Hi again, @ecentrally,
The job commute thing can be tough. My brother-in-law used to drive close to 3 hours to work and the same back. For a couple different jobs. Now it's down to 1 hour I think and he gets to work from home one day a week.
Getting to clarity between yourselves after feeling and thinking out all the combo options would be the first step, as already commented here. Then developing a plan to guide the process that allows some part time income generation on the side, online preferably, so it can be done from any location. Especially one that grants you that extra land space you yearn for.
I've always advised peeps who want to go from JOB to self employment to build the part time income to at least 2-3 times the full time income before leaving a job, especially where children are involved. If you can increase self sufficiency with food, utilities, shelter and transp would then be the main expenses for the growing part time gig to cover.
Continue dreaming up the possible combinations and communicating about them all together. You'll both know when, where, what and how as clarity unfolds and Life meets your vision of the increased time freedom you're both choosing. Cheering you on!!!
This comment was made from https://ulogs.org
Thanks so much for taking the time to reply. I really appreciate the advice you have given me too.
We really do need to decide on what we really want as a goal. My ideal would be to stay in our current location (or close by) and get a larger section. My partner loves it here too.
We will definitely see what the future holds. It's very exciting to imagine and dream about.