Dispute resolution....Who you tell it to matters alot

in #life6 years ago

Disagreements are bound to come up in human interactions, so what do you do when such arise? What do you do when someone so annoys you that it feels like you will burst open,

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what come first to your mind?
Well as humans several thoughts will fly in our minds in that micro second, some of which would be either to

  • Seek immediate retaliation

  • Delay retaliation for later cause you know you
    just won't let this pass

  • tell someone about it other than the offender

  • Or tell the offender as the case may be.

For this discuss we will be tackling telling others about it, humans by nature can sometimes be annoying well that's because non of us is perfect and even in this imperfect state we all need relationships with one another. Even at that no one wants to be taken for granted.

A good recipe for managing anger and offence which will surely come up in our interactions with fellow humans is to give large room for mistakes and offences, give excuses for people, you never can tell when you will need such excuse for your self.

When it's no longer what you can tolerate and very hurting then tell it to the offender not a third party, third parties come with their own imperfections too, they come with their own idea of right and wrong which might not necessarily be correct, this might end up destroying a relationship you might have built and nurtured over the years or about building that should be beneficial either in the now or later future.

Be bold enough to talk to your offender and tell him in the best possible way what transpired that you didn't like.


when you do so and he accepts his fault, you have won back a friend or business partner as the case may be and built a stronger bond.

Stop telling it to everyone except the offender, it shows weakness in character and otherwise
It shows how much you love pity party, and want sympathy even at the expense of the other person.

When you have considered all and still no longer want this continually offensive relationship still break it cordially, life is a funny circle you just never can tell yet if you might need this bridge in the future to cross again.

Funny thing is when you tell it to others, you are perceived as incapable of dispute resolution a vital skill in this chaotic present world.

You end up a gossip and a tale bearer ,willing to tell just anyone who will listen, you grow more bitter and angry

So to cut this unending circle, talk to who matters most. and that is who caused the anger in the first place.

An apology from the offender soothes more than 10 apologies from persons who offhandedly just say sorry and you know they don't even mean it.

Share love reduce hate circles.

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