Henry Kissinger stated, “Military men are dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy.”

in #liberty7 years ago

 Study your natural rights and natural law so we can get our sovereignty and our rights back and get rid of these dark and hidden things that we don’t have to take part in anymore.  And we don’t have to take any part in them anymore, because they are 100% wrong.  When a government is working in defacto statuses, it means that it is running without real jurisdiction and illegally so, ruining the lives of many people.  It is wrong so there is no duty to stand under its authority when its authority is just bull shit! 


It’s not a matter of knowing esoteric and satanic symbolism's so that you can become it’s pawn or its slave or play thing, but so that you can know what it means, and what it’s all about, and the more you know about your rights the more you will be able to stand under them at any given moment and even be able to fight the current situations where the powers that have been have far over-turned the stomachs of our time and gotten us into the positions we are in.   

Get as offended as you want, if you don’t think this is what the military is for, and if you work in the military and don’t think that you are a tool that is being used for their agenda and their task and their ways that they see for you, and getting you to become a mold and a follower to do these things then you are a fool to go an pillage other peoples countries for resources and you know strongly harm the people there in order to get that done.  That’s all you are then is just an attack dog and a lap-dog working at the hands of iron clad where these people are nothing but proud and boasting about calling you their lapdogs.  That’s what these people call you.  That’s what they “CALL” YOU – Their dogs, their pets, and their animals.  That’s my little dog I keep on a leash and I let him off the leash when I want him to attack somebody, and they give these military complex men the same fucking things, they’re dog tags, and you’re too stupid some of you to see the connection.  You’re too dead in the brain to see the connection, I mean really?  It’s wide out in the open.  And it’s much like a surrogate cult where young men join up and then get sent off to war to go and rape and pillage and fester their evil indoctrinated bull shit onto the world.    It’s one thing to go and fight somebody with good moral high ground but these officials of men these days have no high ground they’ve got no ground, no leadership, no value, no heart, no care some of them to do what they do to people and real human lives and highly get away with it.  You guys are clowns and should be shown just what you are.  You don’t consider this me shaming you for your actions, I’ve got enough faith that you see you for who you are every day of your life and see what a shit you’ve become and what a sad sad corrupt and immoral way that you’ve become.  These people in charge today are just little kids who are always going to be the stupid kids on the block who never grew up and who grew up into adulthood and you never grew up or out of your evil insipidous and evil heartless ways.  I mean, these people call you their own personal animals and this is something that they are proud of, as if running over life is a fucking fun little game these people play.

I’m telling you that these people call you their slaves, and I’m not telling you this from what I think I’m quoting from a solid source that says, “from their lips to my ears, these people call you their animals, and their own personal lapdogs.”  People, I’ve been in the same rooms with these people calling you their pets and just acted as if it didn’t really happen.  It’s un-fucking believable the things I’ve seen personally on the level where one person can give a fuck one way or the other and chooses the other, and chooses the sides of the evil!  And these people still can’t see it because they decorate people up with the vulgarity of an animal, giving you a dog collar.  Sit; Behave, Obey!  You wear dog tags and wear them as a symbol of pride as if it’s something to be proud of over feared when it is a complete take-over of a mans rights and inherent ability to want to live.  Absolute utter fools to me who would join such a disgraceful nation of ass holes that would partake in the raping of other nations’ people… these people are calling you their fools and their slaves so when are you going to wake up and do something truthful about it?    

What we are doing to the earth is just icing on the whole cake, and all the other species of animals that live on this planet.  You know we are the cause of wiping away more then one species then our own, more then anyone has ever accomplished?  It’s painstaking how much damage that people are doing and allowing to be a part of.  All because of this whole paradigm of the oil monopoly of these oil cartels, and of this unsustainable paradigm that is about taking whatever they want and taking home whatever they can.  They are the takers as the “R” complex, or the reptile mode to take and hoard everything.  And then place myself in a position where nobody can ever break that monopoly, and they can’t even see that they are drug addicts, and the people who help them are imperialists who are drug addicts and the people who are helping them do this who are helping them create these false flag events to take place for more justification because people are tired of these wars, are drug addicts.  So they need to continue their justifications and reign of terror because they need to get other people to go into these other regions to rain more blood and human sacrifices called wars.  It’s a self imposed noose around the neck all by a bunch of mental midgets who are all wrapped up in the “R” complex of the brain and addicted to adrenaline and stuck on stupid by thinking it has to be this way because they got no imagination.  And I’ll be damned if I’m going to be ruled by people like that, not without a fight.  NOT WITHOUT A FIGHT!  Not without real consequence and justification for these peoples actions they’ve taken to go so far as allowing these atrocities to fall on mankind because of the lacking of their own human potentials and the lacking of their own human heart.  There will be consequence for their actions taken against mankind and against the people of this world.  Trust it!  Know it!  Know it like you know your name.  Not going to go quietly into the night.  Not this one!  And there are a lot of people that will share in this sentiment, because we aren’t doing enough in the force of numbers to stand up on our rights and on our sovereignty.  We are not doing enough in the worlds work of being that of absolute force when we don’t have the force in numbers that we need to accomplish the real hard work.  To do the work in mind is to impress upon people and keep pressing upon people the imperative times that we are living in.

