Why do we act as though the entire world is telling us the truth when we won't even tell ourselves the truth most of the time? Every day, we accept lies. From the rest of the world, the government, the media, our friends, our family, and, most importantly, ourselves. We tell ourselves that we'll do it tomorrow, or that we'll send that email later, but first let me mark it as unread. "This is the last cigarette," we've all heard the reasons. "I swear..." "I haven't had that many drinks, so I'm fine to drive," or "I haven't had that many drinks, so I'm fine to drive." The truth is that we deceive ourselves on a daily basis. Many of our recollections are fabrications. Our brains are infamous for being inept at keeping accurate records of our lives. Occasionally, we simply fill in the blanks for ourselves. Our imagination has the power to change our reality over time. While rewriting the past, we begin to interject our own thoughts and begin to mold our own recollections. Our new version eventually becomes the truth. We tell ourselves lies about previous loves and romanticize the events. We keep thinking about the person we just broke up with, someone we couldn't live with yet can't seem to let go of. It's over, we know. We know it should have ended a long time ago, but we just can't seem to let go. We love to believe the lie of love and to let it go. We tell lies to shield ourselves from ourselves and to cushion the blows of reality. We enable lies to justify our actions. “Just this once...” says the narrator, since “you know me, I never do stuff like this!” I'm not arguing it's always okay to lie, or that it's always wrong; I'm simply stating that it is. It's ingrained in each of our minds, and it's something we all do. Regardless of how hard you try to deny it. We don't need to be taught how to lie; we already know how to do it. Since the first time we screwed up, we've known how to lie. Your mother has had that expression on her face from the first time she saw you. The face that has only one meaning to this day. Prepare for a big bang! "I'm not sure what happened..." "It was the dog!" or "It was the dog!" I swear to God! I'm going to cross my fingers and hope to die, and I'm going to poke a needle in my eye. Anything to divert attention away from the truth. Anything to keep your dignity. But, in the end, we know what is correct and what is incorrect.
We all know what we should've done or how we should've done things differently. We most certainly knew how we should have done it while we were doing it, yet we still made the wrong choices. We even act as if we know what is best for our pals yet we can't figure out what is best for ourselves. The "Solomon Paradox," as it's known. Rather of pushing ourselves to be the best, we've settled for "fitting in" with the crowd. We then lavish praise on those who live within the screens that broadcast the vast bulk of these lies live. into our field of vision The affluent and the elites, actors and athletes. Forget about working hard and instead focus on becoming famous. That's what all the cool kids do. Do something ridiculous, like have sex in the street. If you sell your soul to the devil, you might be able to land a position on the next big reality program. When we see the riches of the wealthy, we automatically think of ourselves as the poor. We embrace the myth of a level playing field and then tell ourselves that we are incapable of succeeding on it. After all, we are entitled to our fair share! We want what they have and would get it if things were just a bit different. If only life weren't so difficult and the world wasn't so hostile against us! Oh, how we pity ourselves.