Consent or coercion?
Looking in from the outside it can be hard to tell a non-consensual relationship from a voluntary one. Or at least it seems many people can't tell the difference.
They see people choosing to work for an employer and to them, it looks the same as a person living under a slave-master.
They see a person going to the grocery store and it looks the same to them as a person standing in line at the DMV.
They see an organized social club and to them, it looks the same as a government.
Yet, in each pair, one is voluntary and one is not. Learn to see the difference.
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I honestly think that most statists are just cowards and do not want to inconvenience themselves in order to change the system we have because they might lose some creature comforts or have to (God forbid) take responsibility for themselves and their actions. They like the idea of a system based on consent rather than coercion but do not want to help us get there.
...I wonder how many of them are quietly sociopathic...and hoping to glean power from the system, 'crumbs from the table', so to speak.....?
I see authoritarian's more likely to have this personalty type than the non authoritarians..
I totally agree. Authoritarians and psychopaths are drawn to political roles, teachers, police officers and other roles where they will have direct power over others. So yes, they absolutely glean power, wealth and control from this sick system that is set up in their favor.
This article shows the careers with most psychopaths and the careers with least psychopaths. You will notice an immediate correlation between the two sets of data concerning empathy.