What we should know: Tips-Body Language (Chap.3_Part 2)
In the previous issue we learned that the use of open palms denotes honesty, frankness and loyalty; and that using it intentionally to deceive would not work; first, because of the lack of many other gestures that are typical of when one acts honestly; and second, because gestures or micromanagems will also appear when they tell lies. Additionally, we saw how to interpret the three main gestures of the palms.
If you have not read it, I invite you to read it here:
What we should know: Tips-Body Language (Chap.3_Part 1).
Handshake: Interpretation according to the position of the palms
The action of shaking hands comes from the time of cavemen. Since when two cavemen met, they raised their arms with their palms wide open to show that they did not hide any weapons.
With the passage of time that gesture of the cavemen was transformed into raised palms for the greeting, palm on the heart for oath; among others. The modern form of that ancestral gesture of greeting is to shake your palms and shake them.
From the What we should know: Tips-Body Language we have fresh how the requests made with the palms up and the palms down are considered, which will allow us to understand the importance of those positions at the time to shake hands
The first greeting at the moment of knowing someone or when they introduce us to someone, is that of shaking hands, and it is at this precise moment, in which you can unconsciously transmit some of the following three attitudes that are described below:
1. Domain Attitude: is the one that is transmitted when your palm is facing down. Not necessarily your palm should be towards the ground, it is enough that it is down but on the palm of the other person.
Indicate that you want to take control of that meeting .
Observations have been made on 54 business winners, resulting that 42/54 of the people took the initiative to shake hands and did so in the dominant way; that is, with the palm down.
2. Attitude of Submission: is one that is transmitted when your palm is up.
Indicates that you want to give up control of the situation or make you feel that you have it .
There are exceptions in this case since there are circumstances that mitigate this effect. For example: people who suffer from arthritis in their hands are forced to give it with the least effort, which makes it easier for the other person to modify the position of the palm and place it in the state of submission. Other examples apply to people whose profession involves using their hands (painters, surgeons, pianists and musicians) and therefore will give their hand in a delicate way for the purpose of protecting it.
3. Equality Attitude: is that which takes place when two dominant people shake hands. The symbolic struggle to put the other's palm in the submission position results in a vertical handshake.
Indicates or conveys to the other a feeling of respect and sympathy .
It is the handshake that a father teaches his son, is what they call "Give your hand as a man."

Shaking hands is an accepted and widespread practice, however there are some circumstances in which it might be wrong to start a greeting. That is why it is important to ask several questions before taking the initiative.
If a salesman starts shaking hands with a client he is going to see without a prior appointment, it can produce negative results, since the client will not really want to welcome him and therefore would be forced to do something against his will .
In the case of people with arthritis problems in the hands and / or people with professions mentioned above, they can become defensive if they are forced to shake hands.
For this reason, it is very important to take into account these circumstances, and wait for that other person to start the action of shaking hands. In case this does not happen, simply try to say hello with a nod and verbally.
________________________________________________________(To be continue)