Liberty Reading List

in #liberty7 years ago (edited)

"The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who can't read them." -Mark Twain

Read first: The purpose of this book list is to provide a starting point for anyone interested in liberty-oriented reading material as well as cultural education in general. In no way is this list meant to be complete, but rather constantly updated with new additions or corrections. As a courtesy, please be sure any book you include adds value to the topic at hand. On a further note, many entries will obviously fit into more than one category. That being said, all effort should be made to place each book into the most prominent section for which it belongs. All categories and titles should flow alphabetically for easier viewing. Finally, many of these books are available for free online and can also be found at your local public library. Enjoy!


Activist's Handbook: A Primer by Randy Shaw

Right to Protest the Basic ACLU Guide to Free Expression, The by Joel M. Gora

Video Activist Handbook, The by Thomas Harding

Allegory & Fiction

1984 by George Orwell

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The by Mark Twain

Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The by Mark Twain

Aeneid, The by Virgil

Alas, Babylon by Pat Frank

American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis

Animal Farm by George Orwell

Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

Brave New World Revisited by Aldous Huxley

Brothers Karamazov, The by Fyodor Dostoevsky

Catch-22 by Joseph Heller

Catcher in the Rye, The by J. D. Salinger

Clockwork Orange, A by Anthony Burgess

Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky

Darkness at Noon by Arthur Koestler

Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson

Doctor Zhivago by Boris Pasternak

Dracula by Bram Stoker

East of Eden by John Steinbeck

Elmer Gantry by Sinclair Lewis

Envy by Yuri Olesha

Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

Fool's Progress, The by Edward Abbey

Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

Gilded Age, The: A Tale of Today by Mark Twain and Charles Dudley Warner

Grapes of Wrath, The by John Steinbeck

Great Expectations by Charles Dickens

Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift

Iliad, The by Homer

Invisible Man, The by Ralph Ellison

Iron Heel, The by Jack London

Island by Aldous Huxley

Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare

Last Town on Earth, The by Thomas Mullen

Letters From the Earth by Mark Twain

Lord of the Flies by William Golding

Lost Horizon by James Hilton

Master and Margarita, The by Mikhail Bulgakov

The Minority Report and Other Classic Stories by Philip K. Dick

Monkey Wrench Gang, The by Edward Abbey

Mouse that Roared, The by Leonard Wibberley

Mouse on the Moon by Leonard Wibberley

Moon is a Harsh Mistress, The by Robert A. Heinlein

Naked Lunch by William S. Burroughs

Notes From Underground by Fyodor Dostoevsky

Odyssey, The by Homer

Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck

On the Beach by Nevil Shute

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest by Ken Kesey

Plague, The by Albert Camus

Player Piano by Kurt Vonnegut

Practical Princess, The by Jay Williams

Publicani by Zak Maymin

Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut

Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert A. Heinlein

Tale of Two Cities, A by Charles Dickens

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

V for Vendetta by Alan Moore

We by Yevgeny Zamyatin

World Inside, The by Robert Silverberg

World Out of Time, A by Larry Niven

Bearing Arms

Armed America: The Remarkable Story of How and Why Guns Became as American as Apple Pie by Clayton E. Cramer

Bias Against Guns, The: Why Almost Everything You've Heard About Gun Control Is Wrong by John R. Lott Jr.

Boston's Gun Bible by Boston T. Party

Constitutional Homeland Security: A Call for Americans to Revitalize the Militia of the Several States. Volume I, The Nation in Arms by Edwin Vieira

Enemies Foreign and Domestic by Matthew Bracken

Essential Second Amendment Guide, The by Wayne LaPierre

Firearms, the Law, and Forensic Ballistics by Tom Warlow

From My Cold Dead Fingers by Richard Mack

Guns, Crime, and Freedom by Wayne R LaPierre

Global Gun Grab by William Norman Grigg

Global War on Your Guns, The: Inside the UN Plan to Destroy the Bill of Rights by Wayne LaPierre

In the Gravest Extreme: The Role of the Firearm in Personal Protection by Massad F. Ayoob

More Guns, Less Crime: Understanding Crime and Gun-Control Laws by John R. Lott Jr.

Nation of Cowards by Jeff Snyder

Second Amendment, The: Preserving the Inalienable Right of Individual Self-Protection by David Barton

Seven Myths of Gun Control, The: Reclaiming the Truth About Guns, Crime, and the Second Amendment by Richard Poe

Shooting Straight: Telling the Truth About Guns in America by Wayne LaPierre

Straight Shooting: Firearms, Economics and Public Policy by John R. Lott Jr.

Thank God I Had a Gun: True Accounts of Self-Defense by Chris Bird

That Every Man Be Armed: The Evolution of a Constitutional Right by Stephen P. Halbrook

To Keep and Bear Arms: The Origins of an Anglo-American Right by Joyce Lee Malcolm

Training the Gunfighter by Timothy John Mullin

Transfer of Wealth: The Case For Nationwide Concealed Carry of Handguns by John Longenecker

Tyranny of Gun Control, The by Jacob G. Hornberger

Understanding Firearm Ballistics by Robert A. Rinker

Unintended Consequences by John Ross

Well-Regulated Militia, A: The Founding Fathers and the Origins of Gun Control in America by Saul Cornell


Allan Pinkerton: The First Private Eye by James MacKay

Benjamin Franklin His Life as He Wrote It By Esmond Wright

Coolidge: An American Enigma by Robert Sobel

Enemy of the State, An: The Life of Murray N. Rothbard by Justin Raimondo

Irrepressible Rothbard, The: The Rothbard-Rockwell Report Essays of Murray N. Rothbard by Murray N. Rothbard

Jefferson by Albert Jay Nock

Jefferson and His Time by Dumas Malone

John Adams by David McCullough

The life of John Stuart Mill. With a pref. by F. A. Hayek by Michael St. John Packe

Lee by Douglas Freeman

Lincoln Unmasked: What You're Not Supposed to Know About Dishonest Abe by Thomas Dilorenzo

Lives of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence by Benson J. Lossing

Ludwig von Mises: Scholar, Creator, Hero by Murray N. Rothbard

Mises: The Last Knight of Liberalism by Jörg Guido Hülsmann

Mornings on Horseback: The Story of an Extraordinary Family, a Vanished Way of Life and the Unique Child Who Became Theodore Roosevelt by David McCullough

Polk: The Man Who Transformed the Presidency and America by Walter R. Borneman

Pure Goldwater by John W. Dean and Barry M. Goldwater

Radio Free Dixie: Robert F. Williams and the Roots of Black Power by Timothy B. Tyson

Real Lincoln, The by Thomas Dilorenzo

Stonewall Jackson: The Man, the Soldier, the Legend by James Robertson

Thomas Paine Enlightenment, Revolution, and the Birth of Modern Nations By Craig W. Nelson

