The Wealth of a Nation: Why Capitalism Works

in #liberty8 years ago

Politicians and policymakers don't understand where wealth comes from. They don't understand the very basics of why capitalism works, they don't understand how the wealth of a nation can increase - and as a result, almost every single policy is counterproductive to a country's competitiveness. This is despite the observation that the free market builds wealth due to one of the simplest of reasons, and once policymakers understand this, a completely different support structure would emerge.

Politicians and activists frequently regard the economy as a zero-sum game, where somebody must lose for another to gain. This is despite the quite trivial observation that we have built quite a lot of wealth from the Ice Age up until present day, and almost nobody is as bad off today as everybody was during the Ice Age. In this, it is baffling why politicians and pundits focus on redistribution, when the focus should be building of wealth.

Wealth image
Lots and lots of wealth

But it's counterintuitive for politicians to focus on building wealth, because doing so requires relinquishing control. Regulators can't build wealth and competitiveness. They can only destroy it to various degrees. A lot of this comes from not understanding just why, and how, capitalism and the free market works to increase overall wealth, and not just redistribute it.

The free market brings 179,000 people out of extreme poverty every day. Not politicians. Not foreign aid. Not siezed and redistributed wealth (minus the usual cuts to the redistributors). In my work in the European Parliament and elsewhere, I have rarely met a politician who understands the very fundamentals of why capitalism builds wealth - despite it being so ridiculously simple.

Capitalism works because it is voluntary.

It works because people seek to maximize their wealth, on a completely subjective basis. Some people value free time, some value money, some value happiness, some value rare Pokémon. That's fine, all of it. The only thing you need to do as a politician is to get out of the way of millions of people trying to maximize their own value by trading something with other people.

In order to maximize overall wealth, you want to maximize the quantity of voluntary trades. That's it.

Since every trade is voluntary, both voluntary parties consider themselves gaining in value from the transaction. This is key. As a result, a voluntary transaction adds value to the nation as a whole. Every voluntary trade adds a small bit of value, with both parties having gained from it, and maximizing wealth is about merely maximizing these voluntary trades on a purely quantitative basis. The more trades you have, the more increases in value you get.

Now, every person's perception of "value" is arguably subjective. Some of it can be measured in terms of GDP, other subjective value is just happiness in various forms. The good part about the many forms of value is that you don't have to concern yourself with this at all; people's completely subjective understanding of value is much better than yours when distributed across millions of people.

The distributed free market is better even at determining and valuing the precise definitions of "value" than any bureaucrat has ever been.

Now, compare this with how politicians today try to "build wealth" or "create jobs" and thump themselves over the chest about it.

It usually involves creating horrible burdens on every single transaction. At minimum, a receipt must be created (usually with penalties for not offering it). Moreover, transactions must be summarized to some kind of tax authority at regular intervals, and often to more than one authority. Meticulous bookkeeping is required - not for your sake, but for the sake of authorities. All this creates a wet blanket of unhappiness smothering the will to make voluntary transactions.

And then, of course, other politicians have the idea that regulated transactions are good for wealth, transactions which aren't voluntary and therefore contain at least one losing party, if not two. These don't build wealth. They may make the politician or regulator look good, but they aren't a transaction in the free-market sense because they're not voluntarily agreed upon by two consenting parties.

To top this off, all of the burden is usually directed toward subsidizing obsolete industries because they're a vested interest and/or contributed a lot to somebody's election campaign.

Politicians basically behave toward the free market and wealth-building like drunken elephants trumpeting about in a porcelain factory.

No, I don't have an illustration for that.

Let's do a thought experiment if we really wanted to create wealth in a nation, and just quantitively maximize the number of voluntary trades. How far can we go in making a nation competitive in this measure?

We're eliminating all requirements to tell authorities about your transactions. No wet blanket of despair. That means no income taxes, no sales taxes, no bookkeeping requirements. You let people trade and be happy. This means you can't have a corporate registry, there's no regulation of employment (as that's a special form of regular transaction), there's possibly not even a concept of a corporation at all. There's just people trading and taking entrepreneurial investment risks. Such risks can be detailed contractually in a project-by-project basis to eliminate the need for bankruptcy law and therefore the need for corporate legal entities and the heavy supporting authority bureaucracy.

There is still a need for a social safety net of some kind, not for compassion reasons, but for straightforward competitiveness reasons. You could solve this with a universal basic income like Friedrich Hayek and Milton Friedman have suggested. That would also be cheaper than building a bureaucracy for somehow determining who's "worthy" of support. With such a general safety net, you create competitiveness for the nation overall as a lot more people will try out business ideas in entrepreneurship.

Society as a whole benefits from a risk-positive environment, and if you can provide a mechanism where anybody can try any stupid commercial idea without risking becoming homeless and indebted, more people will innovate and take risks – and the society using this mechanism will get a competitive edge.

So what you need is a population register with people who qualify for UBI (citizens or similar). You also need a land registry, for reasons I'll be returning to. But that's it. All other registers can be scrapped. Every one. Car plates, drivers licenses, corporate registers, boat registers, every other database that requires data collection, and therefore puts obstacles in the way of maximizing the sheer quantitative amount of voluntary trades.

All this is perfectly doable today. It's just that politicians think that Regulating More is the answer to creating wealth. It's not, obviously. They Regulate More instead of focusing on something really simple - like the mere quantity of voluntary trades - and just doing everything possible to maximize that number, to get rid of obstacles for voluntary trades. As it turns out, you don't even need taxes. Taxes require paperwork. There are ways to fund a state-construct maintenance that don't require taxation and therefore don't require paperwork.

