Up to date! Here are 5 World Players who shine Palestine and Cursed Hard Israel
Argentina membatalkan laga uji coba menghadapi Israel sebagai bentuk dukungan kepada Palestina
Argentina disarmed attempts to use Israel as a form for Palestine
Asosiasi sepakbola Argentina (AFA) membatalkan secara sepihak laga uJi coba menghadapi tim nasional Israel akhir pekan ini (08/06/2018), sikap AFA tersebut merupakan bentuk protes terhadap militer Israel yang bertindak represif kepada para demonstran Palestina
The Argentine football association (AFA) unilaterally canceled the match against Israel's national team this weekend (08/06/2018), the AFA stance was a form of protest against the Israeli military acting repressively against the Palestinian protesters
Selain itu, terdapat pula pesepakbola top Eropa yang secara terang-terangan memberikan dukungannya untuk Palestina dan mengutuk keras kebiadaban rezim zionis di tanah Palestina
In addition, there are also top European footballers who openly provide support for the Palestinians and strongly condemn the inhumanity of the Zionist regime in the land of Palestine
- Cristiano Ronaldo
Bukan rahasia umum jika top skor sepanjang masa Liga Champions ini kerap menunjukan aksi solidaritas kepada Palestina
It's no secret that the Champions League's all-time top scorers often show solidarity action to the Palestinians
Salah satunya saat laga kualifikasi Piala Dunia 2014 menghadapi Israel di Tel Aviv. Seusai laga, Ronaldo enggan bertukar kostum dengan pemain Israel dan secara tegas mengatakan kepada media bahwa dirinya saat ini sedang berada di tanah Palestina
one of them when the 2014 World Cup qualifier against Israel in Tel Aviv. After the game, Ronaldo is reluctant to exchange costumes with Israeli players and firmly tells the media that he is currently on the land of Palestine
Megabintang Real Madrid tersebut juga sempat melelang sepatu emas miliknya untuk disumbangkan kepada anak-anak Gaza
mega star Real Madrid also had auctioned his gold shoes to donate to the children of Gaza
- Mesut Özil
Sebagai seorang Muslim, Mesut Özil tentu saja berpihak kepada para saudaranya yang menderita akibat penindasan Israel di Palestina
As a Muslim, Mesut Özil certainly sided with his brothers who suffered from Israel's oppression in Palestine
Usai mengantarkan Jerman meraih kampiun di Piala Dunia 2014, eks rekan setim Ronaldo tersebut segera menyumbangkan seluruh bonusnya di Piala Dunia 2014 kepada anak-anak Gaza
afther delivering Germany won championship in World Cup 2014, Ronaldo's former teammate immediately donate all his bonuses in the 2014 World Cup to the children of Gaza
Tak hanya itu, sebagai reaksi protesnya kepada negara zionis, Özil menolak menjabat tangan salah seorang petinggi FIFA yang disinyalir pro-Israel
Not only that, in reaction to his protest to the Zionist state, Özil refused to shake the hand of one FIFA high-ranking officer who allegedly pro-Israel
- Eric Cantona
Dukungan terhadap Palestina juga mengalir dari legenda Manchester United dan Perancis, Eric Cantona. 'King Eric' sempat mengunggah video berisi kecaman terhadap sikap pemerintah Perancis yang mendukung agresi Israel ke Gaza pada 31 Juli 2014 silam
Support for Palestine also flows from Manchester United and France legend Eric Cantona. 'King Eric' briefly uploaded a video of criticism of the French government's stance on supporting Israeli aggression into Gaza on July 31, 2014
Eks kapten Setan Merah itu juga pernah mengirimkan surat kepada UEFA untuk membatalkan Israel sebagai tuan rumah turnamen Piala Eropa U-21, menyusul insiden penangkapan pesepakbola Palestina oleh tentara Israel tanpa alasan yang jelas
The former Red Devils captain has also sent a letter to UEFA to cancel Israel as the host of the U-21 European Cup tournament following the incident of capturing Palestinian footballers by Israeli soldiers for no apparent reason
- Mario Balotelli
Pemain kontroversial yang kini berseragam OGC Nice, Mario Balotelli, pada 17 Juli 2014 lalu memberikan cuitan di akun twitter pribadinya. Cuitan tersebut berisi, “Anak-anak yang bermain di pantai tidak akan menjadi sesuatu yang mengancam. #hentikan perang #selamatkan Gaza
Controversial player who is now uniformed in OGC Nice, Mario Balotelli, on July 17, 2014 then gave cuitan on his personal twitter account. Cuitan contains, "The kids who play on the beach will not be something threatening. #stop the war #define Gaza. "
Hal itu bentuk respon eks pemain AC Milan kepada situs New York Times, 16 Juli 2014 yang memberitakan secara rinci tindakan militer Israel saat memborbardir pantai Gaza sehingga menewaskan empat orang anak-anak Palestina
It was the response of former AC Milan players to the New York Times website, July 16, 2014 which details in detail Israeli military actions while bombarding the coast of Gaza, killing four Palestinian children
- Frederic Kanoute
Eks striker Sevilla yang juga pemeluk Islam, Frederic Kanoute, terbilang sering menyuarakan dukungannya kepada Palestina. Dengan gamblang pemain yang sudah gantung sepatu tersebut pernah bereaksi keras terhadap zionis Israel di akun twitter pribadinya
Ex-Sevilla striker who is also a Muslim, Frederic Kanoute, spelled out often voiced support for the Palestinians. With a clear players who have been hanging up the shoe had reacted violently against the Zionist Israel on his personal twitter account
Sejarah akan menghakimi keheningan dunia. Anda tidak perlu menjadi Muslim untuk membela Gaza, Anda hanya perlu menjadi manusia," cuit Kanoute kala itu
History will judge the silence of the world. You do not have to be a Muslim to defend Gaza, you just need to be human, "Kanoute cuit at the time
Beberapa kali ia juga menunjukan dukungan dengan memperlihatkan kaos bertuliskan 'Palestina' saat melakukan selebrasi gol
Several times he also showed support by showing T-shirts bearing the words 'Palestine' when performing a goal celebration