We need to start more campaigns about reaching the hearts and minds of military and the police because ultimately if we can’t reach these people there is going to be an absolute bloodbath on the earth and that’s what is coming.  We have to reach their mindsets to change it, and that is what the greatest work in history is folks because if you haven’t figured that out yet, you might not be paying attention.  You’re not paying attention if you can’t see that the greatest work of our time is getting out of this militarized complex and getting out of this slavery that we are living in, or we will live in complete turmoil or disaster or even get killed by the classes of the social elite.    

We need to stop and cut off the causers of evil from where they stand and let people know their rights and to stand up on their rights and to submit to the government that you want to denounce your American citizenship, so that they cannot use their laws of statute on you anymore and cause you more harm then good.  You have to stand on your right to speak and to protest and to speak loudly and proudly about who you are and why you are standing to represent yourself and have the right to represent yourselves with clear and equal representation for yourselves to stop the laws the create the tyranny and stop people from gaining natural and gainful employments, and be able to keep their jobs because they don’t have thug-life government riding on the nuts of any individual it feels or deems fit.  It’s absurd!  You guys are crooks and cowards who allow the government to get away with this by NOT paying attention here and NOT learning the truth!

There is a reason why guilt exists and there is a reason why anger needs to be felt in trivial times because when times are injust and inequities are taking place all around us.  Know that you have your reward and your reward is in Heaven.  These people will get their reward, and so will all the people that they hurt, and harmed badly.  And through anger in the physiologies of mankind being felt in and around the world Justices are taking place in and around the world around us and we need more of those JUSTICES to be taking place rather then all these INJUSTICES and illegal actions of filthy men in high places of the world today.  So get the fuck up off your rear end and get busy doing something to try and change these positions.  Guilt is here for a reason just like guilting people is as well and guilting the people who do these kinds of things is to let these people know that what they do to people is immoral and wrong!  And believe me, I’ve felt more then my fair share in my lifetime, and all those emotions did was help me to become a better person that I was before, and get rid of the dark and evil that I see in this world and stop utilizing those things and start utilizing my free will more and energies more into finding the truth and sharing the truth to other people.  And, you have to know that these police and military people are still in guilt and shame for their actions and if they are not they are not human.  They are fucked up and wrong and they are in favor of the evil one Ba’al and of the Devil and not of the God.  We need to start hammering the truth about natural law into people and the sovereignty of the people and get these people into knowing that what they are doing is wrong and immoral and corrupt and needs to stop.    

I understand this isn’t what people want to hear, and that people want to hear what they should be doing, no I don’t give out orders like corrupt governments do, but I can sure as shit tell you what you can stop doing.  And that’s the solution right there, the solution lies in the negative pathways that you’ve helped make for another person, mother, brother, family member or even a friend.  The solution lies right smack dab in the middle of that fight between good and evil, and this is exactly what these criminal troglodytes don’t want people to understand.  They want you to stand under their authorities and their rules and regulations but they DO NOT want a well informed public all wanting their rights back, and their monies back, and their property rights back… no, they can’t have that! 


