The Excited Young Boys: The Reflection of the Best Moment in the Past Time
Do we ever imagine how best our childhood? We wish we could turn back our time where we could find the cheerful life being with our folks. The innocence encouraged us to freely enjoy our time. That what I felt when I saw this group of the young boy in the afternoon time. My mind went back to many years ago where I did the same with my friends, laughing in the shade of happiness.
The memory was now left behind. Even we had such a good time like this, the feeling won't be the same. Ah! Life has a past and future. The present is a middle of them, thus we have to make up a good plan for the future life. However, the past sometimes dragged us to reflect what we had done during the childhood, it usually happens when we are faced with the similar activity of these generations. There is a saying "Childhood is the best moment in our life" we may agree or disagree, and your disagreement will change soon you see these pictures. Indeed, they were having a good time innocently.
We got used to breaking our parent rule for sake of the happiness, and we used to deal with unpleasant friends, even we fought but you know, the hatred won't last long, we would befriend again. Can we find such this moment at this present time? Hard to tell! As the village boys, perhaps we spent much time in the local river or sea. We acted like the real swimming pool swimmer, we broke the barrier because we believed this place belonged to us. Nobody could tell us no, just like these young boys did. They were free to act like the master of the sea.
While having fun with friends, the peace staying within, jumping, laughing with delight. They whooped into the breeze, naked body against the little wave. They worked together to have a fun time, wave sound hit the rock along with their laughing. In this sea, the children have just become the mirror of the happiness. When I saw these kids, there was something so intoxicating about these excited young boys, they were pouncing, squealing, swimming and laughing when one of them failed in action. That how those young boys on the day I saw them as if they were bursting with liquid the sunshine over the sea water.
These excited young boys had drugged my childhood time. How was happy and comfortable being with folks. I felt the friendship strongly bond each other, we knew the friendship had formed a sincere love and always there in full measure. The childhood love meant taking a good time with playing and thrown away the hard times. We stood one another in times of sadness, easing the pain. That what I saw in them!

Keceriaan yang sangat luar biasa, momen ini mengingat kan saat2 masih kecil dulu bg @abduhawab .
Kebahagiaan tanpa pengaruh era teknologi memang kebahagiaan nyata yang bisa kita rasakan.
Tapi saya kurang menikmatinya waktu kecil, konflik aceh adalah alasan utamanya.
childhood is amazing. i miss it sometime when i got stuck in life.
thank you for best photos @abduhawab
Bahagianya mereka...
Jadi teringat sesuai itu👍
Momen seperti inilah yang saya rindukan, bermain bersama, dialam terbuka, terlihat keakraban, yang sangat indah. Zaman sekarang kebersamaan seperti ini sudah sangat langka kita temukan, dizaman sekarang. anak-anak sekarang lebih banyak menghabiskan waktunya dengan bermain game.
Melihat fotonya bang @abduhawab ini saya jadi ingin kembali lagi kemasa kecil saya dulu😥
Foto2 ini benar2 menghadirkan kebagiaan😁
Masa kecil adalah masa yang indah tidak ada kata gundah paling hanya ledakan emosi kecil ketika konflik singkat dengan teman main :)
Masa - masa yang paling kita rindukan, adalah suatu karunia bisa menikmati indah dan sempurnanya penciptaanNya, terimakasih bang @abduhawab telah membawa saya untuk sesa'at kembali ke masa lampau, masa yang indah penuh kenangan manis
Masa kecil memang tidak bisa dilupakan, disana tersimpan memory yang sangat indah...