Vibrations That Make Our Dreams Come True/ Scraps from my book

in #life7 years ago

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Scraps from my book

Vibrations That Make Our Dreams Come True

Why do you think one person encounters a lot of luck, while another person only experiences failure? Why do some people become the leaders of their social groups, while others remain followers for the rest of their lives? There are only a few people who can call themselves leaders. We respect them and listen to them. They can get whatever they want and act however they want.

I suppose everyone has wished to be a leader at some point in his or her life Nevertheless, some people have to give up on this hope. Why aren’t some people able to become leaders? Perhaps they didn’t have leadership skills, or maybe they weren’t in the right place at the right time. However, I believe they simply didn’t think like leaders.

If a person was lucky enough to become a manager, it means his luck was based on his way of thinking. He became a leader because he thought like a leader and not because of some external interference. How would it be possible for a person to develop leadership skills only after becoming a leader? It doesn’t work that way. Have you ever seen a shy or cowardly leader? No, you haven’t, because they don’t exist. An individual becomes a leader when he masters leadership skills, which are developed by his thoughts. Have you ever seen a leader who was always in a bad mood and expected all of his projects to fail? Such person wouldn’t have been able to become a leader. Hence, our ideas shape our personalities and define our destinies. So, what is a leader’s secret?

The answer is simple. Every paragraph in this chapter deepens our knowledge about the essence of success. Scientists have discovered that everything in the world produces vibrations. Every object releases its own electromagnetic waves. Everything in the Universe vibrates. Success, bad luck, love, hatred, fear, self-centrism, thoughts, and opinions all vibrate. If a person only thinks about his failures, he sends those same kinds of vibrations to the Universe. These vibrations resonate with the Universe’s vibrations related to bad luck.

This is the most important idea in my book. I would like to congratulate you, because you have just read the most influential piece of information you will ever know.

Until then, I will explain how vibrations work. Every thought releases vibrations into the Universe and brings results. For example, when you think you’re going to fail, you send vibrations to the Universe that return to you as bad luck. I remember wondering why a bad day always followed my good days. I noticed this sequence once and started expecting this pattern. As a result, it started happening. I talk a lot with people who blame the government for their failures, and they often wish to leave this country. I try to convince them not to, and I try to discuss my ideas with them; this, however, doesn’t work. Even my childhood best friend refused to listen to me.

If you learn to manage these vibrations by improving your thoughts, soul, and body in accordance with your wishes, the Universe will start sending you opportunities. When your vibrations match the vibrations that exist in the Universe, it will surprise you. These surprises can either good or bad, it just depends on your thoughts.

Just because you can’t see something, it doesn’t mean it isn’t real. We don’t see the energy fields and vibrations we release. We don’t notice this process, but it goes on regardless of if we are aware.
As I have already mentioned, we don’t see what makes the grass green. All our lives, we have believed it to be green, but it’s the light that adds color to it. We see the result, but we don’t see the cause. We don’t even think about it. Our failures work the same way. They are just the results of our thoughts. Our beliefs make us fail. We trick ourselves into bad luck by expecting it. However, now that you know what leads to success, you will not make this mistake again.

Creating the Right Vibrations

So, you realize it’s necessary to change your thoughts and beliefs to become a successful person. But how can it be done? Affirmations won’t help you. ‘Affirmation’ is a psychological term. It is a technique in which an individual repetitively communicates the same thought. By using this method, a person can turn new ideas into strong beliefs. People usually practice their affirmations in front of a mirror. Obviously, an affirmation of only one thought can’t have a significant impact on your life. The world would simply turn into chaos if this technique worked. Just imagine what could happen if every thought resulted in real events and actions. If you wish to achieve your goal, you need to build new neural connections. You can do this by repeating your idea in your mind, but it is also crucial that you choose a right time to execute it.

First, you should understand what kinds of thoughts dominate your mind. What are you thinking about right now? What have you been thinking about today, this week, or even this month? Of course, you won’t remember all your exact thoughts; it is only possible to follow them in real time. However, you should learn to control your thoughts and beliefs.
You can start practicing this method tomorrow. Be aware of every idea that crosses your mind. It probably won’t be enough to just dedicate one day to this practice. You should do it for at least for two days. When you realize what ideas dominate your thoughts, you will be able to begin the process of creating new beliefs.

Analyze your day. What do you usually say? What ideas do you cherish? What do you try to convince yourself of? Some people think positively most of the time. Others think ‘Nothing works out. I don’t understand anything. Life is bad. People are liars. I am very unlucky.’ Such thoughts attract failure and bad luck into your life. I am 100% certain that you have beliefs that hinder your potential and limit your abilities. People are often afraid to admit it. They realize they have these ideas, but they accept them as part of their routine. Only strong and determined people are meant to possess the knowledge I am sharing with you. Don’t be afraid to face the truth.

After admitting that you have limiting beliefs, you will be able to develop positive ones to replace them.
If you repeat, ‘I am worthless. I can’t change my life,’ it is time to develop a new attitude. Try saying, ‘I can do anything. If I don’t know how to do something, I will learn.’ Every time you catch yourself repeating the old, negative statements, stop and say the phrase I provided. This exercise, though similar to an affirmation, doesn’t require you to stand in front of a mirror and repeat one phrase thousands of times. Every time you feel yourself losing patience, or that you can’t carry on and are about to lose your temper, say, ‘I can do anything. If I don’t know how to do something, I will learn.’

You can develop your own statement, but it is vital to repeat it every time you find yourself a bad mood. If you don’t feel like doing it, force yourself. It can be hard at times, but it is the only way to change your thoughts. You should say, ‘I am lucky. My life gets better every day.’ When you say these words, you will send good vibrations to the Universe.

The advice I’m giving you will improve your life. People always complicate things and think that only intricate methods can improve their circumstances, which is not true. The strategy I’m describing is quite simple, but it can bring significant changes to your life and personality.

Of course, an individual shocks his mind when he goes through difficult times but tries to convince himself that he is happy. His mind says, ‘what are you talking about? You don’t even have enough money for food. Things are bad. Why are you saying that you are doing great?’ However, after three or four weeks of practice, you will develop neural connections related to these thoughts. After a month, your thoughts will have changed completely, and the Universe will reward you for your efforts. Your positive ideas will materialize.

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