The Power of being Positive! - Positivity Wins

in #life7 years ago

Positivity Wins

Being positive can help you overcome and achieve your goals!

Sometimes a current situation you are facing may not be ideal. It is always best to think of the positives things that you do have in your life.
Being positive will help you boost your confidence. Positivity gives you the "can do attitude".
Positive people turn their problems into opportunities.

Is the glass as half empty or half full?

Your positive action combined with positive thinking results in success.
-Shiv Khera

img source

The mind is a very powerful tool.

Negative thoughts can slow you down.
Have you ever found yourself saying "I can't do...(such and such)"
Even a simple phrase like this can paralyze you or convince you from taking action.
Instead try telling yourself. "What is it going to take to get this down" or "I need to take the steps to get X"
You will find that you will be more motivated to push toward the goal when having positive thoughts.

How does being positive help you on Steemit?
If you are not yet earning what you would like to be on Steemit YET
Think of all the other positive things that you have by being here; becoming a better writer/storyteller, making friends, being apart of an awesome community.

I have found by thinking of all the positive things that I am gaining on Steemit, the earnings come easier. People see your love and passion. Your positivity shines through your writing.
People love being around positive people, and are more willing to interact with you ;)

I hope you enjoyed my post.
Thanks so much for your love and support.

STEEM ON and stay Positive! ;)


Thank you very much for the positive words. That was a very enjoyable read and I like the glass half full outlook! I'm somewhat new and about a week since joining steemit. It's been great! I'm following now and looking forward to future posts! Thanks again!

Thanks so much! I remember my first week on Steemit. It is super exciting. You will have some post do well and some that do horrible. Stay positive and keep going! It will pay off!
Thanks for checking out my post! I am glad you enjoyed it!! :)

There is high and low in life. Shits happen all the time. Keeping positive definitely helps. Always watch out for the light at the end of the tunnel. Thanks for sharing.

Yes! Well said!
Thanks so much for your wonderful comment! :)

I like your post. Resteemed!

Things happen. It's our choice to respond either in a negative/positive manner.

SO SO True!
Thanks so much for the comment @automaton

Hello! Thanks for sharing this! Positivity can help us not only in Steem it but in life in general! This magic kind of thinking and living can even save a life. There are many cases that people even can get healthier if they think in the right way. I personally know a man that had cancer and now....he is perfectly healthy! He said it is not only medical treatment that helped him, but mostly POSITIVE THINKING !
BE POSITIVE and dont forget to smile :) Alexa

Wow. Yeah, that is so amazing. Our minds are very powerful!
I do believe positive thinking makes us healthier as well.

Thanks so much for sharing!

This post is very helpfull people those who are struglling and wants to do something on steemit. I support you. Positivity always helps
Increase confidence
Encourages to do work hard.

Thanks for sharing@acromott

Thanks so much!
I am glad you enjoyed and found my post helpful :)

While being positive is a great strategy, balancing a healthy dose of pessimism will help you make realistic predictions about the world. Both should be used together

The balance of both is real.
Thanks so much for your comment! :)

Thank you.
You really can feel the difference when you are positive versus negative

So true!
Thanks so much for the comment!

Good article, great attitude. Was never a fan of the walking blogger thing, but that is a personal opinion. I'll stay positive on the text and concepts you presented.

What about the person who stayed positive for almost 15 years and yet no signs of any positivity in is own life?

always be positive you're absolutely right the video is awesome thanks a lot for sharing and keep on posting ;)

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