I'll be returning to that with a proposal for a Simplified Taxless State in a three- or four-part series over the coming days.


The world abounds with people who know
That political speak is only a show
A reflection of reality it is not
Yet those who point this out often are shot

They dress up the woes of the world in words near and far
Yet really could they have been randomly pulled from a jar

Assure you they control fiances, the men in the dome
Yet if I had my way we would send them home
Capitalism collects a lot of hate it is sure
Yet in reality for most issues it is the cure

Many people laud and shout out history
Yet where they learned it truly a mystery
People like Sanders praising the Danes
When those I speak to only mention pains
Socialism held aloft as the true way to be free
Yet places like Sweden used Laissez-faire don't you see

@chaospoet Clever graphic & poem :)

@falkvinge thanks for your interesting post - steem on!

it is baffling why politicians and pundits focus on redistribution, when the focus should be building of wealth


Regulators can't build wealth and competitiveness. They can only destroy it to various degrees.

Double yep.

So glad to see your great content here, @falkvinge. I wrote a post a while back about how something like Steemit could be used to create a UBI, especially with the wave of automation that's coming. Exciting times to be alive, for sure. I look forward to the series, and you have my follow for sure.

To oversimplfy, there are two forces that retard human progress, do-gooding and rent-seeking. The term "do-gooding" has little to do with the actual performance of acts that create good results, but instead refers to processes with have the appearance of doing good, and building personal social capital on that appearance. Rent-seeking refers to processes that provide accumulation of profit from other people's capitol and work.

Both rent-seeking and do-gooding are self-interest motive process that interfere with full human production.

Redistribution policy appeals to both of these motives. Politicians, of course benefit from both motives. I think we can all name a politician who has grown wealthy in "public" service. These politicians can use redistribution policy to attract the votes of people with both rent-seeking and/or do-gooding motives.

A historical example outside of redistribution policy would be Prohibition. There is a concept known as "bootleggers and Baptists" which can be summarized in having the bootleggers support prohibition for rent-seeking motive ( higher prices and less competition in selling booze) while the Baptists had the do-gooding motive of fighting "devil rum".

Surprisingly enough (not really), there is not a whole lot of academic research in these areas. If anyone is interested, I can put up some references to what I have collected so far.

Thanks for the shout out! And yes, the Chinese have a curse: "May you live in interesting times". We definitely are.

Hah! That phrase seemed too crazy to be true so I had to look up the origins. Wikipedia says it's apocryphal.

The more you know. :) Thanks.

I learned something new today as a Chinese from non-chinese people . LOL
Wikipedia says
"Better to be a dog in a peaceful time, than to be a human in a chaotic (warring) period"
宁為太平犬,莫做亂离人 nìng wéi tàipíng quǎn, mò zuò luàn lí rén"

the Chinese have a curse: "May you live in interesting times"
:-) I am a Chinese, I never say that. LOL
You have all my upvote and follow

This seems to assume politicians create policies via free agency, which is a great way to focus the article but not nearly the whole picture. The vast, overwhelming majority of policies/regulations are bought and paid for by non-public agencies to serve and expand the power/wealth of non-public agencies (corporations, special interests). Politicians are really just mouthpieces that funnel ever-increasing power/wealth to the few at the top of the pyramid.

"In order to maximize overall wealth, you want to maximize the quantity of voluntary trades."

Dan was pure genius in eliminating the transaction fees entirely from the Steemit ecosystem. Steemit may well be the purest form of capitalism in human history.

The vast, overwhelming majority of policies/regulations are bought and paid for by non-public agencies

While true, this is still out of self-interest for those politicians to keep getting elected (specifically, getting campaign funding).

Self-interest works, but unfortunately, it requires the self-interest in quantity, not just at the top.

Government self interest is a big problem. The entrenched bureaucrats at all levels try to increase budgets, increase people . You look at the total population of those that receive government checks, by job, by welfare, by any means, that number out numbers, by far those creating the wealth.

This is the absolute best description of how capitalism works I've ever read. In the end, capitalism isn't about money, it's about freedom. Well done, sir.

Thank you for taking the time to write the shout-out!

So glad to see you here Rick! And, I'm excited to announce (exclusively here), that Rick Falkvinge will be speaking at Anarchapulco 2017 (

The happiness to see you here is mutual, Jeff!

In order to maximize overall wealth, you want to maximize the quantity of voluntary trades. That's it.

Hot damn. Anyone on here able to make some data models of that maxim? That's brilliant stuff, @falkvinge.

Capitalism, with all its flaws, has raised more people out of poverty than any other system in human history.

Yep, yep wholeheartedly agree :)

What flaws does capitalism have?

I think it's more about how the way our industrial capitalist society currently runs that is very flawed rather than capitalism. Isms and economic/social theory are pretty much that - theory. I don't really think there's evidence to prove that there's ever been an example of a perfectly competitive capitalist/free trade marketin history. Of course, communism and socialism also look great on paper and isolated from bias or history, but it's more how an economic system is used to either mobilize more people upwardly or widen the gap between the rich and poor that determines its flaw or success.

Capitalism works because it is voluntary.

I don't want to capitalism. I want to be free.

Steemit is pseudo intellectual capitalism.

Rich people deciding what poor people should be paying attention to.

Some of my posts get 80+ votes and are worth $1.00 because they dont fit the whales' agenda.

I live in the USA. This is all I know. Im about sick of it. Best of luck to you guys.

Yet, you sre still here. You are demonstrating how value is created

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