in #life7 years ago

Picture from Pixabay

David Powlison says our hearts are like sponges. If I squeeze a sponge and black ink comes out, it might seem that the squeezing caused black ink to come out. Yet I might squeeze another sponge and have clear water come out. So it was not the squeeze that caused the ink to come out, but ink came out because that was what was in the sponge. The squeeze merely revealed what was there in the first place. Other people and circumstances can "squeeze" our hearts and if anger comes out, it is because that's what was in our heart.

Anger by itself isn't bad. It all depends on what it is that is making us angry and what we are doing with our anger.
Very often we express it in a selfish and harmful way. On the contrary to that, we should express our anger through amending the problem and not through hurting others.
So I think selfcontrol is a much wiser option.

A chinese proverb says:
"Not the fastest horse can catch a word spoken in anger."
Those kind of words can not even be covered by a thousand conversations.

Benjamin Franklin said:
"Whatever is begun in anger ends in shame."

Just how much would the world be a better place if it could hold it's anger.
We need to deal with anger on time so that the relationship wouldn't break.
If we don't forgive others or if we don't settle it with them, anger could hold us far away from our loved ones.
Pushing away the anger could grow into bitterness and eat us from the inside.
Confronting anger brings atronger ralationships with others and doesn't break them.
Don't stir up your anger.

Leo Buscaglia:
"Don't hold to anger, hurt or pain. They steal your energy and keep you from love."

Are you angry with someone?
What can you do to get over the disagreements in between?
Don't let the day pass before you do something to fix your relationships.

David Powlison kaže da su naša srca poput sunđera.
Ako stisnem sunđer i izađe crnilo, može izgledati kao da je stiskanje prouzrokovalo da crnilo izađe.
Međutim, mogu stisnuti drugi sunđer, a iz njega može izaći čista voda. Dakle, nije stisak bio taj koje je uzrokovao da crnilo izađe, već je crnilo izašlo zato što je ono bilo u sunđeru.
Stisak je samo otkrio ono što je bilo unutra. Drugi ljudi i okolnosti mogu "pritisnuti" naša srca i ako izađe ljutnja, to je zato što je ona bila unutar našeg srca.

Ljutnja sama po sebi nije loša. Sve zavisi od toga šta je to što nas ljuti i šta radimo sa svojim besom. Veoma često bes ispoljavamo na sebičan i štetan način. Nasuprot tome, treba da svoj bes izrazimo ispravljajući problem, a ne da povređujemo druge.
Zato smatram da je samokontrola mnogo mudrija opcija.

Kineska poslovica kaže:
"Ni najbrži konj ne može stići reč izrečenu u ljutnji."
A takve reči ne može pokriti ni hiljadu izgovora.

Bendžamin Frenklin je rekao:
"Šta god počne u ljutnji završi u sramoti."

Koliko bi svet bio lepši kada bi svako umeo da suzdrži svoju ljutnju.
Da ne bi došlo do narušavanja odnosa trebali bi pozabaviti se ljutnjom na vreme.
Ako ne oprostimo drugima ili to ne rešimo sa njima, ljutnja će nas držati podalje od naših voljenih.
A potiskivanje ljutnje može da preraste u gorčinu i da nas izjeda iznutra.
Obračunavanje sa ljutnjom doći će do jačanja odnosa sa drugima, a ne njihovom rušenju.
Nepothranjujte svoju ljutnju.

Leo Buscaglia:
"Nemojte držati u sebi ljutnju, bol ili uvređenost. To vam krade energiju i drži vas podalje od ljubavi."

Da li si ljut/a na nekoga?
Šta možeš da učiniš kako bi prevazišao/la nesuglasice među vama?
Nemoj dozvoliti da prođe dan, a da ne preduzmeš ništa da ne popraviš vaše odnose.

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