Tocqueville: A Biography by Andre Jardin

Truman by David McCullough

Economics & Sound Money

Against Intellectual Monopoly by Michele Boldrin and David K. Levine

Age of Abundance, The: How Prosperity Transformed America's Politics and Culture by Brink Lindsey

Age of Inflation, The by Hans F. Sennholz

America's Great Depression by Murray N. Rothbard

Andrew Jackson and the Bank War: A Study in the Growth of Presidential Power by Robert V. Remini

Antitrust and Monopoly: Anatomy of a Policy Failure by Dominick Armentano

Anything That's Peaceful: The Case for the Free Market by Leonard E. Read

Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic Thought, An by Murray N. Rothbard

Austrian Theory of the Trade Cycle and Other Essays, The by Ludwig von Mises, Murray N. Rothbard, Gottfried Haberler & Friedrich A. Hayek

Confessions of An Economic Hitman by John Perkins

Capitalism and Commerce: Conceptual Foundations of Free Enterprise by Edward W. Younkins

Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal by Ayn Rand

Capitalism and Freedom by Milton Freidman

Case for the 100 Percent Gold Dollar by Murray Rothbard

Case for Gold, The by Ron Paul & Lewis Lehrman

Commerce, Culture, & Liberty: Readings on Capitalism Before Adam Smith by Henry C. Clark

Critique of Interventionism by Ludwig von Mises

Denationalization of Money by F. A. Hayek

Dishonest Money: Financing the Road to Ruin by Joseph Plummer

Do the Right Thing: The People's Economist Speaks by Walter E. Williams

Farm Problem, The by Paul L. Poirot

Economic Policy: Thoughts for Today and Tomorrow by Ludwig von Mises

Economics and the Environment: A Reconciliation by Walter Block

Economics for Real People: An Introduction to the Austrian School by Gene Callahan

Economics in One Lesson by Henry Hazlitt

Essential von Mises, The by Murray N. Rothbard

FDR's Folly: How Roosevelt and His New Deal Prolonged the Great Depression by Jim Powell

Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything by Stephen D Levitt

Free Banking: Theory, History, and a Laissez-Faire Model by Larry J. Sechrest

Free Market and Its Enemies, The: Pseudo-Science, Socialism, and Inflation by Ludwig von Mises

Freedomnomics: Why the Free Market Works and Other Half-Baked Theories Don't by John R. Lott Jr.

Gold, Peace & Prosperity by Ron Paul

Gold: The Once and Future Money by Nathan Lewis

Gold Wars: The Battle Against Sound Money as Seen From a Swiss Perspective by Ferdinand Lips

Golden Constant, The: The English and American Experience, 1560-1976 by Roy William Jastram

History of Money and Banking in the United States, A: The Colonial Era to World War II by Murray N. Rothbard

How an Economy Grows and Why it Doesn’t by Irwin A. Schiff and Vic Lockman

How Capitalism Saved America by Thomas DiLorenzo

Human Action: A Treatise on Economics by Ludwig von Mises

I, Pencil by Leonard Read

Interventionalism: An Economic Analysis by Ludwig von Mises

Law, Legislation and Liberty, Volume 1: Rules and Order by F. A. Hayek

Law, Legislation and Liberty, Volume 2: The Mirage of Social Justice by F. A. Hayek

Law, Legislation and Liberty, Volume 3: The Political Order of a Free People by F. A. Hayek

Kingdom of Moltz, The by Irwin A. Schiff

Logic of Action, The by Murray N. Rothbard

Macroeconomics: Private Markets and Public Choice by Robert B. Ekelund

Making Economic Sense by Murray N. Rothbard

Man, Economy, and State with Power & Market by Murray N. Rothbard

Meltdown: A Free-Market Look at Why the Stock Market Collapsed, the Economy Tanked, and Government Bailouts Will Make Things Worse by Thomas Woods

Mind and the Market, The: Capitalism in Modern European Thought by Jerry Z. Muller

Mises and Austrian Economics: A Personal View by Ron Paul

Monetary Sin of the West, The by Jacques Rueff

Money and Freedom by Hans F. Sennholz

Money, Bank Credit, and Economic Cycles by Jesus Huerta de Soto

Money Mischief: Episodes in Monetary History by Milton Friedman

Mystery of Banking, The by Murry Rothbard

Noblest Triumph, The: Property and Prosperity Through the Ages by Tom Bethell

Not a Zero Sum Game by Manuel F. Ayau

Panic of 1819, The: Reactions and Policies by Murray N. Rothbard

Pillars of Prosperity by Ron Paul

Politically Incorrect Guide to Capitalism, The by Robert Murphy

Politically Incorrect Guide to the Great Depression and the New Deal, The by Robert Murphy

Principles of Economics by Carl Menger

Production of Security, The by Gustave de Molinari

Privatization of Roads and Highways, The by Walter Block

Progress and Poverty by Henry George

Radicals for Capitalism: A Freewheeling History of the Modern American Libertarian Movement by Brian Doherty

Regulating the Poor: The Functions of Public Welfare by Frances Fox Priven and Richard Cloward

Reigning Error, The: The Crisis of World Inflation by William Rees-Mogg

Road to Serfdom, The by F A Hayek

Theory and History: An Interpretation of Social and Economic Evolution by Ludwig von Mises

Theory of Money and Credit, The by Ludwig von Mises

Treatise on Political Economy, A: or. The Production Distribution and Consumption of Wealth. by Jean Baptiste Say

Twilight of Gold 1914-1936, The: Myths and Realities by Melchior Palyi

Two Faces of Money, The by Geraldine Perry & Ken Fousek

Unwarranted Intrusions: The Case Against Government Intervention in the Marketplace by Martin S. Fridson

Wealth of Nations, The by Adam Smith

Web of Debt: The Shocking Truth About Our Money System and How We Can Break Free by Ellen Hodgson Brown

What Has Government Done to Our Money? and the Case for the 100 Percent Gold Dollar by Murray N. Rothbard

Why Wages Rise by F. A. Harper


Closing of the American Mind, The by Alan Bloom

Conspiracy of Ignorance, The: The Failure of American Public Schools by Martin L. Gross

Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, The by Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt

Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling by John Gatto

Education: Free & Compulsory by Murray N. Rothbard

Everything You Know Is Wrong: The Disinformation Guide to Secrets and Lies by Russ Kick

Language Police: How Pressure Groups Restrict What Students Learn, The by Diane Ravitch

Learning All The Time by John Holt

Market Education: The Unknown History by Andrew Coulson

Myths, Lies and Downright Stupidity: Get Out the Shovel - Why Everything You Know is Wrong by John Stossel

Politically Incorrect Guide to the South, The by Clint Johnson

Schools We Deserve, The by Diane Ravitch

Troubled Crusade: American Education, 1945-1980, The by Diane Ravitch

Underground History Of American Education, The by John Taylor Gatto

Weapons of Mass Instruction: A Schoolteacher's Journey Through the Dark World of Compulsory Schooling by John Taylor Gatto

