In every life problem there must be a god who helps you.

in #life7 years ago (edited)


Problems in life! Of course everyone has experienced it, ranging from parents to the level of small children, all have experienced problems in their lives, of the many problems of life there are able to cope and there are also people who can not cope, even to the extent of madness, and this is a lot we find in this world.

That's the way in my life, I'm having a difficult life problem, it's even too hard for me to tell anyone, some friends ask me what's your problem? and too bitter to tell, in this paper I want to tell how my attitude in facing the problem, so my mouth can still smile even though my heart is actually crying loudly.

Actually I have never hoped for a better life, all my desires are gone, all my hopes are gone, it's all caused by a suffering that has been years of self-inflicted myself, so my day is very tiring, where peers are the same age I live happily while I have to lie on my mat every once a month, very often I cry for myself in the darkness of night, even I scolded this life with the phrase "Life is unfair to me".

So finally the light of god came to me to build patience in living it all. Mentari back shining to welcome my morning that has begun to improve from before, and time after time that I live continue more excited and beautiful, it is all thanks to the prayer of prayer that I read on every quiet night, that's life when everyone does not care about us , when everyone leaves us, the mighty god must always be with us. Then do not ever leave it.

Regards @albuluhi.


masalah hidup harus dinikmati dan dicari solusinya

In life many problem and need for a solution

Sebuah lukisan yang cantik.

Kecantikan hati jauh lebih penting dari kecantikan wajah

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