So much for any hope for anything resembling actual liberty from conservatives.
All they really want is liberty for themselves to impose their religious beliefs on everyone else.
Texas and Florida are the way of our future unless we stop these unholy warriors in their tracks.
If you approve of the government forcing kids to pray in schools, approve of promotion of one religious faith above other faiths and rejection of faiths, and if you want to deny pubescent kids the right to understand what's going on with their bodies and self-understanding, then whatever words you use to comfort yourself, you're a terrible person. You hate liberty and love only yourself.
It's worth noting that what Texas proposes goes directly against long settled constitutional law. They are not conservative in that sense, but radical retrograde destroyers who have never accepted that in politics sometimes you lose precisely because others have legitimate rights.
To these garbage conservatives, the only right that exists is the right to conform.
They bury that under talk about liberty and pretend to love the Constitution, but these are just symbols to them. If you love liberty enough to allow it to all, they'll call you a communist, because it's just the symbolism of liberty they want, not the real thing. And it's the symbol of a Constitution they want, not one that actually protects the rights of those unwilling to mouth the proper words of conformity.