Nature Is My Style

in #life7 years ago

Hi steemians,
How are you today?
This part I want to share our journey to Banda Aceh the capital city of Aceh-Indonesia. Aceh is the only province that apply of syariah government regulation in all of regencys in Indonesia, the syariah government name is Qanun.

I think that's enough for Introduction, the journey start in Lamreh in 13 August 2015. Lamreh is located in Major Aceh, it take 30 minutes to go there from banda Aceh, Lamreh is a hill which have sea under it and make it a good scenery and It best place for fishing.



We also set up a tent/camp for spend for the night here like camping, we lit a campfire, make coffe, barbeque, noodle, playing domino and guitar, There are no mosquito in here and the wind is breeze because we near the sea. We usually open our shirt and wearing short pants because sometimes become hot.




In the mornig, we clean the place and go home but its not the end. In 2 days after Lamreh, we go to Kuta Malaka waterfall which located in Major Aceh too. It takes 45 minutes from Banda Aceh, its a hill but its not have a sea because this is a river. The hill is very beautiful scenery and the waterfall have 30 level but we only reach in first level because its so far away to reach the 30 level. Before go to waterfall, we hike the hill for enjoy the great scenery.






After enjoy the hill, we go to the waterfall and swim. There are so much ladder must be passed, but we still spirit to go there.



Finally we arrive in the river, enjoy the waterfall and swimming with fresh river water.


I think enough for this part, hope you like my story.
this is the best journey.
see you next time.
regards from me @adit9


Bereh adit...jgn lupa upvote @faisalcemerlang biar banyak duet seperti adit hahhahhahaa

Beres tu om hahaha

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