Secret Way to Achieve Success/ Chapter - A Bit of Magic / Scraps from my book

in #life7 years ago (edited)


Scraps from my book

Secret Way to Achieve Success/ Chapter - A Bit of Magic
Part 1

Perhaps, you have heard the phrase ‘thoughts are things.’ People use it quite often. You can find out what it means on the Internet. It has become trendy to use these words. People use this phrase a lot, but I don’t think they fully understand its meaning. Brian Josephson, Nobel laureate in physics from Cambridge University, and Robert Gian, Dean at Princeton University, studied the human brain. They conducted thousands of experiments and proved that our minds have an impact on our world. This gives us a huge advantage. Our imagination, our fears, and our wishes influence things that happen to us. It doesn’t matter where we go or what we do. Our ideas try to materialize. All our thoughts try to transform into real things and events.

This gives us a chance to improve our lives by changing our way of thinking. A lot of people know about this technique, and I suppose you might be one of them. Nevertheless, nobody knows exactly how he or she can use it. For years, scientists have looked for ways to leverage their knowledge regarding connections between our minds and the outer world. Today, we know how to use this method, which I will tell you about in detail.

Those who have not heard about the materialization of ideas will probably find this theory difficult to believe. Nonetheless, I ask you to convince yourself it is true.

We all live on the same planet. Some people live in the same countries and towns, and sometimes, people even seem to be identical. This is a false idea. Everyone has his or her own story. Two people from one town can have absolutely different lives. One might own a big house and a beautiful car, while the other might have a small apartment and need a bus ticket. They may seem to have similar personalities, but where one has gained everything, the other has earned nothing. Why? I am sure that a lot of people would say that the first person simply got lucky. They would be right, though it is impossible to determine who deserves to get lucky. You may think, ‘Nobody decides that. It is just a coincidence.’ This idea, however, is incorrect. Our thoughts attract both good and bad luck to our lives—just think about the scientists who have proven that our minds define our reality.

We are responsible for our own poverty and hardships. This may sound too harsh to a person who has experienced failure. However, this man, who probably blames the government and other people for his troubles, should analyze his own thoughts and feelings first. I have shared the secret of success with you, but only you can choose to believe in it.

In an interesting experiment, scientists took people with high blood pressure and hooked them up to a computer. When their blood pressure got higher, a plane on the screen ascended. When their blood pressure got lower, the plane descended. These people were asked to lower their blood pressure with the power of thought. In time, all participants were able to ‘land’ the plane. The results of this experiment are obvious: people can turn their thoughts into a reality.

Our ideas work like our opinions. There are a huge number of beliefs in your head, but none of them contribute to your success. You need to change the neural connection, related to your beliefs. You already know how to do it. If you change your beliefs, you will be able to change your thoughts.

Earth Energy Field

You have already learned that our beliefs, decisions, ideas, and thoughts are always trying to materialize. Our lives follow our thoughts. I will tell you about this in more detail.

You have probably heard that everyone lives in the same energy field. Every living thing and every object is interconnected by various events, actions and coincidences. All animals, people, birds, and insects form a huge network that is also connected to the Universe. In this way, the Universe becomes tied to our world. These connections resemble a huge energy web, of which the Universe is a part. Here, I would like to remind you that the Universe has everything you could wish for. You can find luck, good health, all human qualities, love, hatred, disease, hardship, and everything else in the Universe. I remember how my physics teacher told us that all people were interconnected. He explained how we all act like magnets, pulling other people towards us. However, this force is so insignificant that we never notice it. You live in a web. Every time you develop an idea or intention, you ‘pull’ one of the million strings in this web. Your ideas and opinions always correspond to some result.
What I have just described is the law of cause and effect. Every reason has its own cause and effect.

What happens when we start pulling the strings that tie us to the Universe? When we do this, we start communicating with it. This process is impossible to see or perceive, but it exists. It is related to our personalities.

Our eyes can’t see a lot of things happening in this world. Moreover, physics explains that our eyes often deceive us. You probably know very well that the colors red and green don’t exist. Although our eyes may tell us leaves are green, it is not true. All objects reflect sunlight. Every object’s color depends on the angle at which the light falls on them. If you look at grass through red glass, it won’t be green. However, the truth is that the grass is never green. The light falls on it at a certain angle, which tricks our eyes into seeing green. At this point, I would like to take a moment and apologize to all of the physicists who may be reading this for this oversimplified explanation. Physics is a difficult, but very interesting science. A lot of discoveries in this field (some which I have already mentioned, and others which I will get to) have shaped our modern world. For example, I have already mentioned that scientists Brian Josephson and Robert Gian discovered that our thoughts were tangible. However, the fact that they were physicists didn’t have any connection to their discovery. Physics can either explain a phenomenon or experiment with it.

You have already learned that when we develop an intention to do something, we start pulling invisible strings. These strings activate a process, which then leads us to the result. You don’t know me, so you may have difficulty believing in what I say. Your mind treats new things and ideas very carefully because it can recall the false information it has received. However, if you don’t believe me, you should stop reading this book. You won’t be able to apply the knowledge I am sharing with you to your own life, and you won’t be able to change your fate.

You don’t notice the interactions that occur in the invisible energy network. You can’t see your thoughts pulling the strings in this global web. Nevertheless, it happens. Our minds and our eyes can deceive us. In addition to my previous example, physics tells us that there are electromagnetic waves that move at a very high pace. We can create them and measure them using special equipment, but we can’t see them. We don’t even see the waves that our TV remotes produce, let alone the waves that are used to measure the distance between planets. There are millions of waves around us that our bodies cannot feel.

Here’s an experiment that will demonstrate this concept. Pull one guitar string and let go. The string next to it will produce a sound too, even though you have not touched it. This is a curious experiment. Try it.

Our lives and moods depend on our ideas and opinions. I have learned the way to leverage this knowledge, and I will teach you how, too. Here’s the secret: when I’m getting exhausted or upset, or I feel like my day is only going to bring me trouble, I prepare myself for it. I calmly sit or lie down on a bed and try to clear my mind. I close my eyes and try to visualize a great day. I envision myself effortlessly tackling every problem. I see how energized I feel from my meetings and from the pleasant interactions I have with others. I construct a great day in my head, and in doing so, I manage to change my circumstances. I send my thoughts to the Universe, and my day improves. I usually spend about 10 to 15 minutes doing this exercise. You can use it to develop a positive attitude at work.

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