Quick Question - Does Steem community prefer long text posts? Or Linked videos w/ short description?
Example (short):
Freedom Solutions - Goals
● Walk through & build prototypes from ground up that impact your daily life by driving systems which bring freedom to a new industry:
○ P2P Software Being Built:
■ UberGuard - decentralized defense [safety]
■ ScienceStarter - from science to products [control innovation]
■ DeTube - decentralized youtube [anti-censorship]
● Show follows a similar methodology to #LeanStartups first conceptualized by Eric Ries- we focus on micro-experiments & iterate to prototype.
#fsdao #incubation #bit #p2p #decentralization #torrent #anarchy #freedom #ethereum #development #bitcoin
Both. Post enough to make it understandable and get the whole point across. If you post the whole article, include the author and link to the page so people can give them traffic if they want.
The clickbait half articles don't get votes or clicks.
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