Federal Reserve System

America's Money Machine: The Story of the Federal Reserve by Elgin Groseclose

Case Against the Fed, The by Murray N. Rothbard

Creature From Jekyll Island, The: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve by G. Edward Griffin

Deception and Abuse at the Fed: Henry B. Gonzalez Battles Alan Greenspan's Bank by Robert D. Auerbach

End the Fed by Ron Paul

Greenspan's Bubbles: The Age of Ignorance at the Federal Reserve by William Fleckenstein and Fred Sheehan

Origins of the Federal Reserve System: Money, Class, and Corporate Capitalism, 1890-1913 by James Livingston

Secrets of the Federal Reserve, The: The London Connection by Eustace Mullins

Secrets of the Temple: How the Federal Reserve Runs the Country by William Greider

Thieves in the Temple by Andre Michael Eggelletion

Finance & Investing

Adventure Capitalist: The Ultimate Road Trip by Jim Rogers

Against the Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk by Peter L. Bernstein

America's Bubble Economy: Profit When It Pops by David Wiedemer, et al.

At the Crest of the Tidal Wave: A Forecast for the Great Bear Market by Robert R. Prechter Jr.

Bull in China, A: Investing Profitably in the World's Greatest Market by Jim Rogers

Capital Ideas Evolving by Peter L. Bernstein

Collapse of the Dollar and How to Profit from It, The: Make a Fortune by Investing in Gold and Other Hard Assets by James Turk and John Rubino

Conquer the Crash: You Can Survive and Prosper in a Deflationary Depression by Robert R. Prechter Jr.

Crash Proof by Peter D. Schiff

Demise of the Dollar..., The: And Why It's Even Better for Your Investments by Addison Wiggin

Demon of Our Own Design, A: Markets, Hedge Funds, and the Perils of Financial Innovation by Richard Bookstaker

Devil Take the Hindmost: A History of Financial Speculation by Edward Chancellor

Dollar Crisis, The: Causes, Consequences, Cures by Richard Duncan

Economic Time Bomb, The: How You Can Profit From the Emerging Crises by Harry Browne

Empire of Debt: The Rise of an Epic Financial Crisis by William Bonner and Addison Wiggin

Essays of Warren Buffett, The: Lessons for Corporate America by Warren E. Buffett

Fail-Safe Investing: Lifelong Financial Security in 30 Minutes by Harry Browne

Financial Armageddon: Protecting Your Future from Four Impending Catastrophes by Michael J. Panzner

Handbook of Inflation Hedging Investments, The: Enhance Performance and Protect Your Portfolio from Inflation Risk by Robert Greer

Hot Commodities: How Anyone Can Invest Profitably in the World's Best Market by Jim Rogers

How to Trade In Stocks by Jesse Livermore

How You Can Profit From the Coming Devaluation by Harry Browne

Investment Biker: Around the World with Jim Rogers by Jim Rogers

Law of Success, The by Napoleon Hill

Little Book of Bull Moves in Bear Markets, The: How to Keep Your Portfolio Up When the Market is Down by Peter D. Schiff

Manias, Panics, and Crashes: A History of Financial Crises by Charles P. Kindleberger

Millionaire Next Door, The by Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danko

Mobs, Messiahs, and Markets: Surviving the Public Spectacle in Finance and Politics by William Bonner and Lila Rajiva

Money Game, The by Adam Smith (George Goodman)

Overspent American, The: Why We Want What We Don't Need by Juliet B. Schor

Richest Man in Babylon, The by George S. Clason

Reminiscences of a Stock Operator by Edwin Lefevre

Silver Profits in the New Century by Theodore Butler

Think and Grow Rich! by Napoleon Hill

Tightwad Gazette, Complete by Amy Dacyczyn

Way to Wealth, The by Benjamin Franklin

Why the Best-Laid Investment Plans Usually Go Wrong & How You Can Find Safety & Profit in an Uncertain World by Harry Browne

You Can Profit From a Monetary Crisis by Harry Browne

Freedom & Liberty

5000 Year Leap, The: A Miracle That Changed the World by W. Cleon Skousen

Ain't Nobody's Business if You Do by Peter McWilliams

Anarchy, State, And Utopia by Robert Nozick

Birth of Freedom, The by John E. Lewis

Cato's Letters or Essays on Liberty, Civil and Religious, and Other Important Subjects by John Trenchard and Thomas Gordon

Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau

Cliches of Politics by Foundation for Economic Education

Complete Libertarian Forum 1969 - 1984, The by Murray N. Rothbard

Complete Liberty: The Demise of the State and the Rise of Voluntary America by Wes Bertrand

Conceived in Liberty by Murray N. Rothbard

Constitution of Liberty, The by Friedrich A. Hayek

Cornerstone of Liberty: Property Rights in 21st Century America by Timothy Sandefur

Discovery of Freedom, The by Rose Wilder Lane

Egalitarianism as a Revolt Against Nature and Other Essays by Murray N. Rothbard

Essays on Liberty Volume II by Foundation For Economic Education

Essays on Sex Equality by John Stuart Mill, Harriet Taylor Mill

Ethics of Liberty, The by Murray N. Rothbard

Everyday Anarchy by Stefan Molyneux

For a New Liberty: The Libertarian Manifesto by Murray Rothbard

Freedom in Chains by James Bovard

Freedom, Loyalty, Dissent by Henry Steele Commager

Freedom Philosophy, The by Paul L. Poirot

From Freedom To Slavery: The Rebirth of Tyranny in America by Gerry Spence

Give Me Liberty: Freeing Ourselves in the Twenty-First Century by Gerry Spence

Inclined to Liberty by Louis E. Carabini

Lever Action: Essays on Liberty by L. Neil Smith

For a New Liberty: The Libertarian Manifesto by Murray N. Rothbard

Free to Choose: A Personal Statement by Milton Friedman

Freedom, Inequality, Primitivism, and the Division of Labor by Murray N. Rothbard

Freedom Next Time: Resisting the Empire by John Pilger

Freedom Under Siege by Ron Paul

Great Libertarian Offer, The by Harry Browne

Healing Our World in an Age of Aggression by Mary J. Ruwart

How I Found Freedom In An Unfree World by Harry Browne

Lend Me Your Ears: Great Speeches in History by William Safire

Liberalism by Ludwig von Mises

Libertarianism: A Primer by David Boaz

Libertarian: Short Answers to Tough Questions by Mary J Ruwart

Libertarian Idea, The by Jan Narveson

Libertarian Reader, The: Classic and Contemporary Writings from Lao Tzu to Milton Friedman by David Boaz

Libertarian Theology of Freedom, The by Edmund A. Opitz

Liberty: A Path to Its Recovery by F. A. Harper

Liberty A-Z : 872 Libertarian Soundbites You Can Use Right Now! by Harry Browne

Liberty at Risk by Gary DeMar

Liberty In Eclipse: The Rise of the Homeland Security State by William Norman Grigg

