To Douche Or Not To Douche? When Your 2018 Already Has A Bunch Of Epic Stories
I've just arrived in Bangkok for a week-long holiday.
No, I do not have pictures of beautiful scenery or market places that oozes with the city's charm.
I've instead a rude awakening that speaks of the douche in me and the douche friends I have:
I just arrived at my good friend's home. I am crashing here for a night.
When I entered his room, there was a chick there.
We made awkward greetings.
He just went off to send her home.
And that picture is a huge ass wet spot on the side of the bed I am supposed to sleep on...
It's disgusting as fuck.
But I am pretty sure we're just going to laugh about it later though I am gonna make sure he disinfects this shit for me.
So the question is: To douche, or not to douche?
When I say this, I refer to embracing your life for all its stupidest, immature, childish, ridiculous, funny and dumb moments.
I've honestly been condescended on before. People ask me shit like:
"You're already 32 and still dancing?"
"When are you going to get a real job?"
When are you going to settle down, get married and stop dating a bunch of random girls?"
"You really need to plan for your future Alden."
Personally, planning is okay. It's important too, but you can't delude yourself into thinking that you got it all under control.
Things will find a way to go wrong anyway.
So you might as well douche it out with your simple stories.
Oh, people will call you crazy, childish, immature and stuff...
But it doesn't matter.
Your simple stories will add up to make life meaningful.
You might as well have a good laugh from it.
I know I am.
Hahaha well that's certainly something moist there, well have you a choice then?
I can take your bunghole, or shall we place a bet on it? 😂😂😂😂
Whoopi! Arrrw! It doesn't really matter what people are saying about you, it is what you are saying about yourself that matters... Settled life is goooood Buh mennn this life is too short to be too serious with, while not enjoy it now that it last.
Enjoy your stay with your friend and make sure to disinfect! "Very necessary"
Have fun @aldentan!
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