Fuck It, Before It Fucks You #127 (Believe me. I know what to do)
Hey there internetz! It’s another Thursday morning here on the west coast, and time for e me to write some more shit just for you. But of course the eternal question is what to write about? Fuck if I know, but I always manage to think of something, so….
So in about a month, I’ll be turning 41. I’m not bragging or anything, that’s just a thing that happens every year. But as George Carlin put it, it looks like I’m getting…older! Or I’m just getting old. Older just sounds like it might last a little longer. But it’s weird because I’m not sure if I actually expected to live this long. Now I’m starting to understand what my dad was always bitching about. Of course he never had to get a microchip injected. But there are benefits as well. No I ‘m not talking about the senior discount, dickhead. I mean you just see a lot of shit happen on the way. At some point, you see enough shit happen to be able to say you watched history unfold. My dad watched history unfold when he was just a kid. Way to go. Oh, you didn’t have enough food? You had to use ration coupons? Well I had to wear a mask and get poked in the arm. Clearly we’re not the same. But the more shit you see happen, the easier it becomes to recognize patterns. And one that I keep noticing is the government always lying to us. I know, I know. Huge shock, right? But that’s just it. Everybody knows that the government liesf. The left knows it, the right knows it, White, black, brown, yellow, and red people know it. Red people know it for sure. There are historical libraries full of examples of the government lying to us. So everybody knows the government lies to us and if they don’t they have no excuse. But the fucked up part is that nobody seems to notice it as it’s happening. They’ll even get mad at you if you question what the government is telling you. So it’s always not until years down the road that people start to be like “Hey wait a minute! There’s some fuckery going on there!” But by then the nation has moved on to some other fuckery and there rest of us are just like "Hey! You see how they lied about this fuckery? They’re probably lying about this fuckery too!” But nobody wants to hear it. So once again nobody figures out they’ve been lied to until years later after the damage has already been done. And I could preach, but like I said, I’m getting old and tired of trying to tell people what to do. Probably better if I just observe and report on this escalating crisis we call humanity.
Anyway. I don’t know where I’m going with this tonight. That’s just one weird aspect of humanity that always puzzles me. Babies never stop needing to be swaddled I guess. What can you do, besides say Fuck It! Before it fucks you.