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RE: I am tired of every tax cut being framed as a "hand out to rich." That is only true because the rich pay most of the taxes. If you have a problem with that then try to change the income distribution

in #libertarianism7 years ago

Lets start from the fundamentals. Nobody likes to be told to pay more taxes - regardless of whether one is "rich" or "poor" (where these terms usually refer to the moderate ranges of each scale).

However, there are a number of things that are off here - on both sides of the spectrum.

The poor look to the rich and feel that they should pay more taxes - but complain should they become entitled to the kinds of social services that they sometimes benefit from.

In fairness there is two sides to even this. Yes, the percentage of a rich person's earnings taxed tends to be less than that of a poor person.

However, per capita, they still contribute the greatest slice to the State - and it is only fair that they have the option of utilizing those services spawned from such.

On the other hand, the rich look upon the poor as being free-loaders who want to mooch off of their hard earned earnings.

In fairness for a poor person, often saddled with the debts fashionable so as to get modestly qualified and yet conveniently economy-shackled, that slice of tax that they pay may be substantially smaller in magnitude than that of the rich person - but it eats into their disposable income in a way that rich persons never have to worry about (they don't ever have to contemplate the prospect of something as simple as never eating out so as to make ends meet).

Also - yes, a fair number of poor persons do end up on welfare... and some have grown accepting of the status quo - but the story that is never told is the dreams that they had to learn to give up on as they exchanged them for a shoe-cupboard that they call their home - if lucky. And this without mentioning the stresses of an unappreciative workplace where employees are esteemed as one might a disposable tissue. Disposable tissues without a cushion of richness to fall back upon.

There is more to these issues than a single perspective and an effort at mutual understanding will make for a kinder World.

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