We all seem to want the same thing

in #life6 years ago (edited)

love, peace, happiness, freedom, truth, identity

the old, old masters of the mind, alchemy.. taught their students that, the mind is spirit, mentalism is spiritualism. Babies aren't born with an accent, or bias, or ego, that is the base self, the true inner self. From your moment of birth, this is diluted, by your surroundings, family, environment etc.. this is why people can be so different from one another and all based on the material earth, as if material could be pinpointed in the great scheme of things... i.e you think you may be reading this, but it is not.., what YOU do, you... your brain, separate from that innerself.. .what it does is take these words and interprets them how you would, with your own beliefs, bias and ego, but behind that, ... underneath it is the innerself, that BASE self, and it is written into all of us, it is not unique to any one person. You have been systematically disconnected from it since birth, by your parents, by their friends and people they bring around you as a child, television...mind you it is not your parents fault, they do not know for what they do in this case because they did not have this information, gobbles knew this, and said remember... the greatest system of propaganda, is that by which is spread from neighbor, to neighbor, they do the jobs for the very people who want it so.

the sooner people realize this, the sooner they take notice, as the very nature of life that we experience is more miraculous than some cheap magic trick, or other 'supernatural' novelties. You are a part of something that you, yourself do not realize that the image of what you conceive as 'you', is standing... infront of that true, base self... like a bully cutting in line.

we need to come together as an organism, a single motion of thought perceived by the mind that created us, the all. we need to work together, not fight each other.. because all we are doing is literally fighting ourselves, and this... this is most depressing.

we all share the same wifi signal, but the wifi signal is not one in the same, the wifi signal is everything, if it was not.. then it could not be called the all.

the all is at war with itself, in this day 2019 AD

hot cold, evil good, love hate, life death, man woman.. Hot and Cold, are not 2 different things, they are 2 polarities, or two opposites of the same thing, temperature. this system of polarity, duality is in everything, even by the very nature of the ground and sky, and life in it.. masculinity is the earth, the sky.. but it would be barren, dead... lifeless without the wind blowing through it, the waters running through it.. this is femininity, all things that give rise to life.

people may read this, and you will interpret it as you will, but remember you are deaf until your ears are thirsty for wisdom.

save eachother, save yourselves
as above so below, as below so above
