
in #life7 years ago


6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
And the PEACE OF GOD, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds. Many of us don't give to much importance to our internal peace. We run and run and run, for this earthly goals and we tend to focus on our objectives untill, slowly by slowly we become burdened by worries and fears. And God instruct us, in His word, to pray and come to Him with our petitions and present our requests to our beloved Father. And don't forget about thanksgiving :)
And if we do that, He promises us that His peace, which transcends all understanding, will guard our HEARTS AND MINDS. Isn't it amazing?
When I was 15,my family went through a very hard period. We had a debt that was growing month after month and the worries in me, grew aswell. Untill we had no more options but to sell our apartment and to pay that debt. One night, my mother came to me and said: We have no more options, we must sell our apartment, and then she left me alone. I started to panic and tried to find some solutions to our problem, but everyting I tought for didn't help. And I was on the point to have a nervos breakdown, when I said, from all my heart: God help us. In one split second, all fear and panic and stress in me, fell down, and all my being was floded by an amazing peace that I cannot describe in words. It is just as Paul says: Which transcends all understanding. I couldn't worry anymore. I knew that everything is going to be ok, from that moment on. And aftert that, all things started to go good for us and in 3 years we had a brand new house.
Don't worry, but bring your requests before God and let His peace rule your mind and heart.
But the most amazing thing is that the Prince of Peace wants to make home inside you. His name is Jesus and if you invite Him in your life to be your Lord, He will come and cleanse you from all sins and make you a child of God and fill your heart with His amazing peace.

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