Reason why he would take the decision to emigrate from Venezuela.

in #life6 years ago (edited)

First of all I apologize since I use the google translator

Reason why he would take the decision to emigrate from Venezuela.


Every day I see in my social networks, as a lot of Venezuelans are emigrating among them many friends and relatives have already left. And as a Venezuelan sometimes I think I will be doing the right thing, with staying, until when I can stand and overcome this situation, some friends have asked me that question.

The answer I give them is "that I believe that this crisis is not eternal and that when the storm passes, many opportunities will arise, and we will be there to take advantage of them", perhaps he is sinning because he is very optimistic.

Many people have left, because of "politicians' fault" I would not argue that to leave since the function of politicians is worth the redundancy, to do politics, to offer me villas and castillas, to gain my trust, my credibility, to win my vote, and once it has reached its objectives to forget all the promises, as the saying goes "to promise to put in after forgetting what I promised", it is hard but that's the way it is, then ridiculous to blame the politicians for the situation since in part I am also guilty, because I help these politicians to be where they are today.

Others claim the economic situation, that part would not be a motive either, since if something characterizes us to the Venezuelans, it is that we are very creative, we are ingenious and to say it in Creole to everything we look for the return and we found a solution, in our works We get some merchandise to sell it to our colleagues. Some even have 2 jobs, and if he is married, both members of the couple work and well in one way or another, they are avoiding the problems, even if they are bigger every day.

They also say that they have emigrated motivated by insecurity, also there I have to differ with that plea, since insecurity is everywhere, with different levels of I do not know what word to use let's say gravity, it is very true that here in my country you do not know if In the bus that you took to go to your work, it was chosen by a couple of thieves (choros as we know it here), but we have also read that in such a school in X state of some developed country, some teenagers arrived and shot him with automatic weapons to their peers, similar situations have happened in clubs and shopping centers, we have also seen how they have been victims of terrorist attacks, train systems, discos, stadiums, all that is insecurity, the big difference is that the (chorito) Venezuelan he does not settle for taking away from his victim some good that he does not know with what sacrifice he could buy it, but in many occasions he takes away something that is irreplaceable and it is LIFE, without caring that the person he murders may have parents, siblings, wife or children that he will hurt, but that loss that could matter material good to the victim, sometimes it seems that it is a pathological need, to kill to feel the adrenaline running through your body when you decide to take someone's life.

For all the above, I would not use as an excuse to leave Venezuela for any of the three reasons mentioned above. But if today I could say tomorrow I'm leaving the country, and it would be for disappointment, if they read well for the disappointment.

Disappointment for the people that I consider my brothers for the mere fact of having been born in the same country. Deception for a society that is corrupted from its fundamental cell as it is, the family.

That family that instead of inculcating values

to their children teaches that the end justifies the means, where they teach "that there is a living being" that we should not be screwed, when I have seen them encourage them to steal some bread in a bakery and say proudly "my son is skillful, that is not going to die of hunger", a teaching that includes coléate in that queue passing over 20 people who came before him.

Where they do not instill in them that work and effort is what really gives value to things, but everything is easy, where a lady goes walking and she drops a money and they run out not to return it but to grab it before another See it, as the Lord says. Yokoy Kenyi "but it's yours, it's someone's, leave it there".

And this upbringing is taking root in these children and they are creating men with such a degree of social resentment, which are the same ones that when they are adults they kill anyone just for stealing a cell phone, they are the same ones who go to a supermarket they buy a food item at a regulated price, and sold 4, 5 and up to 10 times its original value, that he was the one who made the queue in the super.

It is that same man who demonstrates his vilest hatred towards the lives of others, buys a certain amount of antibiotics without needing them and then goes on social networks offering it up to 100 times more expensive than the original price.

But I have also been disappointed by that minority of Venezuelans who have emigrated according to them looking for a better life, but that they have nothing to offer the country that receives them, to see how, without profession or trade, they cross the border into Colombia and stay in shelters waiting for food and shelter. Gentlemen if you are going to go to another country to sleep in a square, or a passenger terminal, better stay here in Venezuela, to spend time in another country stay here. I am disappointed to see four assholes being seized in Peru with a bag with firearms, grenades and even a map of a bank making plans to steal it and once again, hatred for the lives of others, using grenades, comes to light. What fault does a Peruvian citizen have, of the bad life that this being could have had, so that his life is threatened by a Venezuelan who does not want to work but get everything easily. We are recoverable, I think so, but we must put a lot of effort and recover that education that our grandparents gave our parents. V.F

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