Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays! Happy New Year! Now what do I say?

in #life7 years ago (edited)

So, I just had a lovely evening this evening with friends that I've known for a few years as part of muh wife's moms group. They are lovely people. Our kids play together. Their kids are funny, smart, and friendly. The adults are kind, hard working, thoughtful and funny. I just don't know what to say to them anymore.

I can say the seasonal things. I can ask for carrots and peas politely. I can ask how they are feeling, but it's hard to engage these days in conversation. All I want to do is sit around and tell them about crypto. I mean. I did that, but it's not nice to overwhelm people with this for hours. It's probably in their best long term interest... but that doesn't mean that they want to hear it at the seasonal party.

subtitle- what the fuck is this guy talking about?!?

Literally just about everything I'm doing is either hanging with my family or poured back into Steem. I like it because it's financially rewarding and simultaneously it brings me life satisfaction to work on providing an alternative to the status quo that basically sucks for everyone on the planet right now.

"Did you know that the Federal Reserve is a private bank, and that private bank doesn't act like it's under the jurisdiction of the government? Please pass the peas. Did you know that the government you think is a government is actually a corporation that's claiming to represent the original de jure government? Also, that government doesn't really have any rights over you either because all of these relationships involve voluntary contracts that you never voluntarily signed under full disclosure? Pass the butter?"

I can't act normally with normal people anymore. I'm trying to balance talking about what I care about and current social norms. I don't worry about these things on the daily, but when I'm representing my family in normal society I'm a little at a loss. I don't want to hurt relationships with my kids friends by being THAT GUY at the dinner table.

It's not to say that I don't promote these things in public with the fiat normies too! But I am trying to balance it being the only thing that I care about and try to have a range of discussion that feels inclusive to others at the table.

"So, how bout them Pats distracting you from the Fed crushing the economy?" I think I still need some work.



I find it easy not to talk about crypto but it sure is hard not to think about it and where the price is going :P

There's something i learnt sometime ago, it goes
"You have a problem when being normal is not a problem to you" , All i see here is you are just being you - Sometimes it becomes difficult to talk about things or stuffs we care about in the presence of people we care about because they don't care about the same things - my advice, @aggroed, Just chill, talk about what they love to talk about, don't be THAT GUY, but still FIND PEOPLE LIKE YOU b4 you lose it...LOL
Fortunately, you've gat steemit

Wow! the was amazing to passing Christmas, you will get for next year with new style @aggroed

this is what being a cross cultural child is like. a foot in two separate realities.

Fiat people? You simply have to have a proper caliber for them to listen you, @aggroed :)

Merry Christmas to you too:

I feel your pain.

I also have some non-popular interests that a really wish that people i know would be mor interested.

But the truth is that most of the people dont like to talk about economics, philosophy, politics, whats behind an history, cryptos.

And there is not much we can do about that.

At most, we can start to talking about the topic, and watch If someone get interested of excited about it. If not, move on. Eventually you Will find people that want to talk about this.

Think about yourself. You also have a lot of topics that you dont care much, but other people love to talk about. Human nature.

Nowdays que have the interwebs, where there is always a place to find people around the world that share the same interests.

Heh, know the feeling. I was trying to explain to my father-in-law about cryptocurrencies, and he had the belief that crypto is a Ponzi scheme and it's not worth investing in it. Well, he's and old man that worked his entire life... and he doesn't understand the power of thechnology.

Haha, classic. This is how I feel about spirituality, I didn't used to be spiritual at all, but now its a huge part of my life and I want to talk to everyone about it. I'm starting to get this way with cryptos and have been like that in the past with government stuff.

I found out long ago people don't want to hear it... at least at first. Some people do come around, but its usually a bit later, after they've had time to research it themselves. Because why would they trust you, you're only family. I've brought cryptos up with a few people, most are disinterested. It shows how oddly trusting(as a whole, not everyone like you and me) we are of certain sources like the media.

Nice post, I got a laugh out of it!

This can be made more frustrating, whenever you hear them talk, they say something that is horribly wrong. Something that the learned in the 12+ years in govern-cement indoctrination camps.

They use money and fiat interchangeably.
They think the police are here to protect us.
They talk about politics like they have a choice.
They put zucchini in their meat loaf.

So what do you do? We are sitting at the greatest change the world has ever seen. And most people don't even know it exists.

Maybe we should make movies where we see bitcoin monsters eating the major bank sky scrapers. Like a swarm of locusts.
... but then, Alan Greenspan will show up in a spandex outfit with a cape and stop them. (nope, I don't like this movie. Rips paper out of typewriter and throws it into the waste bin)

Well there is nothing wrong with being passionate and excited about it. There could be many worse things that people get excited about . But I do think having a balance in Life with whatever you like or are passionate about is healthy. Afterall, sooner or later we have to deal with things like sickness, death, etc..etc.. And then all that other stuff seems somewhat trivial. Not to sound morbid but just being honest

I agree with you,there's nothing wrong with being passionate about it, the balance though is really important.

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