All you people who have bought into this new age kool-aid, you know who you are, and they get you gobbling up this garbage because they want you to think it’s all about building something new and great while laughing and chuckling inside and even flat out in your face, and still people just don’t get it.  NO!  It’s called stop doing what you’re doing that’s immoral you fucks!  And these people want you to think that they are in it to protect your freedom!!!  They’ll tell you if you do this and just jump into the castles of cages we arranged for you, that the world won’t be enslaves and in snares anymore.  No one wants to hear that though.  They want to hear how they are going to create a whole complexity of new things and then after these new things create even more new things that are going to help for building their New World, when their New World fucking sucks and you know what?  The hell with what anybody else thinks, I want out, and you want to know why I want out?  I want out for my safety and for the safety of our children and for future generations to come to not be such mindless idiots and become self protecting entities and governing of themselves, because without the power being reinstated into the republic, we will always remain asleep, and we will always be a slave and we will never be free from the fears and the recklessness of tyranny when truth in it is these people are bad at what they do.  These people are bad killers and bad at perpetually wanting wars and more wars and thinking that the people aren’t smart enough to figure it all out.  It’s fucking brainless!  It’s fucking idiocy in the making!  You need to tell these people that is NOT how this world is going to change and we don’t need anything new.  Tell these people to go fuck their garbage and go sell out somewhere else because we don’t want your crap and your fucked up way of life.  You need to tell these officials in office today that they have to STOP DOING AND CONTINUING TO DO SOMETHING THAT THEY HAVE NO RIGHT TO DO!  That’s the solution!  You want to hear them tell you how good they are and how heroic they are, or are you going to get up and tell these motherfuckers that they don’t deserve their fancy pants and these fancy lifestyles these people are living in today lavishly bathing in the glory of melting away the rights and the truth of this world.  And so help me God I’m going to NOT BE SO FUN LOVING IN REAL COURTROOM OF HEAVEN AND EARTH IF I GET THAT CHANCE, because it’s fucked up what these people are getting away with today, and still getting away with because people don’t back out of their leadership into something that they would otherwise have no partnership in.  TAKE BACK YOUR RIGHTS AND YOUR SOVEREIGNTY AND YOUR FREEDOMS AND TAKE BACK YOUR REASON TO LIVE THAT THESE MOTHERFUCKERS ARE WORKING ON TAKING AWAY FROM YOU!

And you want to tell me that these people are heroes!?!?

And no one wants to hear this ladies and gentlemen because it fully places the responsibility on their shoulders when THEY Are The Ones Who Are Causing It By Their Behaviors in their ultimate dealings with other people and their rights.  And they don’t want to hear that!  They don’t want to hear it.  No, because they always want to point the finger at someone else, instead of taking into the account that they have any accountability into the wholeness of a thing itself at all.  They have no spirit to remotely take responsibility in personally fucking up the lives and disenfranchising millions and even billions of people and their lives.  It’s a complete fraud and needs to be recognized as such a fraud.  So I want to do something where we are telling people that they are causing this slavery on this planet.  We have to run these campaigns where we give them ultimatums, where if we use their same systems against them and this is what needs to be done.  If you don’t quit your job or give me back my rights and my leadership back to be able to take charge of my life and then be able to take charge in other ways in helping others in a beautiful way, then I’m going to divorce and if you don’t like it, within six months, I’m going to take you for half of everything and sue you in your own arraignment of things and take you for everything.  I wouldn’t even leave you a crumb!  You want to know why?  It’s not just because of what you would do to me you motherfuckers but because of what you’re planning to get away with doing to the whole world!  I’d take you for everything and leave you back in the hurt locker you led this world blindly into through coercion and force and robbery.  You fuckers ARE the criminals and need to take accountability, NOW!  And knowing that you even won’t in the eyes of the law and these state run criminal defenses all in favor of it’s self.  I’m going to call you for what you are.  You are fascist pigs with no heart and speak with no justification to the glory of the names of these that I speak of and speak with when I’m speaking of the dead.  You victim-less and countless ways are forever dead, and you have your reward, and your reward is justified, but the ways of this world and this injustice is corrupt and wrong and every day people are going to be growing stronger in numbers and stronger in knowledge and wisdom of knowing what you do, and what your ways are doing to the world..  I’m going to tell people that the state and the system and the government is not someone to coincide with, and shouldn’t be anything to be fucked with when it comes to the realities that are lying out dormant for people to see and to learn from, if not their own lives and peoples real situations in life.  Soldiers are not the protectors of freedom.  They are the Puppets of Corporate and State interests meant to expand the profits and power at THE EXPENSE of tax payers’ financial and physical security.    