Liberty in Troubled Times: A Libertarian Guide to Laws, Politics and Society in a Terrorized World by James Walsh

Liberty of Conscience: In Defense of America's Tradition of Religious Equality by Martha Nussbaum

Liberty Versus the Tyranny of Socialism: Controversial Essays by Walter E. Williams

Lost Rights: The Destruction of American Liberty by James Bovard

Love of Liberty, The by Leonard Edward Read

Machinery of Freedom, The by David Friedman

Mainspring of Human Progress, The by Henry Grady Weaver

Market for Liberty, The by Morris Tannehill and Linda Tannehill

Molon Labe! by Boston T. Party

More Liberty Means Less Government: Our Founders Knew This Well by Walter E. Williams

Neither Liberty nor Safety: Fear, Ideology, and the Growth of Government by Robert Higgs

No Treason by Lysander Spooner

On Liberty by John Stuart Mill

On Liberty: Man v. The State by Milton Mayer

Our Enemy, the State by Albert J. Nock

Our Sacred Honor: The Stories, Letters, Songs, Poems, Speeches, and Hymns that Gave Birth to Our Nation by William J. Bennett

Perilous Times: Free Speech in Wartime from the Sedition Act of 1798 to the War on Terrorism by Geoffrey R. Stone

Philosophy of Freedom, The: The Basis for a Modern World Conception by Rudolf Steiner

Planned Chaos by Ludwig von Mises

Practical Anarchy by Stefan Molyneux

Politics of Freedom, The: Taking on The Left, The Right and Threats to Our Liberties by David Boaz

Psychology of Liberty, The by Wes Bertrand

Realizing Freedom: Libertarian Theory, History, and Practice by Tom G. Palmer

Return to Common Sense, A by Thomas Mullen

Rights of Man by Thomas Paine

Second Treatise of Government by John Locke

State of the Union, The by Albert J. Nock

Speaking of Liberty by Llewellyn Rockwell Jr

State Against Blacks by Walter E. Williams

Triumph of Liberty, The: A 2,000 Year History Told Through the Lives of Freedom's Greatest Champions by James Powell

Vices Are Not Crimes: A Vindication of Moral Liberty by Lysander Spooner

What It Means to Be a Libertarian by Charles Murray

Why Freedom Matters: The Spirit of the Declaration of Independence in Prose, Poetry, and Song from 1776 to the Present by Daniel R. Katz

Why Government Doesn't Work by Harry Browne

You Can't Say That!: The Growing Threat to Civil Liberties from Antidiscrimination Laws by David E. Bernstein

Government Abuse of Power

Alien Ink: The FBI's War on Freedom of Expression by Natalie Robins

Ambush at Ruby Ridge by Alan W. Bock

End of Privacy: How Total Surveillance Is Becoming a Reality by Reg Whitaker

Federal Siege, The at Ruby Ridge by Randy & Sara Weaver

Lost Liberties: Ashcroft and the Assault on Personal Freedom by Cynthia Brown

Political Prisoners in America by Charles Goodell

Search for the "Manchurian Candidate": The CIA and Mind Control by John D. Marks

Tiananmen Papers by Liang Zhang, Andrew J. Nathan

Trials of Lenny Bruce: The Fall and Rise of an American Icon by Ronald Collins

War on the West: Government Tyranny on America's Great Frontier by William Perry Pendley

Health & Food

Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle by Tom Venuto

Cancer is Not a Disease! It's a Survival Mechanism by Andreas Moritz

Cure, The: How Capitalism Can Save American Health Care by David Gratzer

Death by Diet by Robert R. Barefoot

Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser

Fat Land by Greg Critser

Fluoride Deception, The by Christopher Bryson

Food of the Gods by Terence Mckenna

How to Live Longer And Feel Better by Linus Pauling

Jungle, The by Upton Sinclair

Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Weston A. Price

SAS Personal Trainer by John "Lofty" Wiseman

Seeds of Deception: Exposing Industry and Government Lies About the Safety of the Genetically Engineered Foods You're Eating by Jeffrey M. Smith

Timeless Secrets of Health & Rejuvenation by Andreas Moritz

We Want to Live by Aajonus Vonderplanitz

World Without Cancer by G. Edward Griffin

Your Body's Many Cries for Water by Fereydoon Batmanghelidj


1776 by David McCullough

33 Questions About American History You're Not Supposed to Ask by Thomas Woods

Adams-Jefferson Letters, The: The Complete Correspondence Between Thomas Jefferson and Abigail and John Adams by John Adams

Affairs of Honor: National Politics in the New Republic by Professor Joanne B. Freeman

American Colonies: The Settling of North America by Alan Taylor

American Crisis, The by Thomas Paine

American Scripture: Making the Declaration of Independence by Pauline Maier

Christmas Truce: The Western Front December 1914 by Malcolm Brown

Common Sense by Thomas Paine

Democracy: An American Novel by Henry Adams

Democracy in America by Alexis de Tocqueville

Doubt: A History: The Great Doubters and Their Legacy of Innovation from Socrates to Thomas Jefferson by Jennifer Hecht

First Salute, The by Barbara W. Tuchman

Founding Myths: Stories that Hide our Patriotic Past by Ray Raphael

Freedom Just Around the Corner: A New American History: 1585-1828 by Walter A. McDougall

From Mutual Aid to the Welfare State: Fraternal Societies and Social Services, 1890-1967 by David Beito

God of the Machine, The by Isabel Paterson and Stephen D. Cox

History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, The by Edward Gibbon

The House of Rothschild: Volume 1: Money's Prophets: 1798-1848 by Niall Ferguson

The House of Rothschild: Volume 2: The World's Banker: 1849-1999 by Niall Ferguson

The House of Morgan: An American Banking Dynasty and the Rise of Modern Finance by Ron Chernow

I Love Paul Revere, Whether He Rode or Not by Richard Shenkman

The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution by Bernard Bailyn

Impending Crisis, The: 1848-1861 by David M. Potter

James Madison: Writings: Writings 1772-1836 by James Madison

Legends, Lies, and Cherished Myths of American History by Richard Shenkman

Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong by James W. Loewen

My Dearest Friend: Letters of Abigail and John Adams by Abigail Adams and John Adams

Myth of the Robber Barons, The by Burton W. Folsom

Old Revolutionaries: Political Lives in the Age of Samuel Adams by Pauline Maier

Patriots: The Men Who Started the American Revolution by A. J. Langguth

Paul Revere's Ride by David Hackett Fischer

People's History of the United States: 1492 to Present by Howard Zinn

The Perils of Prosperity, 1914-1932 by William E. Leuchtenburg

Politically Incorrect Guide to American History, The by Thomas E Woods, Jr.

