Random Question: how often do you buckle up?

in #life8 years ago


Every time for me

In my opinion, it feels so strange to not wear a seatbelt. I've had it engrained into my system as long as I can remember. When my father was young (perhaps 19-20) he stopped at an accident. A girl had not been wearing a seatbelt. She had been ejected from her car. He pulled her close. It was too late though. She died in his arms. I honestly think that image haunts my father to this day, and I'm 100% sure that is why he always made sure we were buckled up. It didn't matter that if we were on a dirt road or going down the street. We were always secured properly. Even now, at 30, he will tell me to put my seatbelt on. I already have it on, but I appreciate his warmth and love.

Around the time I was 12, we were in a pretty bad car accident. A drunk driver ran a stop sign and broadsided us, the impact causing our car to end up on its side. We couldn't get the doors open, so my dad had to punch through the sunroof. I still remember the blood all over his hand and arm. We were all wearing out seat belts that day. As was the drunk driver. We all lived. Obviously, I can't say that if we hadn't been wearing them, the outcome would have been different. But that's my point. Why take the gamble?

My fiancée and my brother in law never wear their seat belts. My fiancée was not engrained as a child to wear his. As much as I get on to him, he simply forgets. I fear the chance he may be in a wreck and forget his seatbelt. I would be so distraught and a mess if he left our child fatherless over something that takes a minute. So I nag. Sometimes annoyingly so. I know I'm not his mother. I just want to keep him safe. He holds us together.

My brother in law, on the other hand, doesn't forget. He chooses purposely to not wear his. His reasoning? As a former firefighter, he's seen too much. He's seen accidents and fatalities that he feels would have been prevented if the deceased wouldn't have been wearing a seatbelt. He and I have sometimes had words about it, but he is a grown man and I will never know the things he has witnessed, hopefully anyway.

So let's look at some stats:

  1. Wearing a seatbelt reduces your chance of dying by 45%

  2. Even if you survive the crash, there's a chance you will be ejected from the car and hit by your own vehicle or someone else's. In fact, 3 out of 4 people that are ejected will die.

  3. For people aged 0-30, a car crash is what is most likely to kill you. Why stack the deck even more against yourself.

  4. Children who see their parents buckle up are about 20 percent more likely to do so themselves in the future. Your choices effect others around you. Most importantly, it could save your child's life some day.

CDC Motor Vehicle Safety

I'm not trying to guilt you or even scare you. Ok, maybe I'm trying to scare the non wearers a little bit. It only takes a second. Think about all the people you would leave behind. Think about seeing your kids get married. Holding your grand babies. Celebrating your 50 year anniversary with your high school sweetheart. All things that you would miss, over something so easily avoidable.

I love you guys. Be safe out there.


Nice and well written post. Keep it up man..

Now I feel pretty old, but when I was a kid no one wore seatbealts. I dont even think all cars had them, or at least people never used them lol. Air bags where not even invented yet. i dont really know when it started becoming second nature. Probably when it became law, but it is the first thing i do when I get in the car and my wife does too. I dont think we even think we are doing it. Its just second nature.

I like seeing pictures of old car seats for kids, that are pretty much a milk crate with leg holes cut out. We sure have come a long way. I was just riding in a friends car over the past weekend, and his car won't let him turn on the radio until everyone's seat belts are on. How cool is that!? I'm glad both you and your wife wear yours consistently. If only I could get my fiancée on that path as well 😡😡

I'll make sure I'll always buckle up! often time I would just carelessly not doing that. Thanks for the information. If you'd like to give a visit to my blog

Sometimes a friendly reminder will help. Like a post it note with a buckle drawn on it or a picture of your favorite person taped to the steering wheel. Just a clue to click the lightbulb on to just take a second to buckle up. :)

I always wear my seat belt as well. I've been in 1 bad wreck as a passenger. Even before that I always wore it. I remember watching a goofy cartoon when I was a kid about "how to drive". It talked about increasing the number of car lengths of space in front of you when you increase speed because of reaction time and braking time. That's honestly stuck with me all my life lol.

I'm pretty sure that I have seen that cartoon as well! Lol. I'm glad you are ok after your wreck. Was the driver ok too? It's so scary to think about how quick our lives can change or be taken from us. Hopefully increased ticketing to non-wears will help. I just want everyone to get home safely, ya know? ❤️❤️❤️

Exactly. Yeah the driver was ok. We slid and spun around so we crashed going backward and he was holding the steering wheel and was fine. My body jerked forward and even with the seat belt on, my lip hit the dash board and I had to get 20 stitches inside my upper lip lol. I've met a lot of people who don't wear seat belts and I just don't get it lol. I like life!

Me too man!! Life is awesome! What a terrible place to have to get stitches...

You are 100% correct I feel the same as you do residentially after what you've been through and with your dads experience in Mexico you don't have to wear your seatbelt but I always do kudos for this excellent post!🌺🌺

I'm glad you wear yours my friend!! Hopefully Mexico will see some tougher seatbelt laws for everyone's good! 😘😘😘

Here in TN the seat belt laws are strict and if you don't wear one you risk a nasty fine if caught. I'm so sorry you were in such a horrible accident when you were young. My husband's brother died in a car accident. I worry about my husband because he never wears his seat belt. I always wear mine and yell at him for not.

We have a fine too but it's like $15. I mean that's a lot of money to some, but in my opinion it's not enough to scare people. I'm really sorry about your husbands brother. It's so sad. I hope your husband has found peace with that. Keep on him sister. Sooner or later he will get it?? That's what I'm hoping with mine at least :/

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