in #life7 years ago

Hi there Steemit friends, it's been a while, maybe close to a year or more since I've posted, commented or replied to any stories but I'M BACK!!

I wanna start back up by giving a big shout-out to @papa-pepper for inspiring me to come back to Steemit and for reminding me just how awesome not only the platform is but also how great and supportive the community is here on Steemit.

If you're not following @papa-pepper, go give him a follow now! He is the kind of human being that I aspire to be - caring, kind and selfless. More on that soon.

I've been spending a lot of time lately with an old friend from over a decade ago, and I was recently hanging out with her and sharing my life experiences, and she said something that immediately grabbed my attention...

You really don't care.

Those were her exact words. I asked her to explain and she did. I gotta say that I totally agree with her - I really don't care!

I've been through a lot, and I'm sure that some of you can relate. I've lost more loved ones that anyone ever should in a short period of time, and that's made me question my faith in anything and everything. It also changed my perspective on life, and what really matters and what doesn't, but also on fears and what scares and holds most people back from making changes that could potentially impact their lives for the better.

For the most part, my fears have disappeared and lessened to the point of me "not caring" as my friend pointed out. She didn't mean that I "really don't care" but that I really didn't care about anyone's opinion, and that I'm not afraid of speaking my mind and putting myself out there, but also trying out new things at a moments notice. I guess maybe I've always been that way. I've always not cared.

Can you relate to not caring? Drop me a comment below and let me know of a defining moment in your life that made you question your faith, and how you overcame it to restore your faith? Or how are you working now on overcoming your lack of faith?

Well, that wraps it up for the day. Thank you all of you guys who participate daily on Steemit, and an even bigger thank you to you reading this post!

Remember...positive vibes attract positive vibes. Now go out there, be positive, chase your dreams and care-less...in a good way that is.


Hay its really great that you you are still connected to out best best stemmetian. As you said many things happened to you that sometimes your faith. Well its life not always at gave the same what we expect from it.
And at last you had well said that positive Vibes attract positive so it's a really great to read your post and thanks.

Thanks for the kind comment @funatoz. Gotta agree with you that @papa-pepper is the best Stemmetian and a great positive person that has added so much value to the platform just by being himself. It's my pleasure. Glad you read it. Thanks a million for the support!

Hay thanks for your response over my comment

I remember not caring, but those days are behind me now... Thanks for the shoutout too! Glad to see you're back, and glad that I could help!

Hey there @papa-pepper, thanks for chiming in and it's my pleasure - nothing to thank me for. You've helped me in more ways than you can imagine. I'm glad to be back too. You'll be seeing more of me soon and I'm gonna participating a ton more.

Wow, that is such an awesome challenge @papa-pepper. Little acts like these are the ones that help center me and remind me that there are still good people out there helping those in need. Will be participating in some way, form or shape.

Thanks @paradise-found for starting this challenge!

Thanks @mdsujon335! Glad you liked it.

Most welcome ..... @albertfall

Caring - we mustn't confuse this with worrying. Don't worry, be happy.
Do care - but don't care so hard it hurts or makes you ill.

A bout of depression can leave us questioning, but the answers are in philosophy not nihilism. Only love can fill the void.

Blessings through your quest.

Thanks for chiming in @ecoinstant!

Love what you said about philosophy and the quote "Only love can fill the void."

I've been in a much better place lately, and I've been loving life, waking up early and chasing my dreams - the dreams I had when things were better. For a few years now, I've not cared so hard that it hurts, and I absolutely don't worry as much.

And as much as I worry, sometimes I find clarity in just knowing that things will somehow always work themselves out with the best possible outcome.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I absolutely got something out of it.

Great to hear back from you! Good to hear - sometimes one day makes all the difference - there are tough days and stormy seas, but when the sun peaks through the clouds and our heart remembers what we serve, everything falls into place again.

Love and Light!

Amen brother! When the sun peaks through the clouds and our heart remembers what we serve, everything does fall into place again. Strong and powerful words @ecoinstant, and I loved every bit of it.

I am new just five months now. I have found great enjoyment here with this steemit community. Much to learn yet I like a good challenge. Check out @abbijulie we share our lives and much more. Have a nice day. Love to you

Thanks @abbijulie and I'm excited to hear that you found great enjoyment in the Steemit community. It's the best community and the only community that I'm active on. As long as you're learning you're progressing. Will check out your account.

Thanks! Much love to you too.

Sending positive vibes!

Hope to see more of you now that you are back. Steemit is an addiction a great one I think. Love your way from us.

Thank you again @abbijulie for the warm welcome! Couldn't agree more. Steemit is an addiction...but the good kind of addiction!

Welcome you are. Their are more thing good to be addicted to than bad. Love your way

Thanks for the support @abbijulie. You rock!

Welcome back in the cheerful community

Thanks @abiproud! I'm excited and super pumped to be back.

I read your statement of not caring that you know where you want to go and don't care what the naysayers are saying. I do believe that facing challenges makes us get in touch with our essence and to figure out what is important to us.
For me, I have lost faith in my fellow man more than once. But also feel that it is self-defeating to dwell on the negative. Loss of others and being faced with cancer and being sick for a long time gives me the measuring point to stop ever so often and really ask myself what is important. If I know that I am going to die in 6 months, what would I want to do..... Whatever doesn't feel right can go....

Hi @mariannewest!

Couldn't agree more with you that facing challenges is what makes us get in touch wit our essense and to figure out what matters and what doesn't. One of my biggest regrets, if I was to have regrets, it would be not learning and realizing this earlier.

So much wasted time on people, places and things that don't matter. But I guess, you don't know what you don't know, and hindsight is always 20/20.

That is absolutely true, and it reminds me of one of my favorites quotes - we might not be able to change the world but we can change the way we look at it. I can't imagine what going through cancer must be like but I've watched my mother battle a deadly disease and it broke me down and made me questions everything - including my own existence.

We all have to live with more urgency and really ask ourselves if we are happy with our lives, creating a positive impact for future generations and if we are leaving behind a legacy that will outlive us.

Thanks for sharing part of your story @mariannewest! I look forward to learning more about you. Will be checking out your account.

Thank you for your beautiful long answer. And yes, in hindsight it is always so much easier to see. But I do feel it is good to remember that we only have so much time on earth and we might as well use it well.
Yesterday, when I was writing my comment to you, my daughter in law's dad was in his transition and my son and my daughter in law had him in their house and were with him in his last hour. He was another reminder of choices we make. He was diagnosed about 7 years ago and first, we thought he might pass away in a few month. then, a treatment worked up till now. But most of those years, he spent being depressed and not doing very much. And that makes me so sad for him.

Couldn't agree more with you @mariannewest! We really do have so much time on earth and we should be spending it and using it wisely. Afterall, time is the only non-renewable resource which makes it the most valuable resource. Who or what we spend time on should reflect that.

My sincere condolences. Losing someone is never easy, but it does get easier with time. It's hard to understand how someone must feel or what they're going through when they are given such a diagnosis. I can only fathom...It couldn't have been easy for you and your family. I do hope that the experiences brings you closer together to help each other heal.

Again @mariannewest, you have my most sincere condolences. I lost my mother some time ago, and my father, step-dad, grandmother, grandfather when I was a little younger, and my uncle most recently and it hasn't been easy, but it has gotten easier for me with time and it will get easier for you and your family as well.

Thanks for taking the time to respond!

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