Politically Incorrect Guide to the Founding Fathers, The by Brion McClanahan

Prelude to Civil War: The Nullification Controversy in South Carolina, 1816-1836 by William W. Freehling

The Revolution Remembered: Eyewitness Accounts of the War for Independence by John C. Dann

Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, The by William L. Shirer

Throes of Democracy: The American Civil War Era 1829-1877 by Walter A. McDougall

William Penn's Holy Experiment: The Founding of Pennsylvania, 1681-1701 by Edwin B. Bronner

Individualism vs. Collectivism

Anthem by Ayn Rand

Anti-Capitalistic Mentality, The by Ludwig von Mises

Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand

Classical Individualism: The Supreme Importance of each Human Being by Tibor Machan

Collectivism: A False Utopia by William Henry Chamberlin

Driver, The by Garet Garret

Ego and His Own, The: The Case of the Individual Against Authority by Max Stirner

Fountainhead, The by Ayn Rand

Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology by Ayn Rand

Leftism Revisited: From De Sade and Marx to Hitler and Pol Pot by Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn

Libertarianism in One Lesson: Why Libertarianism Is the Best Hope for America's Future by David Bergland

Man Versus the State, The by Herbert Spencer

Marx-Engels Reader, The by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels

Marxism Unmasked: From Delusion to Destruction by Ludwig von Mises

Naked Communist, The by W. Cleon Skousen

On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and The Heroic in History by Thomas Carlyle

A Plea for Liberty: An Argument Against Socialism and Socialistic Legislation by Thomas Mackay

Socialism by Ludwig von Mises

Virtue of Selfishness, The by Ayn Rand

Voice of Reason: Essays in Objectivist Thought by Ayn Rand

We the Living by Ayn Rand

What Social Classes Owe to Each Other by William Graham Sumner

Know Thy Enemy

Anglo-American Establishment, The by Carroll Quigley

Communist Manifesto, The by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels

General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, The by John Maynard Keynes

Mein Kampf by Adolph Hitler

Naked Capitalist, The by W. Cleon Skousen

On Globalization by George Soros

Population and the American Future: The Report of the Commission on Population Growth and the American Future headed by John D. Rockefeller III

Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinskey

Tragedy & Hope: A History of the World in Our Time by Carroll Quigley

Law & The Founding Documents

American Ideal of 1776, The: The Twelve Basic American Principles by Hamilton Abert Long

Anti-Federalist Papers, The by Ralph Ketcham

Antitrust: The Case for Repeal by Dominick T. Armentano

Articles of Confederation, The

Be Your Own Detective by Greg Fallis

Beat Your Ticket: Go to Court & Win by David Brown

Biggest "Tax Loophole" of All, The by Otto Skinner

Bill of Rights, The: With Writings That Formed Its Foundation

Bill of Wrongs: The Executive Branch's Assault on America's Fundamental Rights by Molly Ivins

Citizens Rule Book

Common Law, The by Oliver Wendell Holmes

Confederate Constitution of 1861, The: An Inquiry into American Constitutionalism by Marshall L. Derosa

Constitution of Liberty, The by F.A. Hayek

Constitution of the Confederate States of America, The

Constitution of the United States of America, The

Constitutional Chaos: What Happens When the Government Breaks Its Own Laws by Andrew P. Napolitano

Constitution in Exile, The: How the Federal Government Has Seized Power by Rewriting the Supreme Law of the Land by Judge Napolitano

Constitutional Journal: A Correspondent's Report from the Convention of 1787 by Jeffrey St. John

County Sheriff, The by Richard Mack

Court VS the People: A Study of the Polemics Used to revise the Constitution, The by William J. Palmer

Courts on Trial by Jerome Frank

Decision in Philadelphia: The Constitutional Convention of 1787 by Christopher Collier

Declaration of Independence, The

Early Greek Lawgivers by John Lewis

Essay on the Trial By Jury, An by Lysander Spooner

Federalist Papers, The by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay

Forge of Union Anvil of Liberty: A Correspondent's Report on the First Federal Elections, the First Federal Congress, and the Bill of Rights by Jeffrey St. John

From Magna Carta to the Constitution: Documents in the Struggle for Liberty by David L. Brooks

Gideon's Trumpet by Anthony Lewis

Go Directly to Jail: The Criminalization of Almost Everything by Gene Healy

Good to be King: The Foundation of Our Constitutional Freedom by Michael Badnarik

Historical American Documents

Hologram of Liberty: The Constitution's Shocking Alliance With Big Government by Boston T. Party

How to Dethrone the Imperial Judiciary by Edwin Vieira

How Progressives Rewrote the Constitution by Richard Epstein

In the Hands of the People : The Trial Jury's Origins, Triumphs, Troubles, and Future in American Democracy by William L Dwyer

Jury Nullification: The Evolution of a Doctrine by Clay S. Conrad

Law, The by Frédéric Bastiat

Law That Never Was, The: The Fraud of the 16th Amendment and Personal Income Tax by Bill Benson

Magna Carta Manifesto, The: Liberties and Commons for All by Peter Linebaugh

Making of America, The: The Substance and Meaning of the Constitution by W. Cleon Skousen

Miranda Revisited: The Case of Dickerson V. U.S. and Suspect Rights Advisements in the United States by Frank Schmalleger

One Nation, Indivisible? A Study of Secession and the Constitution by Robert F. Hawes Jr.

Original Intent and the Framer's Constitution by Leonard W. Levy

Politically Incorrect Guide to the Constitution, The by Kevin R. C. Gutzman

The Process of Legal Research by Deborah Schmedemann

Proper Role of Law Enforcement, The by Richard Mack

Redeeming American Democracy: Lessons from the Confederate Constitution by Marshall L. Derosa

Republic and The Laws, The by Cicero

Restoring the Lost Constitution: The Presumption of Liberty by Randy E. Barnett

Spirit of Laws, The by Charles de Secondat baron de Montesquieu

Takings: Private Property and the Power of Eminent Domain by Richard Epstein

Tempting of America: The Political Seduction of the Law. by Robert H. Bork

Tyranny of Good Intentions, The: How Prosecutors and Law Enforcement Are Trampling the Constitution in the Name of Justice by Paul Craig Roberts and Lawrence M. Stratton

Underground Lawyer, The by Michael Louis Minns

Unruly Americans and the Origins of the Constitution by Woody Holton

Who Killed the Constitution?: The Fate of American Liberty from World War I to George W. Bush by Thomas E. Woods Jr. and Kevin R. C. Gutzman

Mainstream Media & The General Populace

Attention Deficit Democracy by James Bovard

Best Democracy Money Can Buy, The by Greg Palast

Breaking The News: How the Media Undermine American Democracy by James Fallows

Closing of the American Mind, The by Alan Bloom

Cognitive Therapy and Emotional Disorders by Aaron T. Beck

Crimes Against Logic by Jamie Whyte

Crowd, The by Gustave Le Bon

Distracted: The Erosion of Attention and the Coming Dark Age by Maggie Jackson

Envy: A Theory of Social Behaviour by Helmut Schoeck

Extraordinary Popular Delusions & the Madness of Crowds by Charles Mackay

Folkways: A Study of Mores, Manners, Customs and Morals by William Graham Sumner

George Washington's Rules of Civility & Decent Behavior in Company and Conversation by George Washington

Guilty: Liberal "Victims" and Their Assault on America by Ann Coulter RPF Book Review

Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies by Jared Diamond

How to Lie With Statistics by Darrell Huff

In Sheep's Clothing: Understanding and Dealing with Manipulative People by George K. Simon Jr.

Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media by Noam Chomsky

Myth of the Rational Voter, The: Why Democracies Choose Bad Policies by Bryan Caplan

Nation of Sheep, A by Andrew P. Napolitano

Overblown: How Politicians and the Terrorism Industry Inflate National Security Threats, and Why We Believe Them by John Mueller

Plagues and Peoples by William McNeill

Project Censored Series

Public Opinion by Walter Lippmann

Secrets of Libertarian Persuasion by Michael Cloud

Quick & Easy Way to Effective Speaking, The by Dale Carnegie

Regulated Consumer, The by Mary Bennett Peterson

Rise of the West, The: A History of the Human Community by William McNeill

Ten Things You Can't Say in America, The by Larry Elder

Thinking Strategically: The Competitive Edge in Business, Politics, and Everyday Life by Avinash K. Dixit and Barry J. Nalebuff

True Believer, The: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements by Eric Hoffer

Unspeak: How Words Become Weapons, How Weapons Become a Message, and How That Message Becomes Reality by Steven Poole

War and Press Freedom: The Problem of Prerogative Power by Jeffrey Alan Smith

War Made Easy: How Presidents and Pundits Keep Spinning Us to Death by Norman Solomon

Wisdom of Crowds, The by James Surowiecki

You Are Being Lied To: The Disinformation Guide to Media Distortion, Historical Whitewashes and Cultural Myths by Russ Kick

You Are STILL Being Lied To: The NEW Disinformation Guide to Media Distortion, Historical Whitewashes and Cultural Myths by Russ Kick

National Sovereignty

Shadows of Power, The: The Council on Foreign Relations and the American Decline by James Perloff

U.N. Exposed, The: How the United Nations Sabotages America's Security and Fails the World by Eric Shawn

United Nations Exposed, The by William F. Jasper

Oil & Energy

Anglo-American Oil War, The: International Politics and the Struggle for Foreign Petroleum, 1912-1945 by Fiona Venn

Black Gold Stranglehold: The Myth of Scarcity and the Politics of Oil by Jerome R. Corsi and Craig R. Smith

Blood and Oil : The Dangers and Consequences of America's Growing Dependency on Imported Petroleum by Michael T. Klare

Century of War, A: Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order by F. William Engdahl

Crossing the Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil By Michael C. Ruppert

End of Oil, The: On the Edge of a Perilous New World by Paul Roberts

Energy Non Crisis, The by Lindsey Williams

Oil and the Glory, The: The Pursuit of Empire and Fortune on the Caspian Sea by Steve LeVine

Oil Card, The: Global Economic Warfare in the 21st Century by James R. Norman

Oil! by Upton Sinclair

Powerdown: Options and Actions for a Post-Carbon World by Richard Heinburg

Prize, The: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money & Power by Daniel Yergin

Resource Wars: The New Landscape of Global Conflict by Michael T. Klare

Seven Sisters, The: The Great Oil Companies & the World They Shaped by Anthony Sampson

Shell Game, The by Steve Alten

Thousand Barrels a Second, A: The Coming Oil Break Point and the Challenges Facing an Energy Dependent World by Peter Tertzakian

Twilight in the Desert: The Coming Saudi Oil Shock and the World Economy by Matthew R. Simmons

Philosophy & Worldview

Abolition of Man, The by C.S. Lewis

Actual Ethics by James R. Otteson

Age of Reason, The by Thomas Paine

Aeneid, The by Virgil

Analects, The by Confucius

Art of Living, The: The Classic Manual on Virtue, Happiness, and Effectiveness by Epictetus

Art of Virtue, The by Benjamin Franklin

Beyond Good & Evil by Friedrich Nietzsche

Book of Disquiet, The by Fernando Pessoa

Cantos of Ezra Pound, The by Ezra Pound

Cogitations by Albert Jay Nock

Confessions of Jean Jacques Rousseau, The by Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Critique of Pure Reason, The by Immanuel Kant

Dedication And Leadership by Douglas Hyde

Discourses by Machiavelli

Dragons of Eden, The: Speculations on the Evolution of Human Intelligence by Carl Sagan

Euclid's Elements by Euclid

Finite and Infinite Games by James P. Carse

First Principles by Herbet Spencer

Five Dialogues by Plato

Game Theory Evolving by Herbert Gintis

Handbook to Higher Consciousness by Ken Keyes, Jr.

Histories, The by Herodotus

Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach

Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach

Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight, The: Revised and Updated: The Fate of the World and What We Can Do Before It's Too Late by Thom Hartmann

Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes

Magus, The by John Fowles

Meditations by Marcus Aurelius

Nicomachean Ethics, The by Aristotle

Nietzsche's Epic of the Soul: Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Friedrich Nietzsche

On the Nature of the Universe by Lucretius

Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth by R. Buckminster Fuller

Out of Control: The New Biology of Machines, Social Systems, & the Economic World by Kevin Kelly

Philosophical Dictionary by Voltaire

Philosophy: Who Needs It by Ayn Rand

Political Writings by John Locke

Politics by Aristotle

Power of Myth, The by Joseph Campbell and Bill Moyers

Powers of Mind by Adam Smith (George Goodman)

The Problems of Philosophy by Bertrand Russell

Prophet, The by Khalil Gibran

Republic, The by Plato

Risk by John Adams

Road to Wigan Pier, The by George Orwell

Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse

Simulacra and Simulation by Jean Baudrillard

Tao Te Ching by Lao-Tse

Theory of Moral Sentiments, The by Adam Smith

Tipping Point, The: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference by Malcolm Gladwell

Unpopular Essays by Bertrand Russell

Ulysses by James Joycce

Walden by Henry David Thoreau

Wave Principle of Human Social Behavior, The and The New Science of Socionomics by Robert R. Prechter

Wants of a Man, The by John Quincy Adams

Will to Doubt, The by Bertrand Russell

Wisdom of the West by Bertrand Russell

Genuine Works Of Hippocrates, The by Hippocrates

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert M. Pirsig

Politics, Government & Power

48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene

American Conservatism: An Encyclopedia by Bruce Frohnen

Before the Storm: Barry Goldwater and the Unmaking of the American Consensus by Rick Perlstein

Best-Laid Plans, The: How Government Planning Harms Your Quality of Life, Your Pocketbook, and Your Future by Randal O'Toole

