Back door to a Digital Id to Use the Internet (Part 3)
A totalitarian shitbag named Brian Schatz (D-HI) has forwarded yet another KOSA copycat bill in the senate called KOSMA. You’ll recall that Schatz is the same guy who introduced Senate Bill 1291 i.e. Protecting Kids on Social Media Act, 2 years ago, with the same objective to coerce social media platforms to conduct age verification which for reasons of practicality and expediency would be implemented as a digital ID requirement to use social media. This is already the case for states that require age verification to access online pornography, unless you know how to use a VPN, and it perfectly aligns with the objectives of the corporate front group he is an associate of. As part of their global governance push, particularly for online interactions, the WEF has pushed for digital ID, particularly for online spaces like social media. In their 2024 white paper, Advancing Governance in the Future Internet, digital identity is listed as a necessary aspect of global governance of online spaces.
One of their many associates, called agenda contributors, took the mask off at this year’s Davos meeting and called for mandatory digital ID to use social media.
First, I propose putting an end to anonymity on social media. In our countries, no-one can walk the streets with a mask on their face, or drive a car without a licence plate. No-one can send packages without showing an ID, or buy a hunting weapon without giving their name.
And yet, we are allowing people to roam freely on social networks without linking their profiles to a real identity. This is paving the way for misinformation, hate speech and cyber harassment. Because it is facilitating the use of bots, and it is allowing people to act without being held accountable for their actions.
That’s why I believe we must push forward the principle of ‘pseudonymity’ as the functioning element of social media, and force all these platforms to link every user account to an European Digital Identity Wallet.
It looks like Schatz is trying to implement this agenda in the U.S. although instead of using “hate speech”, which is not part of U.S. law, as a pretext he is using the tired ole think of the children trope. Although the bill in question claims to not require social media platforms to implement age verification via digital ID it bans Children under 13 years of age from having any social media accounts, requires social media companies to delete their accounts and data after it is signed into law, and prohibits them from pushing personalized recommendations to teens under 18 years of age. So while the bill would not require age verification by law it would make it infeasible for social media companies to comply with the law without age verification because children can and often do lie about their age online.