The place where everyone is really equal.

in #life7 years ago

Do you really feel equal to everyone ?! Do you feel there are some who get more from you!


People talk about concepts like capitalism, socialism, and all sorts of things that end with ISM
It is a funny thing, that there is not really one system that binds all human beings to be equal.
To have equal means, equal rights, and duties.
Democracy is not perfect! And therefore it differs slightly between state and state.

Today a very important man in my life died,
The funeral was at 22 o'clock.
We waited a long time until the dead man came to be buried.
Death was sudden.


The cemetery was terribly dark.
The moonlight was very strong.

I looked at the graves, all the same height.
A little different.
There is no grave that yells at each other, I did not see a grave there that is richer than the other or more successful.
Everyone comes to the same place.

Only tombs with names.
Lots of graves!

I asked myself.
With what person is left at the end?
And I saw one thing that warmed my heart.
The dear man who died, was accompanied by many people.
That dear man touched many people alive and changed them.
Maybe not entirely ... but he touched them.

But what I saw most of all was graves. They do not shout at each other, they do not compete, they do not honk each other on the road.They just rest, with a lot of humility.

At that moment I was a bit jealous that maybe there is something the dead know and we do not

לוגו מאריאנארט.png


poor people and rich people pay the same price of burger. happiness will only exist not beyond your needs. :)

Nicely said that last sentence!

מצטער לשמוע נעם, מקווה שהזמן ירפא את הכאב :(

אני כהן אז אני פחות נמצא בבית הקברות, אבל בפעמים שיצא לי להיות באיזור זה תמיד הדהים אותי - כמה אנשים משקיעים לפעמים בקברים, כשלמתים כלל לא אכפת - כולם שווים ביום המוות אבל החיים עדיין מנסים להנציח הבדלי מעמדות עם מצבות מפוארות ומנקרות עיניים ומבנים מפוארים מעל הקבר וכדו'
לפחות בד"כ - המוות של אדם קרוב גורם לבני אדם להשלים אחד עם השני ולסלוח על משקעי העבר, נפגשים בעל כרחם בלוויה ובשבעה ומיישרים את ההדורים - אפשר לומר שבזה המים מעבירים קצת מהשוויון והשלום גם אלינו החיים.

כתבת מילים מרגשות.

Very sorry for the loss dear Noam. Once you are there in that grave all that you take with you is your deeds rest there is nothing that goes with you. I wish peace for him.

Today a very important man in my life died,
The funeral was at 22 o'clock.
We waited a long time until the dead man came to be buried.
Death was sudden.

Is this a poem? If not. Then I am truely sorry for your loss bro. I have lost someone too and so I know how it hurts when you loose a dear one.

And really there is something the grave knows that you don't and that's equality. I love what you learnt from the grave and reading this has given me a food for thought as well and I will make a post out of this the grave, no one is richer than the other

I am very sorry for your loss, I wish you will meet him back there in Paradise, because no matter how long we live, one day we will all pass away and this day could be today and could be tomorrow.
Graves are Indeed peaceful and human more than humans themselves in this life.

thanks for the idea .. by the way you have a wonderful style in the narrative ... keep going and god bless you

i think every one should remember the death .
Every one should remember that whatever we will achieve in this world,nothing will be there after death.
so we should remain down to earth ,respect others stay humble

Really sorry for your loss. Wish you all the healing possible. I do agree that equality are key to human life.
I think the dead knows, to live a peaceful life we don't need the money, power & wealth. We just need love & compassion for each other.

so sorry about that...not everyone sees life from that perspective tho

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