You Can Easily Enjoy Life in a Way Most People Don't

in #life7 years ago

Many of us assume that we need to make drastic changes to our habits, routines and/or bank balances to be happy. In reality, however, that’s not the case. Often, we already have everything we need to enjoy life—it’s just a question of prioritizing what’s really important. Here are 25 simple ways you can enjoy your life more, starting today!
Focus on yourself
Other people will always be on hand to offer up their opinions and advice. Ultimately, however, it’s we, and we alone, that have to live with the consequences of our decisions.
Make time to relax
Making time to relax and reconnect with ourselves leaves us better equipped to deal with more challenging periods.
Avoid the news
It’s all too easy to get sucked into public drama, online and offline. Trust that if something important happens, you’ll know about it. Otherwise, save yourself energy and spend your time on something more worthwhile.
Nurture your positive relationships
Make time to nurture the positive relationships you have with friends and family. Identify the people who lift you up and focus your energy on them.
Meet new people
Community is one of the most important needs we have. Making a consistent effort to meet new people helps us fulfill that need and introduces us to new ideas and perspectives.
Explore new places
New places and cultures offer a different perspective on the world and add a healthy dose of inspiration and possibility to our lives.
Be deliberate in your choices
We’ve never had so many opportunities to create a lifestyle that we truly love, yet many of us still live life on autopilot. Be deliberate in your life choices: remember that it’s your life and no-one else’s.
Invest in yourself
The more self-aware and self-accepting we are, the happier we are. Make time to read personal development books, journal, and focus on being compassionate towards yourself.
Keep a wish list
Whenever you think of something you’d like to try, or a place you’d like to visit, write it down and keep a collection. It keeps the dream alive and stops it fizzling out as a forgotten thought.
Try new things
Commit to trying a certain number of items from your wish list each year to make sure they don’t just stay as wishes.
Spend money on experiences, not possessions
It’s experiences, not possessions, that create memories and meaning.images.jpg
Cut down your junk
Physical clutter equals mental clutter; reducing the amount of stuff around us fosters a calmer mental state, too.
Make time for gratitude and appreciation
Creating a routine of writing down three things we feel grateful for each day helps us focus more on what we’re grateful for in life.
Track how you’re spending your time
It’s easy to get to the end of a day and wonder where all the time went, so track how you spend your time in an average week. When we’re conscious of how we’re spending our hours, we can make the most of the time we have on this planet.
It’s that time of year again. Spring. May. Time to set new goals, resolve to do more, eat less, stop smoking, start exercising, and a long list of other dos and don’ts we hope will improve our lives in the coming year. What we forget is that the outside BS doesn’t matter. What we all truly yearn for is to feel happier and healthier day to day.
Sure, we’d love to achieve those big goals and earn more money, but research reveals time and time again that once the goals are met, it’s simply onto the next. To create lasting benefits to our lives, attract more opportunities and relationships, both personally and professionally, we need to work from the inside out.
Stress and pain are relative but also a common thread connecting us all. Taking moments to remember we’re not alone, to enjoy some good breaths, have some good laughs, make some sweet love (with yourself or others), and find free ways to soak up the most of being alive will help the anxious feelings subside. Here are a few things you should do every day to keep that stress monster away.

  1. Laugh. Hard.
    Life is just too damn chaotic and tragic to absorb without the soft kick of the giggles. Turns out the whole "laughter is the best medicine" theory is quite true. It’s impossible to feel the crippling burden of negative emotions while engrossed in laughter. It gives the mind and body a much needed reset and forces us into the moment. It is uplifting, energizing and oddly calming at the same time. Get to laughing. )images (3).jpg
  2. Hug. Long.
    Hugging is monumentally beneficial to the human experience. It spikes oxytocin in the brain when enveloped in someone’s arms for a good 10 seconds or more. It’s beautiful to intertwine with another, smelling them, smiling with them, feeling their breath connect with yours. Two human hearts communicate during this exchange, and despite the nauseating cheesiness of this fact, it is a genuine boost to our moods and our days. Get to hugging.
  3. Have sex. Alone or with another .
    Naked hugging! For millions of years, orgasms have perpetuated the life of a variety of species into the future. What’s more, we don’t even need a partner to enjoy the sweet sweet release. Sure, most would prefer someone to share the experience with, but there’s something quite special about bringing yourself to fruition all on your own. It’s a satisfying reminder of the pleasures in everyday living and how the best things in life are, in fact, free. Get to hump in.
  4. Move.
    The body is a machine, a magnificent vessel that gives us life. It’s not merely a clothes horse, or a means to attract another. It’s a complicated and endlessly fascinating life form that only works if we work it. We know this, exercise is pivotal to lasting health. If you hate the gym (I can relate), don’t bother because you won’t stick with it. If you do, by all means, continue to use it.
    Otherwise, there are many options you can enjoy outdoors or in the comfort of your very own home. Walk, bike, skip, jump rope, dance (badly if need be), do yoga, Pilate, garden, hike, climb, swim, play with your dogs or your kids or your partners, wrestle, have sex (hey now!). Get to
  5. Reflect.
    Without dwelling on the past, retelling the same stories over and over until they take on a distorted meaning, reflect on the day itself. Bring a little awareness to your attitude, your thoughts, the energy you exchanged with others, how you contributed to the betterment of your day.
    We can’t control much, so at the end of the day, let go of the bullshit, and keep the good shit. Almost all things in life are transient; experiences are fleeting, so control what you can: your breath, your attitude, your perceptions and reactions. It is powerful what a little awareness and gratitude can do. Get to reflecting.
  6. Indulge. Within reason.
    I love sugar. Too much. I know this now. For years I was in denial, thinking my vagina gave me some sort of biological imperative to need and crave things like chocolate and cookies. Fruit and cacao and agave and all that natural goodness is apparently what we should be eating, within reason.
    Deprivation or restriction doesn't work and only leads to desperate decisions and lashing out. Sooner or later, you’re hiding in a closet on your 5th bag of pretzel M&Ms (or maybe that’s me). Life is too short to live without a little indulgence. So, between green juices, Quintina, kale, blueberries and all those super foods we’re absorbing to help our bodies run smoothly, we can challenge it every now again with a little pick me up. Whatever that indulgence is for you, give yourself a little treat every once in a while. If it keeps you from snapping on yourself or another, the calories are well worth it. Get to indulging.
  7. Ask yourself whether your thoughts are making your experience of stress worse.
    If so, take a 10-minute walk, a 10-minute break to step outside and take deep, slow breaths, find someone to hug, watch a funny clip on the INTERNET, masturbate (preferably not in a public place), do something silly to remind yourself what a fleeting and fast blip in time life is. It’s too damn short to get bogged down by superficial nonsense, melodramatic arguments, or worry over your place in the rat race.
    You are already enough, already whole, already complete. You've won. You’re still here. Now suck it up and enjoy the shit out of it. What other choice to you have? Get to living.
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Life has expiry date which is dead, thus you need to make the most of your life and time

Right always important to take a break and reflect and focus on yourself! Gotta enjoy every moment of life! Thanks!

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