People need to start getting hard core with the facts and telling people how it is, for what it really is and how corrupt and satanic and esoteric things are.  So that people can wake  up and start to learn more and want to fight with what is right for the people, and in what is right for the people is to stand up for them and to stand up with them and to unify and not divide.  If people continue down this path they are on, I’m scared for all of life.  I don’t have any other way of putting it other then I think there is going to be hell on earth as these people highly anticipated for.   

You tell me how these people can do what they are doing with absolutely 0 support from the people?  You tell me how these people continue to get away with taking away the rights of and making sure there is absolute fractions of people and divisions among men?  You tell me how else this can happen unless America is being infiltrated from the very top and legislative positions that these people are in.  They have money.  Fool, if I had their kind of money the world would be different today!  Not tomorrow and not some future fucking date, the world would be changed today! 

The idea of merely supporting these people needs to be withdrawn, withdrawn!  Is that playing on their emotions to make them feel more or less guilty?  Of course it is!  Is it okay that I do that?  When they are getting away with these things?  You bet your bottom dollar, if you got one, that it is!  Someone would have all right to withdraw from all interactions with another human being for any reason what-so-ever, even disown them as their own family members, or how about a mother who says to their child they aren’t proud of you, you’re a disgrace.  You’re a disgrace!  You’re a dog to some kind of psychopathic elitist that thinks of itself as God of this world and you are their order following pet!  And I don’t want to see your face anymore, or how about, you’re not my son!  You’re cut off from the family, and worse then that, you’re disowned, and not even so much as recognized as human, or a person at all.  It’s a shame!  How about they tell you that they aren’t leaving you a thing when they are gone.  You’re cut off, you’re cut out of the family – FOR GOOD!  I don’t even want to call you son! 

You see, we need to put pressure on these situations, PRESSURE IS REQUIRED TO MAKE CHANGE.  It’s not just something that is going to happen willfully from these psycho-family elitists.  These people are not just going to admit that they were wrong the whole time.  Somebody is going to have to MAKE these people see it.  And no one wants to hear that, you want to know why?  It’s because it has nothing to do with any of this new age garbage!  That’s why they don’t want to hear it, because it’s the full expression of the most masculine form of truth. 

These men are not heroes, they are pawns being used in the immoral game of wholesale murder.  If you’re aware of the real reasons America goes to war, that is for Corporate Profits, and the role of the soldiers play in making such immoral acts possible, the last thing you would label a soldier is a hero.  There is nothing heroic about blindly following immoral orders for a paycheck, especially when such orders involve the unnecessary murder of so many countless lives. 

It’s not what people want to read or want to listen to, and you want to know why that is?  Is because it’s the truth hidden in plain sight and no one wants anything to do with it.  If it’s not filled with a fairy tale happy ending, and pumped with garbage like, “if it wasn’t for our soldiers we wouldn’t have the freedom we have today.”  When the fact is, is that we are less free, and we’ve become more and more like slaves of the elitists.  You know what I say?  “Fuck these elitist, no moral heartless ass crooked bastards.”  They aren’t going to get away with this in the end, so why are we allowing them to get away with this now when we can see the fucking truth and the truth so help me God set man FREE!  So HELP me God. 


Phew!! If you composed all that you went to quite an effort. Thank you for taking the time and lets hope I'm not one of only a few that will pay attention.

It seems you have a good basic grasp of what most people are completely ignorant of. The problem is how to catch the eye balls and hearts of people to learn and then be willing to stand up to make a difference. When the rule of law is subverted and substituted with millions of unlawful regulations the masses think are legitimate, the problem of correcting the theft of rights becomes enormous, let alone unpopular in many groups in society.

I will just leave you with a paraphrase of a very old US Supreme Court decision which goes unnoticed by the legal profession and government. This Supreme Court decision has never been reversed. "No State shall convert a right to a privilege and issue a license and charge a fee for that which is a right." If the American Constitution states certain rights and reserves all others to the states or the People unless specifically designated as the jurisdiction of the governments, anything else is a fraud in law.

Hell, yeah... you're on it, and you're awesome and understand sovereignty that is going away real real fast.

They do not care one bit about average people. They use and abuse the masses.

You're right, they use and abuse the masses, because most of them just want to be average and not have to pay attention to anything that means anything... so a lot of people go without knowing the full extent of their abuse of power.

Yes sir, all we can do is put the information out there. What they do with it is completely up to them.

Thanks, very true. Blindfolded by mainstream is what they are.

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