What are you grateful for?

in #life4 years ago

I am grateful to be part of the Universe, part of the primordial sound and primordial light, a fractal, frequency expression of the whole...(1)


I am grateful for my father, because he is such a great and patient teacher. He has taught me the importance of faith and devotion, while always giving words of wisdom and insight. My dad has always been willing to help and has helped a great deal over the course of my life! Too many times to mention. (2)

I am grateful for my mother, because she is caring, nurturing, loving and kind. She is very thoughtful and loves to keep everyone happy. She is mostly willing to help, not always, but mostly and supports most of my choices. (3)

I am grateful for my wife, because she has the biggest love you can ever imagine! She is spontaneous and kind, my twin soul, we are partners, best friends, rogues, free thinkers, psychonauts, dreamers and visionaries. She is my angel, my ultimate support, my number 1 fan! (4)

I am grateful for our daughter, because she is an angel blessing in our lives. Creative, sweet and kind, such an honour to have her in our presence. She is just so much fun to play with and to hang out with, as well as having an amazing learning experience. (5)

I am grateful for our christmas bed. When I used to work in corporate, coming home on a Friday meant bringing out the mattress into the lounge and spending the weekend there as a family. This

I am grateful for my brother, because he pushed me to succeed, and to do my best in everything I do. (7)

I am grateful for art, specifically psychedelic art. The power to create, to be peaceful, colourful and express yourself through art and painting. (8)

I am grateful for doing school athletics. Ran hurdles, 100m, 200m and did long jump. Athletics taught me perseverance, it gave me confidence, showed me what training hard is and gave me lessons in self-discipline. (9)

I am grateful for doing school rugby. Rugby taught me team work, also training hard, but was usually quite fit because of the athletics season prior to rugby season. Playing rugby was a lot of fun and you learn some really interesting skills. (10)

I am grateful for playing golf. Golf has taught me a lot about patience, discipline and self-control. (11)

I am grateful for playing computer games. I really love playing computer games. Don't play nearly as much as when I was growing up, but games has always been a very important part of my life. Computer games expanded my mind in ways that was magical to experience. (12)


I am grateful for LEGO. I have and always will love building and playing with LEGO! (13)

I am grateful for playing Tetris and Chinese checkers with my dad. Good time spent laughing and playing games as a kid. (14)

I am grateful for the game of darts. Spent much family time playing darts and it was awesome social interaction. (15)

I am grateful for play station games - Tony Hawk pro skater, Warcraft, Crash bandicoot, Metal Gear Solid, God of War. (16)



I am grateful for being able to exercise, gym and train to attain physical balance. It is a great feeling being able to run and to train, and to be in shape. (17)

I am grateful for my health and fitness. (18)

I am grateful for marijuana. One of the greatest medicinal plants the earth has to offer! (19)

I am grateful for nature, and being able to be in nature often. Waterfalls, dense forrest, long walks with the family. Total bliss. (20)

I am grateful for cartoons like X-men, Spiderman, Superman, Batman ect. Good Vs Evil / Light Vs Dark. (21)


I am grateful for growing up with a bicycle. The freedom associated with riding a bicycle as a child and even teenager was amazing. Don't feel so optimistic about bicycles anymore. (22)

I am grateful for my skateboards. Spent about 10 years skateboarding and it taught me so much about perseverance and pushing through the pain. Also the feeling of total freedom riding - epic bliss! (23)

I am grateful for my primary school friends, high school friends, university friends, and adult friends. (24)

I am grateful for psychedelic trance. The music, psychedelics and culture changed my life and perspective in life from dark to light and I will forever be grateful. (25)


I am grateful for LSD, Magic mushrooms and MDMA. (26)

I am grateful for psytrance events. Freedom to just be yourself and enjoy the music you love, with the beings you love. (27)

I am grateful for Ableton and being able to create music. Expression through music is my passion and there is not much that comes close to the feeling of creating electronic music. (28)

I am grateful for being able to dj. Travelling, visiting beautiful destinations, listening to great music, meeting interesting beings, and having great adventures. (29)

I am grateful for Alan Watts. His teachings really aided in waking me up and was truly inspiring. (30)

I am grateful for Nassim Haramein. His teachings on unified field theory really brought things into much perspective. (31)

I am grateful for Bruce Lipton. His teachings on the power of belief opens up a new world of possibilities. (32)

I am grateful for Alex Grey. His art is visionary and inspiring! Also grateful for various other visionary artists. (33)


I am grateful for Random Rab and Android Jones. (34)

I am grateful for waking up. (35)


I am grateful for Ambient Spirit. (36)


I am grateful for Altum Animo. (37)


I am grateful for Carl Sagan. (38)

I am grateful for Mooji. (39)

I am grateful for my brain. (40)

I am grateful for Bitcoin. (41)

I am grateful for cryptocurrencies. (42)

I am grateful for being able to trade. Ultimate freedom. (43)

I am grateful for being able to work and follow my passion. (44)

I am grateful for the life experience I have. (45)

I am grateful for technology. (46)

I am grateful for @Steemit (47)

I am grateful for having running water and clean air. (48)

I am grateful for being able to write this grateful list. (49)

I am grateful for VPN. (50)

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