Betrayal of the American Right by Murray N. Rothbard

Biggest Con, The: How the Government Is Fleecing You by Irwin A. Schiff

Breach of Trust by Tom Coburn

Bureaucracy by Ludwig von Mises

Burning Money: The Waste of Your Tax Dollars by J. Peter Grace

''But Who Will Build The Roads?'': Market Anarchy Explained by Francois Tremblay

Conscience of a Conservative by Barry Goldwater

Country Squire in the White House by John T. Flynn

Day of Reckoning: How Hubris, Ideology, and Greed Are Tearing America Apart by Pat Buchanan

Death of the West, The by Pat Buchanan

Democracy in America by Alexis de Tocqueville

Discourses Concerning Government by Algernon Sidney

Downsizing the Federal Government by Chris Edwards

Encyclopedia of Libertarianism, The by Ronald Hamowy

End of America, The: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot by Naomi Wolf

Fatal Conceit, The: The Errors of Socialism by Friedrich A. Hayek

Free Soil, Free Labor, Free Men: The Ideology of the Republican Party before the Civil War by Eric Foner

Freedom and Federalism by Felix Morley

General Ashcroft: Attorney at War by Nancy V. Baker

Gulag Archipelago, The: 1918-1956 by Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn

Invasion of the Party Snatchers: How the Holy-Rollers and the Neo-Cons Destroyed the GOP by Victor Gold

Impostor: How George W. Bush Bankrupted America and Betrayed the Reagan Legacy by Bruce Bartlett

Inside Congress: The Shocking Scandals, Corruption, and Abuse of Power Behind the Scenes on Capitol Hill by Ronald Kessler

In Our Hands: A Plan to Replace the Welfare State by Charles Murray

Insatiable Government by Garet Garrett

It Can't Happen Here by Sinclair Lewis

Knowledge And Decisions by Thomas Sowell

The Last Best Hope by Joe Scarborough RPF Book Review

Late Great USA, The by Jerome Corsi

Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, From Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning by Jonah Goldberg

Limits of Power, The: The End of American Exceptionalism by Andrew Bacevich

Losing Ground: American Social Policy, 1950-1980 by Charles Murray

Men Against the State: The Expositors of Individualist Anarchism, 1827-1908 by James J. Martin

Moscow to the End of the Line by Venedikt Eurofeev

Nemesis: The Last Days of the American Republic by Chalmers Johnson

None Dare Call It Conspiracy by Gary Allen

None Dare Call It Treason by john stormer

Organize for Victory by Freedom First Society

On Government by Marcus Tullius Cicero

People's Pottage, The by Garet Garrett

Politician, The: His Habits, Outcries, and Protective Coloring by James Harold Wallis

Politics by Aristotle

Power Elite, The by C. Wright Mills

Power of the Powerless, The: Citizens Against the State in Central-Eastern Europe by Vaclav Havel

Prince, The by Machiavelli

Puzzle Palace, The: Inside the National Security Agency, America's Most Secret Intelligence Organization by James Bamford

Revolution, The: A Manifesto by Ron Paul

Road Ahead / America's Creeping Revolution, The by John T. Flynn

Rome Wasn't Burnt in a Day by Joe Scarborough RPF Book Review

Roosevelt and Churchill: Men of Secrets by David Stafford

Rule by Secrecy: The Hidden History That Connects the Trilateral Commission, the Freemasons, and the Great Pyramids by Jim Marrs

Safire's Political Dictionary by William Safire

Secret History of the American Empire, The: The Truth About Economic Hit Men, Jackals, and How to Change the World by John Perkins

Shock Doctrine, The: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism by Naomi Klein

Social Contract, The by Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Sorrows of Empire, The: Militarism, Secrecy, and the End of the Republic by Chalmers Johnson

Summer Meditations by Vaclav Havel

They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933-45 by Milton Mayer

Triumph of Conservatism by Gabriel Kolko

True Story of the Bilderberg Group, The by Daniel Estulin

Upstream: The Ascendance of American Conservatism by Alfred S. Regnery

Vision of the Anointed, The: Self-Congratulation as a Basis for Social Policy by Thomas Sowell

Why Government is the Problem by Milton Friedman

Why I Write by George Orwell

Why Not Victory: A Fresh Look At American Foreign Policy by Barry M. Goldwater

Wreckage Begins with "W": Cartoons of the Bush Administration by Jeff Danziger and Frank Miller


After Prohibition: An Adult Approach to Drug Policies in the 21st Century by Timothy Lynch

Ain't Nobody's Business if You Do: The Absurdity of Consensual Crimes in a Free Society by Peter McWilliams

Drug Crazy : How We Got into This Mess and How We Can Get Out by Mike Gray

Drug War Addiction by Sheriff Bill Masters

Drug War Carol, A by Susan W. Wells and Scott Bieser

Drug War Crimes: The Consequences of Prohibition by Jeffrey A. Miron

Economics of Prohibition, The by Mark Thornton

Emperor Wears No Clothes, The: The Authoritative Historical Record of Cannabis and the Conspiracy Against Marijuana by Jack Herer

Ending the War on Drugs: A Solution for America by Dirk Chase Eldredge

Hep-Cats, Narcs, and Pipe Dreams: A History of America's Romance with Illegal Drugs by Jill Jonnes

Marijuana is Safer: So Why Are We Driving People to Drink? by Steve Fox, Paul Armentano and Mason Tvert

New Prohibition, The: Voices of Dissent Challenge the Drug War Foreword by Jesse Ventura

Pot Stories for the Soul by Paul Krassner

Reefer Madness: Sex, Drugs, and Cheap Labor in the American Black Market by Eric Schlosser

Shroom: A Cultural History of the Magic Mushroom by Andy Letcher

Storming Heaven: LSD and the American Dream by Jay Stevens

Understanding Marijuana: A New Look at the Scientific Evidence by Mitch Earleywine

Unjust and Counter Productive: New York's Rockefeller Drug Laws by PHR

Why Marijuana Should Be Legal by Ed Rosenthal and Steve Kubby

Why Our Drug Laws Have Failed: A Judicial Indictment Of War On Drugs by James Gray

Running For Office

Campaign Manager, The: Running and Winning Local Elections by Catherine Shaw

Get Out the Vote: How to Increase Voter Turnout by Donald P. Green

How to Run for Local Office : A Complete, Step-By-Step Guide That Will Take You Through the Entire Process of Running and Winning a Local Election by Robert J. Thomas

How to Win a Local Election by Lawrence Grey

Robert's Rules of Order by Henry M. Robert

Safire's Political Dictionary by William Safire

Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure, The by Alice Sturgis

Winning Local and State Elections by Ann Beaudry

Teaching Elephants to Talk by Matt Lewis


101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution: Ideas and Resources for Self-Liberation, Monkey Wrenching and Preparedness by Claire Wolfe

Advanced Hunting Tips & Techniques by Robert Elman

Alive by Piers Paul Read

Army Field Manual FM 21-76 (Survival, Evasion, and Recovery) by The United States Army

