck in our life. Also, it could not easily be stopped and could make damage very quickly and ruthless precision."

There are too many toxic people in society. Some of them actually want to be toxic - it provides them with entertainment.

Yes you are right. The above I have observed in my life also. Anyhow thanks for commenting on my post.

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