in #life7 years ago

First off, I would like to wish you all a very very happy 2018 . Hope you all have a smashing celebration this year and achieve everything you have ever longed for.



I would like to present a post based on my incident today. I know that this ain't what I usually post but I thought that posting it would be a good deed.

It had been a long time since the film Jumanji : WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE was released into the theatres. I really wanted to see that movie and decided to go see it at the nearest theatre with my brother @rahul.stan. We had a great time there and the movie was amazing. I thoroughly enjoyed it at every instant of the 3 hours I was in. When we had finished and came out of the theatres, we decided to walk home. It was noon at that point of time. Its January going on and the temperature was boiling up here. I wondered what could have caused this situation. Why is it so hot up here and extremely cold at the Philippines region? Well a few minutes of walking gave me the answer. I saw some factories located at the left side of the pavement I was walking on. Surprisingly, I haven't seen those factories before. Those black hedious buildings were creating so much black toxic smoke by the production of some shits (I beg your pardon for using this word but I had to use it) that it made me and the other people walking by difficult to even breathe. The black smoke covered the whole road. So I couldn't see what I was walking at. I trod on something idk what and fell down. Fortunately, my brother caught hold of me and helped me get up. I was feeling nauseous. I then looked around me and saw many people smoking. Some were merely accelerating the bikes to emit smoke, idk what kind of pleasure they find by doing this. Ah, youth youth. Plus, I found this on my instagram feed and thought that it might be appropriate to upload it up here. It clearly states about the deeds of these people..

There's no point of blaming them actually. Knowingly or unknowingly we all do stuffs that does contribute to this situation. Winter seasons have almost disappeared here. If this continues to happen, our next generation would reproduce carbon, not babies. I ain't no socialist homies, nor environmentalist but just want to give a short social message. We are literally cutting off the nose to spite the face. This ain't what the humans were created for, this ain't what God longed for. All he wanted was the apple not to be eaten by Adam. But due to his mistake, sins have developed in our genes. There's still time homies.



true story but bitter truth :(

Correct. :-(

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