The puntuality
A Golden Rule

Being punctual or unpunctual is one of the characteristics that defines us, especially in regard to the professional environment. In addition, punctuality is one of the habits of successful people. It speaks of the commitment and the value that we give to our time and to the time of the other, besides being one of the most observed factors by the recruiters. Know some points that explain why it is so important to be on time.
If you are...
Normally in our day to day there are innumerable occasions when we must reach a certain point or place, either to fulfill a commitment or simply out of necessity, but how much value do we give to being on time in that place? How many times do we stop to think that the other person's time is important and is sacrificing it to wait for you? because:
If you are 5 minutes early, you are on time.
It is always better to be proactive, pro active! that your behavior defines that you not only value your time but that of other people.
If you are on time, already this afternoon.
And you will say, why am I late? Simply because arriving at the time indicates that your organization is not the most appropriate and that you can live by chance and luck, if an unforeseen event happens on your way and without realizing you would be arriving late to the place where you were summoned.
If you are late, you are no longer there.
And you will say, why am I late? Simply because arriving at the time indicates that your organization is not the most appropriate and that you can live by chance and luck, if an unforeseen event happens on your way and without realizing you would be arriving late to the place where you were summoned.
If you are late, you are no longer there.
This other saying that if you did not plan your day and do not keep your word you are giving an image of irresponsible and poorly organized person, which may affect you for future projects.