Great to find the Steemit community! A bit about me..part 1
Hello Everyone on Steemit
My name is Chip Van Halen... yes, that is correct, you heard it right, Van Halen...
This is me and my Siberian Husky named "Bondi" I share with an ex flame...he is named after Bondi beach in Sydney where I spent many a time...
This song below defined my life and my name, yes, I changed it, because #1 I could #2 I love the name and the band #3 This song was a huge motivator for me to escape my bullshit family life or shall I say, my non-existent family (I am not the only one, I know, but, this is my story )
If you said to me 20 years ago I would be living in France, or, even further in fact during my early high school years when I had a chance to study the french language as an elective, just as I even thought then, I would have said "Not a chance"
But, here I am living in the Alps in France, here is a short time lapse of my view from my window
So, maybe find a nice comfy chair, sit right down and maybe get maybe be inspired, who knows? Its just my some of my life story and my challenges that brought me here today...
Sammy Hagar, lead singer of Van Halen in 1986 wrote a song "Get Up" about getting up off the Canvas in his boxing days and morphs into basically not giving up and not staying down and defeating the controlling powers that be.
here are the lyrics anyway...
Feel like throwing in the towel don't be a fool
They're out to knock you out, put you down
For the count
Watch the left, watch the right, below
The belt
They'll run you round and round it's plain to see
It's never gonna stop they'll run ya till you drop
There ain't no power around can keep a good man down
[Chorus 2:]
There's still some fight in me
That's how it'll always be
Hold your head up high, look 'em in the eye, never say die
Get up and make it work
You say that love has got you down well that's bullshit
If love has got you down then love can pick you right back up
There ain't no power around can keep a good man down
Walking down a dead end street
No mercy at your feet
They're holding all the cards, making things so hard, before it goes too far
Get up and make it work
Get up and make it work
[Chorus 1]
[Chorus 2]
Get up and make it work
Get up and make it work
Get up and make it work
Get up and make it work
I never had a parent as a role model, this is why I used other outside sources that motivated me and at 16 this song and my "I have had enough attitude" of how I am treated by my father came together to change elements of my life...
To the beginning...
Born June 10th 1969 Wayne Graham Frazer, I was born in a thunder Sydney ( Hornsby )Australia , apparently my Mum was going to call me Thor. I was a preme baby and I had antibodies to my Mums blood ( I believe back then they called it Rn H - Now they have shots against this ) so I was sick and jaundice and barely survived, when I was born I was only about 3 pound 8 and could easily fit in the palm of my Mums hand... So I had numerous blood transfusions and survived the first year of my life
At 16 months old I could not walk at Mum took me to the doctor and the doctor said "If you were that fat, would you walk?" I am not offended, because that fat...saved my life! for what happened next
This photo below is the earliest photo I have of myself...I dont have any as a baby as I have not spoken to my Mum or she to me for 16 years, thats cool though, I buried the hatchet on that years is what it is..this photo shows a scar on my left cheek. I went with my parents to a barbecue to my Mums relatives when I was 18 months old and there my Uncle had a guard dog...this dog ended up mauling me, I had just started walking and of course I was not supervised and I walked past the dog kennel and the dog grab and shook me and mauled Dad who was at the barbecue cooking heard the comotion and he scooped me from the dog and then wrapped me in a ear had been torn off too and they had to go find it...I was rushed to hospital by the old Valient automobile and was pulled over by a policeman on a motorbike....he took one look at my in my Mums arms and he immediently started a police escort to the hospital where I was airlifted to have an operation done from one of the best surgeons in the country at the time... I received 380 stitches micro surgery and thankfully survived to live my life....
I am not scared of dogs by the way as I do not remember the indecent..I have a Siberian Husky as you know named "Bondi"
Ok thats Part one out of the way...thanks for listening
Till next time..stay safe :-)
I like descriptiveness, honestly. That is so interesting about your walking story. Sorry you were so fat when learning to walk, but I don't think 16 months old is that late to start walking. My sons both were 14 and 15 months old when they started walking but they were not fat. It is just how it is sometimes. I like where you live. That time lapse vid was amazing to see.
I used to have a husky/wolf combo that bit me but definitely just a little bit compared to what you have endured with those loads of stitches. I would so own another husky and love dogs very much. Your husky is actually what drew me to your post!!! hehe. I am glad you were okay after being attacked! Bondi is beautiful.
Thanks! Yes the fat saved me as the dog grabbed my fat tissue and not my facial nerves and muscle, I was very lucky. Yes, I think my Mum thought I was a late comer in the walking arena! Yes it is great where I live in Samoens, France. I will do another time lapse sometime in storm. Hasky/Wolf would be very cool..I wouldnt mind getting another...the italian wolf something in those lines or an Akita would be good...yes it was a savage maul with me, I was lucky and now just have a faint scar, but, still noticeable..Yes, Bondi is beautiful and he knows it!
wow just a faint scar? That is awesome with all those stitches. I only have three tooth marks on my wrist (one on one side, two on the other) from my bite. Mine was more a ripping of the skin than a bite other than anything. The wolf part of the husky we had actually was not good. My parents didn't want to keep our dog when they traced the breeder who admitted the whoops of having bred it with a wolf in Minnesota so no one wanted to take the dog after that because she bit many people before me, but mine was the worst. I was so so so sad though that they killed her. She was only 10 months old. My first dog. She was really sweet with me other than the one time when she became bipolar for me simply telling her to stop trying to get into the garbage.

No fat on me though to bite.
Woww..interesting story...I think its a hard decision either way...even humans bite people emotionally and when an animal does it through dysfunction or poor upbringing..its bad...but....many animals don't mean it . That is so much like a husky in the picture..and don't have much fat..
Hope the story is not too long, but, hard to make my story a short one...its really hard to abbreviate a life!