Dependence on Crime
So you may be wondering what the hell im talking about when i say dependence on crime. Well, Plain and simple, someone gtes on welfare maybe cause htye were going through school, leave home for awhile, maybe cause they have a temporary illusion of only being on welfare part time, but this can even apply to government diability systems such as ontario disability supports. but lets say you're a millenial, you're on welfare or disability, disability is a little bit different then welfare, first im gonna go with welfare, then disability.
So you're on welfare for whatever reason maybe that's all you kknow, nowadays you realize cannabis is safer than alcohol, maybe you're waiting to get your medical cannabis card, maybe you are influenced by media, and you watch movies about drug dealers and such. you miss the main part about how they all get busted, and you just see the dollar signs. you get welfare, lets say you get 700 dollars a month im not sure. you pay your rent say at 400, you pay our cellphone, you try to get the internet because you need it to apply for jobs. Lets say you go work out a deal with a buddy and you take your last 200 bucks, you figure okay well you still need milk, bus pass, maybe you want to be able to afford to smoke a couple grams a day, to relax, then the little bit of money you get you start thinking okay maybe if i pick up a little bit more or whatever. partying might start, you like the money, lets face it, drug dealing in some sense is the last libertarian non controlled business. until it gets legal. you start meeting new people, higher up, you eventually pick up a quarter pound, maybe half a pound, maybe if you're crazy, a pound or more. then the money just is too easy, and you get distracted by that and then maybe someone drops the ball and you get busted, then instantly your life changes. depending on the size of your town, ability to get a job, what do you need? money. get back on welfare, in your mind you cant get a job right away so o back to selling drugs. the cops take your profit your money, even 200 bucks in your money and reinvest it in police course, if they wanted to sell drugs they dont want too they will feed expenses money in govenrment. everytime you see a big bust on the news, every drug dealer the cops take down, another two pop up. so then you as the small town guy if you dont want to lose your town you are back to selling drugs whateverm ay be, from a libertarian side, you're not forcing anyone to buy your stuff, giving them a choice. i am not asaying to sell drugs, im just saying the government creates this cycle where you have no choice. at a certain point. if you're on disability, it's even worse because technically with disability you can't get a job, you're on disability forever. hence why i think the government creates a healthy society, its your only chance to gain independence.