Crisis Preparedness Handbook: A Complete Guide to Home Storage and Physical Survival by Jack A. Spigarelli

Don't Shoot the Bastards (Yet): 101 More Ways to Salvage Freedom by Claire Wolfe

Emergency Food Storage & Survival Handbook: Everything You Need to Know to Keep Your Family Safe in a Crisis by Peggy Layton

Encyclopedia of Country Living, The by Carla Emery

Freedom Outlaw's Handbook, The: 179 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution by Claire Wolfe

Gardening When It Counts: Growing Food in Hard Times by Steve Soloman

Grunch of Giants by R. Buckminster Fuller

How to Stay Alive in the Woods: A Complete Guide to Food, Shelter and Self-Preservation Anywhere by Bradford Angier

No Such Thing As Doomsday: How to Prepare for Earth Changes, Power Outages, Wars & Other Threats by Philip Hoag

Nuclear War Survival Skills by Cresson H. Kearney

Patriots: Surviving the Coming Collapse: A Novel of the Turbulent Near Future by James Wesley Rawles

Producing Your Own Power: How to Make Nature's Energy Sources Work for You by Carol Hupping Stoner

SAS Survival Guide Handbook by John 'Lofty' Wiseman

Self-Sufficient Life and How to Live It, The by John Seymour

Soldier's Manual of Common Tasks by Department of the Army

Surviving the Unexpected Wilderness Emergency by Gene Fear

Ultimate Guide to Backcountry Travel by Michael Lanza

When All Hell Breaks Loose: Stuff You Need To Survive When Disaster Strikes by Cody Lundin

Where there is no Doctor: A Villiage Health Care Handbook by Jane Maxwell

War & Foreign Policy

After the Empire: The Breakdown of the American Order by Emmanuel Todd

The Age of Imperialism: The Economics of U.S. Foreign Policy by Harry Magdoff

Ain't My America: The Long, Noble History of Antiwar Conservatism and Middle-American Anti-Imperialism by Bill Kauffman

All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque

All the Shah's Men: An American Coup and the Roots of Middle East Terror by Stephen Kinzer

Armed Madhouse by Greg Palast

Arrogance of Power, The by J. William Fulbright

Art of War, The by Sun Tzu

As We Go Marching by John T Flynn

Back Door to War: The Roosevelt Foreign Policy, 1933-1941 by Charles Callan Tansill

Battle Cry of Freedom: The Civil War Era by James M. McPherson

Blackwater: The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army by Jeremy Scahill

Blowback: The Costs and Consequences of American Empire by Chalmers Johnson

Body of Secrets: Anatomy of the Ultra-Secret National Security Agency by James Bamford

The C-5A Scandal: A $5 Boondoggle by the Military-Industrial Complex by Berkeley Rice

Churchill, Hitler, and "The Unnecessary War": How Britain Lost Its Empire and the West Lost the World by Patrick J. Buchanan

CIA and the Cult of Intelligence, The by Victor Marchetti and John D. Marks

The Cult of the Atom: The Secret Papers of the Atomic Energy Commission by Daniel F Ford

Death by Government by R.J. Rummel

Deep Black by William E. Burroughs

Defend America First: The Antiwar Editorials of the Saturday Evening Post, 1939-1942 by Garet Garrett

Dying to Win: The Strategic Logic of Suicide Terrorism by Robert Pape

End of Victory Culture, The: Cold War America and the Disillusioning of a Generation by Tom Engelhardt

Endless Enemies, The Making of an Unfriendly World by Jonathan Kwitny

Foreign Affairs and the U.S. Constitution by Louis Henkin

Foreign Policy of Freedom, A by Ron Paul

Ghost: Confessions of a Counterterrorism Agent by Fred Burton

Ghost Wars: The Secret History of the CIA, Afghanistan, and Bin Laden, from the Soviet Invasion to September 10, 2001 by Steve Coll

We Who Dared to Say No to War: American Antiwar Writing From 1812 to Now by Murray Polner and Thomas E. Woods, Jr.

History of the Peloponnesian War by Thucydides

Homage to Catalonia by George Orwell

Illusion of Victory, The: America in World War I by Thomas Fleming

Imperial Brain Trust: The Council on Foreign Relations and United States Foreign Policy by Laurence H. Shoup and William Minter

Imperial Hubris: Why the West is Losing the War on Terror by Michael Scheuer

Imperial Life in the Emerald City: Inside Iraq's Green Zone by Rajiv Chandrasekaran

Johnny Got His Gun by Dalton Trumbo and Ron Kovic

Killer Angels, The by Michael Shaara

Legacy of Ashes: The History of the CIA by Tim Weiner

March of Folly, The: From Troy to Vietnam by Barbara W. Tuchman

Marching Toward Hell: America and Islam After Iraq by Michael Scheuer

Minutemen: The Battle to Secure America's Borders by Jim Gilchrist and Jerome R. Corsi

Narrative of a Revolutionary Soldier, A by Joseph Plumb Martin

NATO`s Empty Victory: A Postmortem on the Balkan War by Ted Galen Carpenter

New American Militarism, The: How Americans are Seduced by War by Andrew J. Bacevich

New Dealers' War, The: FDR and the War Within World War II by Thomas Fleming

On War by Clausewitz

Overthrow: America's Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq by Stephen Kinzer

Politically Incorrect Guide to the Civil War, The by H. W. Crocker III

Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam, The by Robert Spencer

Pretext for War, A: 9/11, Iraq and the Abuse of America’s Intelligence Agencies by James Bamford

Republic, Not an Empire, A: Reclaiming America's Destiny by Patrick J. Buchanan

Secret War Report of the OSS by Anthony Cave Brown

Shooting the Moon: The True Story of an American Manhunt Unlike Any Other, Ever by David Harris

Terrorism and Tyranny: Trampling Freedom, Justice, and Peace to Rid the World of Evil by James Bovard

Terror in the Name of God: Why Religious Militants Kill by Jessica Stern

Through Our Enemies' Eyes: Osama Bin Laden, Radical Islam & the Future of America by Michael Scheuer

Top Secret: The Dictionary of Espionage and Intelligence by Bob Burton

Urban Guerrilla Warfare by Anthony James Joes

War is a Racket by Major General Smedley D. Butler

Wall Street, Banks, and American Foreign Policy by Murray N. Rothbard
War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy

War and Remembrance by Herman Wouk

War Prayer, The by Mark Twain

Where the Right Went Wrong: How Neoconservatives Subverted the Reagan Revolution and Hijacked the Bush Presidency by Pat Buchanan

Why Nations Go to War by John G. Stoessinger

Wilson's War: How Woodrow Wilson's Great Blunder Led to Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, and World War II by Jim Powell

Winds of War, The by Herman Wouk

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I am sure you can finish them all over a weekend. ;)

Haha, sobbing.

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