The lights of society in the past
Still remember the time of old times. Life with darkness at night .. That so quiet only heard with voice.
These lights are a bit modern enough as well as the more practical shape of these turns can be inserted into the house, and unlike the lampstand torch or the chaotic lights have a shield to keep the apai from going out and the fire propagates to burn the house (ancient houses still use wood / boards) . But these lights are the same as torches still use kerosene fuel.
But actually in addition to already a da electric, the main factor of society already do not make this lamp anymore is because kerosene is getting rare, and the price rises drastically pursue the price of rice and the price of sembako
while the base material used by this lamp is kerosene.
But sometimes even so, these lights are still there that often make you know, especially if the electric lights kayak like today, especially the countryside, because it is still more economical than buying candles
In this highly sophisticated era we often forget the simple things. For today's sizes, flashing lights are considered old-fashioned outdated items. Whereas in its day, the lamps needed to generate flashlight for lighting in the dark at night.