~♫ Next stop Chichén itzá ♫~ Part -3

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Hola Amigos!

Let´s start with Part 3!

Back to Chichen Itza.

After passing Las Monjas and Iglesia the path led us to a huge area and in the middle of the square was the Majestic Mayan Pyramid of Chichen Itza. But before I show you my pictures of the pyramid I will show you another interpreter around it.

We still can learn so much from the Mayas, it´s a knowledge we´ll never understand in the next few years.
Templo de los Guerreros - The Warrior Templewith the Palacio de las Columnas Esculpidas - Palace of the Thousand Pillars

On the temple is one of the most famous sculptures of Chichen Itza: Chac Mo'ol. This sculpture probably had the function of a sacrificial table.
The pillars extend over a larger area of ​​the plain and show warriors in armor as well as snakes and bird people.
Unfortunately, I was not closer to the building. That's why I can´t say much about it.
El Gran Juego de pelota - The big ball court

It was a huge area!
The playing area is 168 meters long and surrounded by walls eight meters high. In the game, only shoulder, stomach and hip were allowed to be used. The ball had to go through one of the two ring-shaped goals which were located at about 7 m height from the ground.
The place has such a strong echo !! We tried it. You clap your hands and get a sevenfold echo !! Incredible. I mean, one has often heard an echo, for example, in a tunnel. But in such a huge place?. Why a sevenfold echo? And how did the Mayans build it that way?
There were a few reliefs on the walls.
Its not clear which from the reliefs was winner or loser. In any case, one´s head is cut off at the end. The picture shows the blood in the form of snakes. And it means from the blood, the blood that flows to the ground, the tree of life grows.
Right next to El Gran Juego De Pelota is the Temple of the Jaguar. You can see a Jaguar sculpture surrounded by two snake pillars. Inside you can see several *coloured * reliefs that show, among other things, cape scenes.
How does the saying go?
Oh yes... "The best comes to last!"
The El Castillo - Pyramid of Kukulcán, one of the Seven Wonders of the World.



The special thing about the Pyramid is that it represents a calendar! Thus, every side has 91 steps and the temple house stands on top with another step, 365 like days in a year. There are a total of 52 plates on the sides, indicating either the 52-year cycle when the two Mayan calendars meet, or this is the proof of a 52-week calendar of 7 days each.
When I first heard this, I couldn´t believe it. As I've said so many times before ... It's unbelievable !!
In addition, there is twice a year, during the equinox, a kind of play the light and shadow. It looks like a giant snake crawling down the pyramid.

There is also an acoustic effect. If you stand directly in front of the pyramid, at a few meters distance, and clap your hands you will hear the reverberation of a bird.

We tried it several times and it really worked. It is said that this is the call of a sacred bird of the Mayans, the Quetzal!
This feeling of having been there once, with such ancient ruins and pyramids, is indescribable. Hard to believe standing in front of this huge pyramid that was built over 2000 years ago. A magical moment.
We also had a cute little friend who joined our trip.

One thing I learned after this day. it's really expensive if you want to make such trips. Per person it was 120 €. With organizers it was even more. I have to say it was very expensive but really worth it.

Another thing I've learned ... Mosquito repellent from Germany does not help against mexican mosquitoes.
I had more than 20 mosquito bites just on my left foot.

After this day I was a huge target for the mosquitos. I was always very susceptible to mosquito bites, but I have never experienced anything like that.

I´m in Mexico again since the 1st of January 2018 and I´ll definitely buy a lot of mosquito spray on the spot.
A new year, a new adventure.

If you want to accompany me on my journey, then stay tuned and read!

Like to leave an upvote there. Followers are welcome.

I'll see you at the next page….


Love it, love it, love it.

Super toll. Ich liebe Chichen Itza. Wollte schon immer hin. Wunderbar, danke für die digitale Reise dorthin;)

wow amy the place looks amazing : )

With love

harj : ) xoxo
Abstract artist

I gave you some lovin How bout you give me some too?

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